
David Mastbaum

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Event Date



116 pages (includes illustrations).

Contains footnotes and references.

Contains 3 attachments:

1) Article titled, "No Park Is an Island: A Simple Solution for the Thorny Problem of Park Protection," by David Mastbaum, from Resource Law Notes, Natural Resources Law Center.

2) Paper titled, "National Park Service War Work: December 7, 1941 to June 30, 1944" prepared by National Park Service.

3) Paper titled, "An Alternative to the Allen-Warner Valley Energy System: A Technical and Economic Analysis," by The Environmental Defense Fund, July 1980.


It was Wallace Stegner who called the national parks "the best idea we ever had." The continuing increases in usage attest to their popularity. National parks are created to preserve areas of special scenic and cultural value for enjoyment and use. Managing the parks in a manner that protects the important values and purposes for which they were created presents important and difficult problems of law and policy.

The conference, External Development Affecting the National Parks: Preserving “The Best Idea We Ever Had,” focuses on the conflicts which arise when activities outside park boundaries significantly impair the values for which the park was created. An expert group of speakers looks at current problems involving external threats to national parks, examines legal issues associated with protecting park resources, considers institutional and jurisdictional problems, and discusses possible approaches for improving park protection.

Alternate Title

A Simple Solution to a Thorny Problem: Focusing on Alternatives
