Content Posted in 2019
Adventures in Higher Education, Happiness, and Mindfulness, Peter H. Huang
Arguing with the Building Inspector About Gender-Neutral Bathrooms, Jennifer S. Hendricks
Artificial Intelligence and Law: An Overview, Harry Surden
Book Review, Rabea N. Benhalim
Boost: Improving Mindfulness, Thinking, and Diversity, Peter H. Huang
Class Actions, Civil Rights, and the National Injunction, Suzette M. Malveaux
Copyright Arbitrage, Kristelia A. García
Data Collection, EHRs, and Poverty Determinations, Craig Konnoth
Death and Taxes: The Taxation of Accelerated Death Benefits for the Terminally Ill, Wayne M. Gazur
Dethroning the Hierarchy of Authority, Amy J. Griffin
Environmental Justice and the Possibilities for Environmental Law, Sarah Krakoff
From the Courtroom to the Classroom: How a Litigator Became a Transactional Drafting Professor, Amy Bauer
Human Rights Racism, Anna Spain Bradley
Inside the Black Box of Search Algorithms, Susan Nevelow Mart, Joe Breda, Ed Walters, Tito Sierra, and Khalid Al-Kofahi
Integration Matters: Rethinking the Architecture of International Dispute Resolution, Anna Spain
Law Professor Comment Letter on Harmonization of Private Offering Rules, Elisabeth D. de Fontenay; Erik Gerding; John Coffee, Jr.; James D. Cox; Stephen F. Diamond; Merritt B. Fox; Michael Guttentag; Colleen Honigsberg; Renee M. Jones; Donald Langevoort; Saule T. Omarova; James Park; Jeff Schwartz; Andrew F. Tuch; and Urska Velikonja
Lessons from Literal Crashes for Code, Margot Kaminski
Mens Rea Reform and Its Discontents, Benjamin Levin
Negotiating the Lender of Last Resort: The 1913 Federal Reserve Act as a Debate over Credit Distribution, Nadav Orian Peer
Powerful Speakers and Their Listeners, Helen Norton
Preclusion Law as a Model for National Injunctions, Suzette M. Malveaux
Pregnancy and the First Amendment, Helen Norton
Privacy's Double Standards, Scott Skinner-Thompson
Privacy's Double Standards: Public Disclosure Tort Case Chart (2006-2016), Scott Skinner-Thompson
Privatizing the Reservation?, Kristen A. Carpenter and Angela R. Riley
Recording as Heckling, Scott Skinner-Thompson
Religious Courts in Secular Jurisdictions: How Jewish and Islamic Courts Adapt to Societal and Legal Norms, Rabea Benhalim
Responsible Resource Development: A Strategic Plan to Consider Social and Cultural Impacts of Tribal Extractive Industry Development, Carla F. Fredericks, Kate Finn, Erica Gajda, and Jesse Heibel
Rethinking Public Land Use Planning, Mark Squillace
Sanctuary Networks and Integrative Enforcement, Ming Hsu Chen
Sex Wars as Proxy Wars, Aya Gruber
Shadow Health Records Meet New Data Privacy Laws, W. Nicholson Price II, Margot E. Kaminski, Timo Minssen, and Kayte Spector-Bagdady
Silence and the Second Wall, Ming H. Chen and Zachary New
Technological Rights Accretion, Kristelia A. García
The Architecture of Drama: How Lawyers Can Use Screenwriting Techniques to Tell More Compelling Stories, Teresa M. Bruce
The Chow: Depictions of the Criminal Justice System as a Character in Crime Fiction, Marianne Wesson
The Consensus Myth in Criminal Justice Reform, Benjamin Levin
The Disruptive Neuroscience of Judicial Choice, Anna Spain Bradley
The Evolution of Entrepreneurial Finance: A New Typology, J. Brad Bernthal
The Judicial Treatment of Noneconomic Compensatory Damages in the 19th Century, Ronald J. Allen and Alexia Brunet
The Left's Law-and-Order Agenda, Aya Gruber
The LGBT Piece of the Underenforcement-Overenforcement Puzzle, Aya Gruber
The Potemkin Temptation or, The Intoxicating Effect of Rhetoric and Narrativity on American Craft Whiskey, Derek H. Kiernan-Johnson
The Right to Explanation, Explained, Margot E. Kaminski
The Uses and Abuses of the Government's Tools of Information Control, Helen Norton
Thinking Fast and Slow About the Concept of Materiality, Mark J. Loewenstein
Toward a Next Generation Regulatory Strategy, Philip J. Weiser
Tracking Colorado Legislation, Robert Linz
Who Regulates the Robots, Margot Kaminski