Content Posted in 2024
Concerning the Provision of a State Income Tax Checkoff for the Sup-port of the United States Olympic Committee., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Bail Bonds., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Benefits for Firemen and Policemen, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Benefits Under the "Workmen's Compensation Act of Colorado", Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Breath-Testing Devices to Law Enforcement Agencies., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Child Welfare Services., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of County Services to the Aged, and Providing That the Board of County Commissioners May Budget and Spend Moneys of the County General Fund in Relation Thereto., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Defense Counsel to Juvenile Offenders, and, in Connection Therewith, Making and Reducing Appropriations., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Dental Hygiene Services for Children in the Medicaid Program, and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Detention Services and Facilities for Children Pending Court Disposition, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Disaster Emergency Services., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Domestic Partner Benefits Pursuant to Small Group Health Insurance Plans., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Educational Programs for Gifted and Talented Students., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Educational Programs to Gifted Students., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Educational Services for Children in Out-of-Home Placements, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Educational Services for Juveniles Against Whom Charges Have Been Filed in District Court, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Emergency Services via Telephone, and, in Connection Therewith, Providing a Funding Mechanism for Wireless 9-1-1 Service and Granting Qualified Immunity to Providers of Emergency Telephone Services., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Employment References, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Financial Assistance for Kindergarten Through Twelfth Grade Education to Disadvantaged Children., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Financial Services to Licensed Marijuana Businesses, and, in Connection Therewith, Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Fresh Produce in Public Schools., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Funding for Travel in Order for Public School Students to Compete in National Academic Student Competitions, and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Gastrostomy Services to Persons with Developmental Disabilities Receiving Services Through the Department of Institutions, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Grants for Career and Technical Education Capital Construction through the "Building Excellent Schools Today Act"., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Grants for Career and Technical Education Capital Construction Through the "Building Excellent Schools Today Act"., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Group Life Insurance and and Other Benefits for State Employees and Officials, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Group Life Insurance and Other Benefits for State Employees and Officials, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Health Care Services to Specified Low-Income Adults, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Health Services for All Persons in the Case of Communicable Diseases., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Higher Education in Western Colorado., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Increased Flexibility to the Executive Director of the Department of Administration to Administer Appropriations for Controlled Maintenance Projects, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Independent Counsel to Indigent Defendants in Municipal Courts, and, in Connection Therewith, Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Industrial Hygiene Services to State Agencies., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Information on Meningococcal Disease to Students at Postsecondary Institutions., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Information Pertaining to Impact Fees Imposed by Local Governments., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Integrated Health Care Services Pursuant to the Colorado Medical Assistance Program, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Internet Service by a School District to Enable Individuals Associated with the District to Access a School District Network., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Intrastate Air Service Within Colorado, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Intrastate Telecommunications Services, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Jail-Based Behavioral Health Services, and, in Connection Therewith, Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of legal Services for the Department of Education in the 2016-17 State Fiscal Year., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Library Services by Local Governments Through a Petition Process., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Literacy Services to Students Preparing to Enter the First Grade, and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Local Emergency Medical Services., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Long-Term Medical Assistance to Persons with Health Complexes Related to Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome in Home and Community-Based Settings, and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Medical Services for Dependents of Students., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Parking Facilities by Third Parties at or near Regional Transportation District Mass Transit Stations., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Preschool Through Twelfth-Grade Educational Services to Students Who Receive Educational Services in Facilities, and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Protection Against Civil Liability for Persons Involved in Mine Rescue Activities, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Protections to Certain Types of Volunteers Who Volunteer Their Services in a State-Level Emergency Situation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Public Assistance and Services, and Making an Appropriation Therefore., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Public Health Nursing Services in Areas Not Served by County and District or Regional Health Departments, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Publicly Funded Services for Children in Out-of-Home Placements., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Reasonable Accommodations by an Employer for Persons Who Have a Condition Related to Pregnancy., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of School Sites, Buildings, and Structures., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of School Structures, and Providing Consideration Therefor Under County Subdivision Regulations., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Services for Nonpublic Out-of-State Adoptions., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Services in Conjunction with a Claim Under a Policy Issued Pursuant to the "Colorado Auto Accident Reparations Act", and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Services Through the Medicaid Program that Are Related to Substance Abuse, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Social Services to Eligible Persons., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Social Workers to Juveniles, and, in Connection Therewith, Making and Reducing Appropriations., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Special Educational Services to Three- and Four-Year-Old Handicapped Children, and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Special Education Services for Children in Community Centers for the Retarded and Seriously Handicapped., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of State Funding for Natural Hazard Mapping., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Statewide Poison Control Services., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Statistical Data on Insurance Producer Examination Applications., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Street Lighting by Counties, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Subsidized Adoption Assistance for Certain Children With Special Needs Who Are in the Custody of Licensed Nonprofit Child Placement Agencies for Adoption, and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Tax Relief as Incentives to Promote Business Development., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Technical Assistance Pertaining to Colorado Public School Students with Literacy Challenges that Include Dyslexia., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Temporary Veterinary Services at Racing Operations., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of the Code of Colorado Regulations to State Agencies and Boards of County Commissioners, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Vehicular Service of the Regional Transportation District by Private Businesses., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Verifiable Documents to Youth Leaving Foster Care., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provision of Waste Services within the Limits of a Governmental Unit., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provisions of County Subdivision Regulations Which Deal With Lands for Public Purposes, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Provisions of Emergency Medical Al-Trauma Care throughout the State, and Making an Appropriation in Connection therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Psychiatric Care of Defendants in Cases of Deferred Prosecution or Probation, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Public Airport Authority Act, and Providing That Counties May Join With Municipalities in Creating Authorities Under Such Act., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the "Public Airport Authority Act", and Providing That the State May Join With Municipalities or With a County in Creating an Authority Under Such Act., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Public Announcement by the Court at Sentencing of the Minimum Range of Actual Imprisonment that a Defendant can be Expected to Serve., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Publication of Administrative Rules by Means of Incorporation by Reference., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Publication of Adult Reports of Water and Sanitation Districts., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Publication of Brands and Brand Transfers, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Publication of Colorado Revised Statutes 1963, Together with Revised Supplements Thereto; and to Amend Article 4 of Chapter 135, Colorado Revised Statutes 1953., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Publication of Colorado Revised Statutes 1973, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Publication of Information on the Salaries of County Employees by the Board of County Commissioners., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Publication of Initiatives, Referenda, and Constitutional Amendments in Legal Newspapers., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Publication of Notice of a Final Settlement for Work Performed Under a Public Works Contract., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Publication of Notices of Sales for Delinquent Taxes, and to Amend Sections 5707 and 5711 of the Revised Statutes of Colorado of 1908., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Publication of Notice Under the "Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act", Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Publication of Rules and Regulations of Agencies in the Executive Department of State Government, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Publication of Salary Information by Counties, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Publication of the Colorado Revised Statutes by Persons Other than the General Assembly., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Publication of the Compiled Statutes of 1921., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Publication of the Delinquent Tax List on Personal Property., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Publication of the Official Reports of the Colorado Supreme Court and Court of Appeals, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Publication of the Session Laws of Colorado., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Publication of the Statutes of Colorado, and, in Connection Therewith, Clarifying Existing Statutes Relating to the Copyright and Official Status of Colorado Statutes and to the Publication of Unofficial Versions Thereof., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Public Buildings Trust Fund., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the "Public Deposit Protection Act of 1975" Governing Banks, and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Public Employees' Retirement Association, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Public Employees' Retirement Association, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Public Employees' Retirement Association, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Public Employees' Retirement Association., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Public Employees' Retirement Association., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Public Employees' Retirement Association., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Public Employees' Retirement Association., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Public Employees' Retirement Association., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Public Employees' Retirement Association., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Public Employees' Retirement Association., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Public Employees' Retirement Association., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Public Employees' Retirement Association., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Public Employees' Retirement Association, and Extending Increased Benefits Thereunder to Certain Employees of the Game and Fish Department, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Public Employees' Retirement Association and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Public Employees' Retirement Association, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Public Employees' Retirement Association, and Providing for Contributions Thereto and Benefits Therefrom, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Public Employees Retirement Association, and Providing for Increased Benefits Payable to Members Thereof, and Making an Appropriation Thereof., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Public Employees Retirement Association, and Providing for the Board Thereof., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Public Employees' Retirement Association, and Providing for the Inclusion of District Attorneys Therein, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Public Employees' Retirement Association, and Providing That the Benefits Thereof May be Extended to Employees of Regional Planning Commissions., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Public Employees' Retirement Association, and Providing that the Benefits Thereof Shall Be Extended to Agents of the Colorado Bureau of Investigation, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Public Employees' Retirement Association, and Relating to Disability, Retirement, and Survivors' Benefits of Judges and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Public Employees Retirement Association, and Relating to Disability Retirement, Deferred Annuity Retirement, and Death Benefits., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Public Employees' Retirement Association, and Relating to Membership Therein, Reinstatement Rights, Disability Retirement, Survivor Benefits, and Option Selection., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Public Employees' Retirement Association, and Relating to the Retirement of Judges., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Public Improvements by Contract in Statutory Cities, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Public Record Status of Records of Conviction for Underage Alcohol Related Statutes Held by the Department of Revenue., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Public Reporting of Hospital Statistics by Means of a Hospital Report Card, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Public Safety Functions of the Division of Labor, and Providing for the Cash Funding Thereof, and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the "Public School Finance Act of 1973"., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Public School Foundation Act., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Public School Fund., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Public School Fund., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Public School System, and Providing for Incentive Programs for Public Education., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the "Public Securities Information Reporting Act"., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the "Public Securities Refunding Act", Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Public Trustee, and Relating to an Increase in Salary Therefor, Bids Submitted Thereto, and the Period of Time Within Which an Owner may Redeem Real Property Therefrom., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Public Trustee for the City and County of Denver., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Public Utilities Commission., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Public Utilities Commission, and, in Connection Therewith, Continuing the Public Utilities Commission Under the Sunset Law, and Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Public Utilities Commission, and Providing for the Compensation of the Members Thereof., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Public Utilities Commission, and Relating to the Powers and Duties Thereof, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Public Utilities Commission, and Requiring the Commission to Conduct a Continuing Review of Rate Structures., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Public Utilities Commission's Duty to Promulgate Rules Regulating Carriers Exempt from Regulation as a Public Utility., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Public Utility Commission's Discretion to Hold Hearings on Tariffs or Schedules, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Public Works Fund of Towns and Cities, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Punishment for a Person Who Is Convicted of Driving a Motor Vehicle with Knowledge that His or Her Driver's License Is Under Restraint., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Punishment for Violation of Ordinances of Municiapal Corporations, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Punishment of Habitual Sex Offenders Against Children, and Relating to Procedures in Connection Therewith, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Pupil Count Used for Calculation of Equalization Program Funding Under the "Public School Finance Act of 1988"., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Pupil Enrollment Total in School Districts for Timing of Tax Revenue Certification Submission Purposes, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Purchase by the State of Supplies, Materials or Equipment, and to Amend Section 25, Chapter 2, Session Laws of Colorado, 1941., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Purchase of Alcoholic Beverages by Retail Licensees., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Purchase of an Off-Highway Vehicle by a Dealer., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Purchase of Land for Fort Lewis College, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Purchase of Mental Health Services from Community Mental Health Clinics by the Department of Institutions., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Purchase of Mental Retardation Services, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Purchase of Passenger Vehicles by the State, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Purchase of Preneed Funeral Contracts, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Purchase of Products and Services of the Severely Handicapped, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Purchase of Service Credit by Members of the Public Employees' Retirement Association, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Purchase of Service for the Mentally Retarded and the Seriously Handicapped by Local Government Units., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Purchase of Services for the Mentally Retarded and the Seriously Handicapped, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Purchase of Services From Community Incorporated Boards for the Retarded and and Seriously Handicapped., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Purchase of Valuable Articles., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Purchase of Vehicles that Operate on Alternative Fuels for the State Motor Vehicle Fleet System., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Purchase or Exchange of Land by the State Board of Agriculture, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Purchase or Exchange of Lands by the State Board of Agriculture., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Purchasing of Privately-Owned Lands by the Federal Government, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Purging of Voter Registration Records, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Purity of Alcohol Derived From Agricultural Commodities and Forest Products and Used for Blended Fuel, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Purposes for Which Indebtedness May be Incurred by Colorado Cities and Towns., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Purposes for Which School Districts May Contract Bonded Indebtedness, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Qualification as a Volunteer Firefighter for Purposes of a Volunteer Firefighter Pension Plan., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Qualification for a Person to Use the 10th Mountain Division License Plate., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Qualification of Approved In-Service Education Programs as Recertification Credit, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Qualification of Certain State Higher Education Facilities for State Controlled Maintenance Funding., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Qualifications and Training for the Officer of Sheriff, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Qualifications for Deputy Director of the Department of Revenue., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Qualifications for Executive Leadership in the Department of Public Health and Environment., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Qualifications of a Referee for a County Small Claims Court, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Qualifications of Candidates for the Office of County Judge., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Qualifications of Commissioners Who Determine Compensation in Eminent Domain Proceedings, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Qualifications of Licensed Electricians., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Qualifications of Members of the Board of Hospital Trustees for County Hospitals, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Qualifications of the Executive Director of the Department of Health, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Qualifications Required of an Applicant Before a Special License Plate may be Issued., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Qualified Right of Persons to Reject Artificial Nourishment Through Medical Procedure or Intervention, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Quality of Life of Older Coloradans and, in Relation Thereto, Establishing the "Older Coloradans' Act" and the State Office on Aging and Adopting Provisions on Age Discrimination., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Quality Teachers Commission, and, in Connection Therewith, Creating an Educator Identifier System., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Quantification of the Historical Consumptive Use of a Water Right., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Quarterly Distribution of Lottery Revenues, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Quarterly Payment of Specified Assistance Grants to Individuals for Certain Programs Administered by the Executive Director of the Department of Revenue, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Quinquennial of the State of Colorado, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Racing of Motor Vehicles on Roads Not a Part of the State Highway System, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Racing of Standardbred Harness Horses, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Raising of Revenue for Postsecondary Vocational Programs, and Providing for Area Vocational Districts with Taxing Powers in Connection Therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Raising of Revenue for the State, and Providing For Fees Collected By the State Board of Pharmacy., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Raising of Revenue From Pari-mutuel Wagering., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Ramifications of Making False Reports Concerning At-Risk Adults., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Range Improvement Fund., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Rate of Interest on Anticipation Warrants Issued to Finance Certain Public Projects of Counties and Cities., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Rate of Interest on Loans of Moneys in the State Treasury, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Rate of Mill Levy for Metropolitan Recreation Districts, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Rate of Reimbursement of Vendors Under the "Colorado Medical Assistance Act", Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Rate of Tax Paid on Insurance Premiums Collected or Contracted for in This State., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Rates a Motor Vehcile Dealer Charges a Motor Vehicle Manufacturer for Work Performed by the Dealer in Accordance with a Warranty Obligation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Rates Charged by Property and Casualty Insurance Companies Doing Business in Colorado, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Rate Setting Methodology for Reimbursement of Nursing Facilities Providing Services Through the Medicaid Program, and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Rates for Legal Publications., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Ratio of Valuation for Assessment of Residential Real Property, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Readoption in Colorado of Children Adopted in a Foreign Country., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Read-to-Achieve Board, and, in Connection Therewith, Continuing the Read-to-Achieve Board for Seven Years., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Real Estate Commission, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Real Estate Commission, and Providing for the Transfer Thereof, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Real Estate Industry, and, in Connection Therewith, Providing for the Continuation of the Real Estate Commission, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Real Estate Recovery Fund., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Real Estate Recovery Fund, and Relating to Disbursements Therefrom., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reallocation of State Sales and Use Tax Revenue from the Older Coloradans Cash Fund to the General Fund for the State Fiscal Year 2020–21., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reapportionment of Members of the General Assembly, and Providing for the Necessary Changes in the Election and Political Party Procedure Caused by Such Reapportionment., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reapportionment of State Senatorial and State Representative Districts, and Providing for the Implementation of the Work of the Colorado Reapportionment Commission, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reapportionment Process, and Making an Appropria-tion Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reasonable Cost of Providing Health Care Services and Food Costs in the "Colorado Medical Assistance Act", Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reasonableness of the Fees to Be Charged by Attorneys in Workers' Compensation Cases, and, in Connection Therewith, Requiring Certain Disclosures, and Making an Appropriation, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reauthorization of Certain Capital Construction Projects Funded in the 1989-90 General Assembly Appropriation Act., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reauthorization of the "Child Mental Health Treatment Act", and, in Connection Therewith, Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reauthorization of the Colorado Resiliency Office, and, in Connection Therewith, Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reauthorization of the Legislative Oversight Committee Concerning the Treatment of Persons with Behavioral Health Disorders in the Criminal and Juvenile Justice Systems., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Recall of County Officers, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Recall of County Officers., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Recall of Members of a Board of Trustees of a Junior College District, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Recall of Officers of the Three Lakes Water and Sanitation District., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Recall of State Officers, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Re-Categorization of Certain Counties for the Purpose of Determining Salaries Paid to County Officers in Those Counties., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Recategorization of Mineral County for the Purpose of Statutory Provisions Fixing the Salaries of county Officers., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Receipt of Certain Moneys by the Department of Law., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Receipt of Donations by the Division of Motor Vehicles in the Department of Revenue to Be Deposited in the Colorado State Titling and Registration Account in the Highway Users Tax Fund., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Receipt of Public Testimony form Remote Locations Around the State by Legislative Committees, and, in Connection Therewith, Making and Reducing Appropriations., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reclamation of Land Affected by the Mining of Coal by the Open Cut Method of Mining; and Establishing a Land Reclamation Board for the Administration Thereof, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reclamation of Land After Surface Coal Mining Operations, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reclamation of Land Areas Disturbed or Affected by Mining or Other Specified Activities., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reclassification of Certain Traffic Offenses as Traffic Infractions., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reclassification of Counties for Purposes of Fixing Certain County Fees., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reclassification of Dolores County for the Purpose of Statutory Provisions Fixing the Salaries of County Officers., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reclassification of Fremont County., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reclassification of Montezuma County., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reclassification of Montrose County for County Court Purposes., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reclassification of Routt County to a Category II County for the Purpose of Establishing the Salaries of County Officers., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reclassification or Regrading of Positions Within the State Personnel System, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reclassification or Regrading of Positions Within the State Personnel System, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Recodification of Current Statutory Provisions for Early Intervention Services as Related to Part C Child Find of the Federal "Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004"., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Recodification of Statutes Governing the Registration of Motor Vehicles, and, in Connection Therewith, Clarifying, Harmonizing, Modernizing, and Substantively Amending Such Statutes., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Recodification of Statutes Governing the Regulation of Fuel Products, and, in Connection Therewith, Clarifying, Harmonizing, and Modernizing Such Statutes., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Recodification of Statutes Relating to Livestock Health, and, in Connection Therewith, Making Substantive Amendments., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Recodification of Statutory Provisions Governing the Department of Law., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Recodification of the Fire and Police Pension Law, and, in Connection Therewith, Amending and Relocating Parts 3 through 10 of Title 31, Colorado Revised Statutes., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Recodification of the Law Relating to General, Primary, and Congressional Vacancy Elections, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Recodification of the Law Relating to Public Employees' Retirement Systems, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Recodification of Title 42, Colorado Revised Statutes, and, in Connection Therewith, Amending Certain Laws Pertaining to Vehicles and Traffic., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Recognition of Acequias, and, in Connection Therewith, Authorizing Acequia Ditch Corporations., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Recognition of Convictions of Drivers for Offenses Commited on Federal Military Installations, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Recognition of Traffic Violation Judgments Entered by the Southern Ute Indian Tribal Court, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Recognition of Veterans in Relation to Certain Parks Within the State Capitol Complex, and, in Connection Therewith, Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Recommendation of a Site by the Department of Corrections for a Correctional Facility., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Recommendations Made in the Public Process for the Purpose of Implementing Retail Marijuana Legalized by Section 16 of Article XVIII of the Colorado Constitution, and, in Connection Therewith, Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Recommendations of the Legislative Council Relating to Approval of Air Quality Control Commission Revisions to the Air Quality State Implementation Plan., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Recommendations of the Legislative Council Relating to Continuation of Air Quality State Implementation Plans and Related Rules of the Air Quality Control Commission., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Recommendation that Certain Persons be Offered a Test for the Hepatitis C Virus., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Recommended Continuation of the Education Data Advisory Committee by the Director of the Division of Professions and Occupations in the Department of Regulatory Agencies., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reconciliation of Inconsistent Statutory Provisions Regarding the Qualifications of Electors for Irrigation Districts., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reconfirmation of Executive Directors of Principal Departments Serving at the Pleasure of the Governor, Upon Reappointment of Such Directors by a New Governor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Recorded Date of Receipt of Property Tax Payments by a County Treasurer's Office when the Payment Has No United States Postal Service Postmark., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Recording of Documents Relating to Real Estate Transfers, Requiring the Filing of Certificates in Connection Therewith, and Imposing a Fee to Defray Expenses of Administration., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Recording of Instruments Conveying Real Property to Public Entities., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Recording of Legal Documents., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Recording of Maps of Surveys Establishing Survey Monuments, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Record-Keeping Duties of County Clerk and Recorders, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Records, Books, Papers and Other Property Belonging to the Court of Appeals., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Records Kept by the Unit Owners' Association of a Common Interest Community., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning The Recoupment of Attorney Fees and Costs in Cases of State-supplied Or Court-appointed Counsel., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Recovery by Manufacturers, Importers, or Wholesalers of Excise Taxes on Intoxicating Liquors, and Providing Credit or Refund Procedures Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Recovery from Claimants of Workers' Compensation Benefits to Which Such Claimants are Not Entitled., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Recovery of Actual Costs of Utility Facility Relocation at the Request of a Government Entity., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Recovery of Costs Incurred by the Department of Revenue for the Collection of Taxes Imposed by Certain Political Subdivisions of the State., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Recovery of Expenses by Defendants in Certain Civil Court Actions., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Recovery of Federal Reimbursement for Costs to the State of Colorado Associated with Illegal Immigration, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Recovery of Funds Paid to a Recipient of Public Assistance or Medical Assistance, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Recovery of Overpayments of Public Assistance., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Recovery of Public Assistance Payments for Which a Judgement Has Been Issued., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Recovery of Statewide Indirect Costs Incurred by State Agencies in Connection with the Functions of the State Department of Highways, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Recreation of the Colorado Water Institute., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Recreation of the Colorado Water Institute., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Recreation of the Consumer Insurance Council as an Advisory Body to the Commissioner of Insurance., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Recreation of the Department of Transportation Renovation Fund to Be Used for Transportation-Related Purposes., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Recreation of the Legislative Digital Policy Advisory Committee., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Recreation of the Statutory Revision Committee, and, in Connection Therewith, Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Recycling Development Fee for Waste Tires., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Recycling of Cathode Ray Tube Products, and, in Connection Therewith, Creating a Cathode Ray Tube Recycling Pilot Program, and Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Recycling of Plastic Products, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Recycling Resources Economic Opportunity Fund, and, in Connection Therewith, Extending the Life of the Fund., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Redaction by the Secretary of State of Tax Identification Numbers from Secured Transaction Records Filed with the Secretary of State., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Redetermination of Benefits Payable Under the Fire and Police Pension Association's Statewide Defined Benefit Plan for New Hire Members, and, in Connection Therewith, Establishing Limits on Such Benefit Increases., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Redirection of a Portion of Tobacco Litigation Settlement Moneys to the General Fund., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Redistricting of House of Representatives Districts as Required By the Tenth Court of Appeals, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Redistricting Process., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Redrawing of Precint Boundaries in Preparation for 1992 Elections., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reduction Formula Applicable to Certain Retirement Benefits Payable by the Public Employees' Retirement Association, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reduction of Administrative Costs in State-Supported Institutions of Higher Education., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reduction of Emissions from Diesel-Powered Motor Vehicles, and Making an Appropriation Therefor, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reduction of General Fund Transfers to the Capital Construction Fund., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Pollution, and, in Connection Therewith, Establishing Statewide Greenhouse Gas Pollution Reduction Goals and Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reduction of Improper Unemployment Insurance Benefit Payments Through Compliance with the Federal "Trade Adjustment Assistance Extension Act of 2011", and, in Connection Therewith, Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reduction of Moneys Transferred to Certain Funds from the Portion of Limited Gaming Fund Moneys that Would Otherwise Be Transferred to the General Fund After the Transfer to the Local Government Gaming Impact Fund., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reduction of Motor Vehicle Emissions, and in Connection Therewith, the Use of Alternative Fuels, and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reduction of State Personnel Salary Costs., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reduction of Taxes Imposed by the State, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reduction of the Adult Dental Benefit, and, in Connection Therewith, Reducing an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reduction of the Age for Obtaining an Instruction Permit to Drive a Motor Vehicle, and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reduction of the Amount that Vendors Are Allowed to Retain as Payment for the Collection of Taxes Imposed by the State, and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reduction of the Number of Available Types of Special License Plates., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reduction of the Period of Mandatory Juvenile Parole, and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reduction of the Statutorily Required General Fund Reserve for the 2002-03 State Fiscal Year Due to a Revenue Shortfall., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reduction of Vendor Payments by No More than Fifty Percent Under Section 26-4-110 (5) (a) (III) of the "Colorado Medical Assistance Act"., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reduction of Workers' Compensation Benefits Because of Certain Acts of Employees., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reemployment Rights of Officers or Employees of the State Personnel System Entering Military Service on or After August 5, 1964., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reenactment of Laws, with Amendments, that Regulate Domestic Stock Insurers., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reenactment of the Statutes that Authorize Grants from the Primary Care Fund for Comprehensive Primary Care Services., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reestablishment of the Automatic Allocation of Certain Moneys Currently Subject to Annual Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reestablishment of the Energy Council as a Joint Governmental Agency for Purposes of Interstate Cooperation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reestablishment of the In-State Tuition Classification Program for Olympic Athletes., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reestablishment of the Requirement that Colorado State Individual Income Tax Return Forms Contain a Line Whereby Individual Taxpayers May Make Voluntary Contributions to the United States Olympic Committee, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reestablishment of the Voluntary Contribution on State Income Tax Returns to Provide Funding for Older American Volunteer Programs., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Referral of a Prospective Resident to an Assisted Living Residence by an Assisted Living Residence Referral Agency., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reformation of the Regulation of Persons who Tow Abandoned Motor Vehicles, and, in Connection Therewith, Recodifying the Laws Regulating Towing Abandoned Vehicles., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reform of State Statutes, and, in Connection Therewith, Deleting the Fat Content Requirement for Whipped Butter and Eliminating the License Application Fee for Dealers in Farm Products who Conduct Transactions with Cash., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Refunding of General Obligation Indebtedness by Special Districts, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Refunding of Public Securities; and Validating, Ratifying, Approving, and Confirming Refunding Securities, and Acts and Proceedings Appertaining to Refunding Securities., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Refunding of Taxes Erroneously Paid on Gasoline and Special Fuels Due to Mistake of Fact, Law, or Computation, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Refund of Assessment Raises Levied Against Producers of Wheat Pursuant to the "Colorado Agricultural Marketing Act of 1939"., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Refund of Assessments Levied Against Producers of Agricultural Products Pursuant to the "Colorado Agricultural Marketing Act of 1939", Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Refund of Beef Board Fees by the Board of Directors of the Colorado Beef Council Authority., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Refund of Hunting License Fees to Military Personnel Sent Abroad, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Refund of State Revenues in Excess of the Amount of State Revenues Required to Be Refunded in Accordance with Section 20 of Article X of the State Constitution., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Refund or Credit of Unearned Consumer Credit Insurance Premiums, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Refusal by Any School District to Allow Attendance of Certain Children in the Public Schools., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regimented Juvenile Training Program., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regimented Juvenile Training Program., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regimented Juvenile Training Program., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regional Transporation District, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regional Transportation District, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regional Transportation District, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regional Transportation District, and Providing an Appropriation to the Department of Local Affairs for the Purchase of New Buses., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regional Transportation District; Removing a Portion of Weld County from the Boundaries of the District, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regional Transportation District, Removing Weld County from the Boundaries of the District, and Providing for an Additional At-Large Director for the District., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Registration and Sale of Blind-made Products., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Registration and Taxation of Aircraft, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Registration Date for Eligibility of a Person Seeking to Be Placed in Nomination as a Candidate for a Partisan Office., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Registration Electors., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Registration Fee for Motor Vehicles Which Are Not Subject to Gross Ton-Mile Taxes, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Registration for Sale of Livestock Protection Collars Containing "1080" Pesticide., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Registration of Agents of Persons in the Business of Transmitting Money, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Registration of a Motor Vehicle After it Has Been Purchased., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Registration of a Vehicle Used for Agricultural Production, and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Registration of Equipment Mounted on a Motor Vehicle., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Registration of Independent Candidates for Public Office, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Registration of Mobile Machinery in Order to Pay Specific Ownership Tax, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Registration of Motor Vehicles, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Registration of Motor Vehicles., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Registration of Motor Vehicles, and, in Connection Therewith, Amending the Exemptions from the Motorist Insurance Identification Fee and the Requirements for Periodic Emission Control Inspections., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Registration of Motor Vehicles, and, In Connection Therewith, Requiring the Periodic Reissuance of all Motor Vehicle License Plates, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Registration of Motor Vehicles Exempt from the Payment of Ton-Mile Taxes, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Registration of Motor Vehicles for Members of the United States Armed Forces Who are Deployed Outside the United States, and, in Connection Therewith, Making and Reducing Appropriations., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Registration of Persons Convicted of Sex Offenses Against Children., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Registration of Persons Who Assist Surgeons, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Registration of Qualified Electors., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Registration of Recreational Vehicles, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Registration of Sail-Propelled Watercraft by the Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Registration of Special Mobile Machinery Fleets, and, in Connection Therewith, Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Registration of Subdivision Developers, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Registration of Subdivision Developers of Time Shares, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Registration of Subdivision Developers with the Real Estate Commission., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Registration of Trademarks., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Registration of Trade Names with the Department of Revenue., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Registration of Trucks as Collectors' Items., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Registration of Vehicles Owned by a Veteran., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Registration of Wholesale Food Manufacturers, and, in Connection Therewith, Assessing a Wholesale Food Manufacturing and Storage Fee and Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation and Licensing of Electric Powered Motor Vehicles, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation and Placement of Surplus Line Insurance., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation by the Department of Agriculture of Persons Dealing in Agricultural Products, and Making an Appropriation in Connection therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation by the Department of Agriculture of Persons Dealing in Certain Agricultural Goods., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation by the Department of Agriculture of Purchases of Agricultural Products, and, in Connection Therewith, Relaxing Certain Licensing Requirements for Small Business Operators., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation by the Public Utilities Commission of Rates for Nonoptional Operator Services, and, in Connection Therewith, Requiring the Disclosure of Such Rates to Consumers., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Accountants, and, in Connection Therewith, Providing for the Continuation of the State Board of Accountancy., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Activities under the Control of the Division of Wildlife, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Acupuncturists, and, in Connection Therewith, Continuing the Registration of Acupuncturists with the Direct of Division of Registrations and Amendments Certain Provisions Relating to the Practice of Acupuncture., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Acupuncturists by the Division of Registrations in the Department of Regulatory Agencies., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Air Ambulance Service, and, in Connection Therewith, Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Air Ambulance Services by the Department of Public Health and Environment., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Air Pollution in a Manner Consistent with the Federal Requirements under the Federal "Clean Air Act", as Amended., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Amusement Rides by the Division of Oil and Public Safety, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Appraisal Management Companies, and, in Connection Therewith, Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Appraisers, and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Approved Nonadmitted Insurers., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Asbestos Abatement Activities, and, in Connection Therewith, Continuing the Asbestos Control Program., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Athletic Trainers, and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Athletic Trainers by the Division of Professions and Occupations in the Department of Regulatory Agencies, and, in Connection Therewith, Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Audiologists, and, in Connection Therewith, Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Automobile Dealers, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Automobile Dealers, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Automobile Insurance Policy Cancellation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Bail Bonding Agents., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Bail Bondsmen, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Basic Local Exchange Service as it Affects Effective Competition, and, in Connection Therewith, Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Bicycles Approaching Intersections., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Bingo, and, in Connection Therewith, Repealing the Existing Limit on the Number of Bingo Games that May Be Conducted on Any One Occasion., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Bingo-Raffle Licenses., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Bingo-Raffles Games Pursuant to the '"Bingo and Raffles Law" and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Biosolids Under the "Colorado Water Quality Control Act"., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Boxing in Colorado., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Business Credit Transactions, and, in Connection Therewith, Removing Consumer Related Sales and Loans From the "Uniform Consumer Credit Code.", Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Cannabis by Home Rule Cities, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Captive Insurance Companies., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Certain Foods, and, in Connection Therewith, Exempting Certain Food Producers from Licensure, Inspection, and Other Regulaton, and Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Certain Health Care Professions., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Charitable Solicitations, and, in Connection Therewith, Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Charitable Solicitations, and Making an Appropriation Therefor, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Charitable Solicitations by the Secretary of State, and, in Connection Therewith, Modifying and Clarifying Filing Requirements and Enforcement of the "Colorado Charitable Solicitations Act., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Child Care Centers., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Child Care Facilities., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Coal Miners by the Coal Mine Board of Examiners., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Collection Agencies, and, in Connection Therewith, Continuing the Collection Agency Board., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Commercial Electronic Mail Messages to the Maximum Extent Permissible Under Federal Law, and, in Connection Therewith, Enacting the "Spam Reduction Act of 2008"., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Commercial Motor Vehicles that Transport Hazardous Materials Over the Public Highways., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Commercial Products Containing Industrial Hemp., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Conveyances., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Corporations, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Credit Unions through the Commissioner of the Division of Financial Services., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Dangerous Dogs, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Dealers, Agents, and Warehousemen of Agricultural Products., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Dealing in Motor Vehicles and Making an Appropriation Therefor, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Debt Management., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Debt Management Companies., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Debt-Settlement Services, and, in Connection Therewith, Enacting the "Debt-Management Services Act" and Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Dental Health Care Providers by the State Board of Dental Examiners., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Direct-Entry Midwives, and, in Connection Therewith, Continuing the Regulation of Direct-Entry Midwives by the Division of Registrations in the Department of Regulatory Agencies., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Direct-Entry Midwives, and, in Connection Therewith, Implementing the Sunset Review Recommendations of the Department of Regulatory Agencies, and Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Distance Between Premises Where Liquor Is to Be Sold by the Drink and Educational Facilities, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Distressed Real Property by a Board of County Commissioners., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Drilling Units and Pooling Interests by the Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Drop-In Child Care Facilities., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Drug Precursors., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Electrical Apprentices and Trainees, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Electrical Assisted Bicycles., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Electrical Installations., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Electricians by the State Electrical Board., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Electric Scooters., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Electronic Devices that Are Designed to Cause Traffic Lights to Change., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Employment Agencies., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Engineers and Land Surveyors by the State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Entities Subject to the Real Estate Commission., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Eyeglasses and Sunglasses, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Facilities Licensed with Regard to Classified Radioactive Materials, and, in Connection Therewith, Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Fantasy Contests, and in Connection Therewith, Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Financial Institutions, and, in Connection Therewith, Providing for Trust Company Regulation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Financial Institutions Under the Authority of the Banking Board, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Fireworks, and, in Connection Therewith, Clarifying the Definitions of a "Firework" and "Permissible Firework" and Clarifying When Fireworks May Be Prohibited During an Open Fire Ban., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Flight Schools., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Food Service Establishments, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Food Truck Businesses by Local Governments., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Foreign Capital Depositories., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Fraternal Benefit Societies., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Games of Chance, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Games of Chance., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Games of Chance, and, in Connection Therewith, Continuing the Authority of the Secretary of State to License Such Activities, and Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Games of Chance by the Secretary of State, and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Games of Chance by the Secretary of State, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Group Health Coverage by Entities Providing Coverage for Health Care Expenses, and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Handlers of Farm Products., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Health Care Facilities by the Department of Public Health and Environment, and Making an Appropriation therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Health Insurance, and, in Connection Therewith, Adopting Certain Modifications to Health Insurance Laws Recommended by the 2001 Sunset Report Conducted by the Department of Regulatory Agencies., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Health Maintenance Organizations., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Hearing Aid Dealers, and, in Connection Therewith, Authorizing the Registration of Hearing Aid Dealer Trainees., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Hearing Aid Dealers, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Horse Racing., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Indemnification, and, in Connection Therewith, Regulating Type II Insurance for Commercial Liability and Prohibiting Certain Hold Harmless Contracts, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Individual Prepaid Dental Plans by the Commissioner of Insurance., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Installment Selling and Financing of New and Used Motor Vehicles and to Amend the Law Relating Thereto, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Instrastate Telecommunications Service, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Insurance Activities Which Are Related to the Human Immunodeficiency Virus, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Insurance Companies and Insurance Agents; to Amend 72-1-50, Colorado Revised Statutes 1953, and to Repeal 72-3-25, Colorado Revised Statutes 1953., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Insurance Companies, and Providing for Additional Procedures to Be Followed by the Commissioner of Insurance in Approving Plans for Exchange of Insurance Securities, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Insurance Companies with Respect to the Deposit and Safekeeping of Securities., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Insurance Practices of Insurers Writing Property and Casuality Insurance., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Insurance Producers by the Division of Insurance., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Insurers, and, in Connection Therewith, Adopting the Insurers' Rehabilitation and Liquidation Model Act and Other Uniform Legislation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Insurers' Market Conduct by the Commissioner of Insurance., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Interinsurance Exchanges, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Investments Made by Domestic Insurance Companies., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning The Regulation of Investments Made by Insurance Companies., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Investments of Assets By Domestic Insurers In Affiliated Insurance Holding Companies., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Landscape Architects, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Lease Rates of Motor Vehicles that Are Regulated Pursuant to the Issuance of Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity to Operate a Motor Vehicle for Hire as a Taxicab, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Life care Institutions., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Life Care Institutions, and Providing for Continuation of the Board Administering Such Regulation, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Life Insurance, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Liquefied Petroleum Gas by the Director of the Division of Oil and Public Safety in the Department of Labor and Employment, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Lobbyists, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Lobbyists., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Manufactured Homes, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Manufactured Homes., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Marijuana for Safe Consumption, and, in Connection Therewith, Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Massage Therapy to Modify Practices that Are Linked to Criminal Behavior., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Mechanical Conveyances, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Medication Administration by Certified Nurse Aides, and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Members of Boards of Health, and, in Connection Therewith, Regulating the Members of State, County, and District Boards of Health., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Mobile Home Dealers., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Mortgage Brokers, and, in Connection Therewith, Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Motor Carrier Safety., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Motor Carriers by the Public Utilities Commission., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Motor Vehicle Sales, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Motor Vehicles in Tunnels Which Are a Part of the State Highway System., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Motor Vehicles to Increase Highway User Safety., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning The Regulation of Nonprofit Hospital and Health Service Corporations., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Notaries Public, and, in Connection Therewith, Making and Reducing Appropriations., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Notaries Public, and, in Connection Therewith, Modernizing the Office of Notary Public, and Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Nurse Aides, and, in Connection Therewith, Continuing the Authority for Such Regulation by the State Board of Nursing., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Nursing by the State Board of Nursing, and Making an Appropriation therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Nursing Home Administrators, and, in Connection Therewith, Continuing the Regulatory Authority of the Board of Examiners of Nursing Home Administrators and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Nursing Home Administrators, and Providing for the Continuation of the Board of Examiners of Nursing Home Administrators, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Occupational Therapy Practitioners, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Online Schools., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Operator Services Provided by Public Utilities Furnishing Telecommunication Services., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Operators of Water Facilities, and, in Connection Therewith, Continuing the Water and Wastewater Facility Operators Certification Board and Amending the Size, Composition, and Duties of the Board., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Outdoor Advertising., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Outdoor Advertising., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Outfitters, and, in Connection Therewith, Continuing the Regulatory Functions of the Director of the Division of Registrations., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Outfitters Hired to Assist Others in Taking Wildlife., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Outfitting, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Ownership of Dangerous Dogs Without Regard to Specific Breeds., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Passenger Tramways, and, in Connection Therewith, Continuing the Passenger Tramway Safety Board., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Pawnbrokers, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Pawnbrokers., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of People Working within a Physical Therapist's Scope of Practice, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Personal Care Boarding Homes, and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Persons Dealing with Fireworks, and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Persons Issuing Exchange, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Persons Licensed to Deal in Certain Monetary Instruments, and, in Connection Therewith, Continuing the Regulatory Authority of the Banking Board and the State Bank Commissioner Over Such Activities., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Persons Licensed Under the "Money Order Act"., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Persons Pursuant to the "Barber and Cosmetologist Act" by the Department of Regulatory Agencies., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Persons Who Are Under the Supervision of a Person Who Is Licensed in the Practice of Pharmacy., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Persons Who Dispose of Human Remains in the Ordinary Course of Lawful Business., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Persons Who Install Medical Gas Piping Systems., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Persons Who Manage the Affairs of Common Interest Communities Under the "Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act"., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Persons Who Provide for the Final Disposition of Dead Human Bodies in the Normal Course of Business, and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Persons Who Treat the Hearing Impaired, and, in Connection Therewith, Continuing the Registration of Audiologists and Hearing Aid Providers., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Persons who Treat the Hearing Impaired, and, in Connection therewith, Requiring Registration of Audiologists and Hearing Aid Dealers, and Making an Appropriation therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Persons Working in Coal Mines, and, in Connection Therewith, Continuing the Coal Mine Board of Examiners., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Pesticide Applications, and Making an Appropriation Therefor, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Pet Animal Care Facilities, and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Petroleum Products., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Petroleum Storage Tanks, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Pharmacy Technicians by the State Board of Pharmacy, and, in Connection Therewith, Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Plumbers, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Podiatrists, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Podiatrists by the Colorado Podiatry Board., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Practitioners of Acupuncture., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Private Investigators by the Department of Regulatory Agencies, and, in Connection Therewith, Making Appropriations., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Private Occupational Schools., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Private Occupational Schools by the Private Occupational School Board, and, in Connection Therewith, Making Nonprofit Private Occupational Schools Subject to Regulation by the Private Occupational School Board., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Private Vocational Schools., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Producers of Vinous Liquors., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Prophylactics, and Providing for the Elimination Thereof and Making Conforming Amendements in Con-nection Therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Psychiatric Technicians by the State Board of Nursing., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Psychologists., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Public Utilities, and, in Connection Therewith, Continuing the Authority of the Public Utilities Commission, and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Racing, and, in Connection Therewith, Continuing the Division of Racing Events and the Colorado Racing Commission., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Racing by the Colorado Racing Commission, and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Racing by the Division of Racing Events in the Department of Revenue., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Radioactive Materials, and, in Connection Therewith, Implementing an Audit Report Issued by the Federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Radon Professionals, and, in Connection Therewith, Requiring Licensure to Practice as a Radon Measurement Professional or Radon Mitigation Professional, and Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Radon Professionals, and, in Connection Therewith, Requiring Licensure to Practice as a Radon Measurement Professional or Radon Mitigation Professional, and Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Real Estate Appraisal Management Companies, and, in Connection Therewith, Aligning State Law with Current Federal Law and Regulations., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Real Estate Brokers and Real Estate Salesmen, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Real Estate Brokers and Salesmen, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Reinsurance of Risks by Insurers, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Reinsurance of Risks by Insurers., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Remuneration of Insurance Company Officials, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Retail Food Establishments., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Retail Hydrogen Fuel Systems for Vehicles., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of River Outfitters, and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of River Outfitters, and Making an Appropriation Therefor, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of River-Outfitting., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Roadside Advertising., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Sailboards., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Sales and Trades of Secondhand Property, and Providing for the Recordation Thereof and for Criminal Sanctions in Connection Therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Savings and Loan Associations, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Savings and Loan Associations, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Savings and Loan Associations With Respect to Loans and Investments., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Schools Offering Occupational Education, and, in Connection Therewith, Amending Language Providing for Exemptions Therefrom and Authorizing the Establishment of Fees., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Securities, and Making Appropriations Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Sellers of Preneed Funeral Contracts, and, in Connection therewith, Setting Forth Requirements for Preneed Funeral Contracts, and Making an Appropriation therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Ski Area Guest Child Care Facilities., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Speech-Language Pathologists by the Department of Regulatory Agencies, and, in Connection Therewith, Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of State Payments to Nursing Homes Providing Rehabilitation Services, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Stop-Loss Health Insurance Used in Conjunction with Self-Insured Health Care Coverage in Employer Benefit Plans., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Strip Searches., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Student Education Loan Services, and, in Connection Therewith, Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Substances From Manufactured Agricultural Chemicals in the Groundwaters of This State, and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Surplus Line Insurance by the Commissioner of Insurance., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Surplus Military Vehicles for the Purposes of Operation on the Highway, and, in Connection Therewith, Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of the Activities of Outfitters, and, in Connection Therewith, Continuing the Authority for the Registration of Outfitters by the Director of the Division of Registrations., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of the Advanced Practice of Nursing by the State Board of Nursing, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of the Application of Chemicals to Land or Crops Through Irrigation Systems, and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of the Bail Bond Business, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of the Cutting and Transporation of Christmas Trees and Evergreen Boughs, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of the Development of Geothermal Resources., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of the Domestic Savings and Loan Associations, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of the Food Service Industry, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of the Hunting of Wildlife., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of the Issuance of License Plates for Motor Vehicles Owned by Manufacturers of Such Motor Vehicles., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of the Length of Motor Vehicles when Operated on the Highways, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of the Mining of Metals and Minerals Other than Coal., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of the Movement of Oversize and Overweight Vehicles Over Highways., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of the Operation of Bottle Clubs, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of the Posting and other Advertising of Prescription Drug Prices., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of the Practice of Certified Public Accountants in the State of Colorado, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of the Practice of Chiropody, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of the Practice of Chiropractic by the State Board of Chiropractic Examiners, and Making an Appropriation therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of the Practice of Dentistry, and Amending the Dental Practice Law in Relation Thereto., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of the Practice of Direct-Entry Midwifery., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of the Practice of Nursing, and Making an Appropriation Therefor, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of the Practice of Optometry, and, in Connection Therewith, Continuing the State Board of Optometric Examiners., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of the Practice of Podiatry, and, in Connection Therewith, Providing for the Continuation of the Colorado Podiatry Board., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of the Promotion of Obscenity., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of the Sale of Motor Vehicles., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of the Slaughter, Processing, and Sale of Meat Animals, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of the Transportation of Nuclear Materials by Motor Vehicle., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of the Transportation of Waste Motor Vehicle Tires, and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of the Use of Mobile Communication Devices by Permitted Drivers in Motor Vehicles., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of the Withdrawal of Underground Water Resources, and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Tobacco Sales Based on Quantity., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Toll Roads Within the State Transportation System., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Trade Names., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Traffic on Highways Operated by Public Highway Authorities, and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Vehicle Parking in Quasi-Public Areas, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Vehicles and Traffic., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Veterinarians, and, in Connection Therewith, Providing for the Continuation of the State Board of Veterinary Medicine, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Voter Registration Drive Circulators, and, in Connection Therewith, Requiring Circulators to Complete Mandatory Training., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Vouchers for Disbursements by Domestic Life Insurance Companies, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Warranties on Vehicle Protection Products., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Water and Wastewater Treatment Facilities and Providing for the Certification of Operators Connected Therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Weather Modification., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Weather Modification, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Weather Modification by the Executive Director of the Department of Natural Resources, and, in Connection Therewith, Changing the Requirements of Such Regulation for Ground-Based Winter Cloud Seeding Operations., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Wholesalers of Prescription Drugs, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation of Wildlife, and, in Connection Therewith, Authorizing Wildlife Sanctuaries, and Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation Prior to Disposal of Sources that Emit Radiation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulations Governing the Operation of School Buses., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulation to Dealing in Mobile Homes, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulatory Activities of the Division of Banking., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulatory Authority of the Board of Medical Examiners., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulatory Authority of the Division of Banking., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulatory Authority of the Division of Financial Services., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulatory Authority of the Division of Insurance, and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulatory Authority of the Division of Securities, and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulatory Costs of Nonprofit Horse Racing., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulatory Functions of the Division of Insurance., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulatory of the Department of Agriculture Under the "Measurement Standards Act of 1983"., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Regulatory Powers of the State Commissioner of Savings and Loan Associations, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reimbursement Allowed to Directors of the Southwestern Water Conservation District for Nontravel Expenses., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reimbursement for Dental Services Under Policies of Sickness and Accident Insurance., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reimbursement of Costs Incurred on Change Orders in Public Works Contracts., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reimbursement of Counties by the General Assembly for Expenses Incurred by the Counties in the Prosecution of Certain Crimes, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reimbursement of Entities Providing Assistance in Response to Hazardous Substance Incidents., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reimbursement of Individuals Appointed to Committees of Reference for Attendance at Certain Legislative Meetings During Periods when the General Assembly Does Not Meet for More than Three Days., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reimbursement of Local Governments for Costs Incurred in Mitigting the Effects of a Hazardous Materials Aban-donment., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reimbursement of Mammography Screening Expenses, and, in Connection therewith, Clarifying that Coverage Shall be Provided for Diagnostic or Routine Screening Expenses in Certain Instances., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reimbursement of Nursing Homes for Providing Health Care Services, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reimbursement of State Civil Service Employees for Moving and Relocation Expenses., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reimbursement of the State Permanent School Fund for Any Losses Incurred by Reason of Foreclosures Under Farm Mortgages, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reimbursement of Vendors Who Provide Audio-Vocal Services Under the "Colorado Medical Assistance Act"., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reimbursements to Administrative Units for the Education of Handicapped Children, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reimbursement to the Cost of Maintaining Custody of Offenders., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reinstatement of Medical Assistance Eligibility to Specified Legal Immigrants, and, in Connection Therewith, Repealing the State Nursing Facility Service Program, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reinstatement of Prior Public Employees' Retirement Association Service Credit., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reinstatement of Real Estate Licenses, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reinstatement of the Authority for Active Military Personnel to Practice Professionally., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reinstatement of the Authority for a Veteran Who Has Not Been Dishonorably Discharged to Practice Professionally., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reinstatement of the Colorado Tourism Promotion Fund Tax., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reinstatement of Voluntary Contributions on State Income Tax Returns to Provide Funding for the United States Olympic Committee., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reinvestment of Unused Governmental Moneys Held by a Financial Institution that are In Excess of the Amount Insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in Accounts of Other Financial Institutions., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reissuance of a Lost Share Certificate of a Mutual Ditch Company., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Relationship Between a Motor Vehicle Manufacturer and the Motor Vehicle Dealers that Have Franchise Agreements with the Manufacturer., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Relationship Between Federal Law and the Colorado "Pesticide Act", and Making Amendments in Connection Therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Relationship Between State Employees and the State as Their Employer, and, in Connection Therewith, Creating the “Colorado Partnership for Quality Jobs and Services Act”, and Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Relative Guardianship Assistance Program., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Relaxation of Regulatory Constraints on the Provision of Certain Applications of Interactive Video Technology., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Release of a Deed of Trust by a Public Trustee, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Release of Certain Records Under the Open Records Law to a Criminal Justice Agency., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Release of Confidential Information Pertaining to the Care and Treatment of Mentally Ill Persons, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Release of Deeds of Trust., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Release of Deeds of Trust., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Release of Deeds of Trust by the Public Trustee., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Release of Deeds of Trust by the Public Trustee., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Release of Funds Placed into Escrow by a Tobacco Product Manufacturer that Is Not a Participating Manufacturer Under the Terms of the Tobacco Litigation Master Settlement Agreement., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Release of Information by the Division of Labor Standards and Statistics in the Department of Labor and Employment Concerning an Employer's Violation of Wage Laws., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Release of Information Identifying Individuals Who Defer the Payment of Property Taxes Pursuant to the State Elderly Property Tax Deferral Program., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Release of Juveniles Prior to Adjudication., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Release of Medical Records to a Person Other Than the Patient, and, in Connection Therewith, Setting Reasonable Fees to be Paid for the Release of the Medical Records., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Release of Mortgages., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Relinquishment of Children, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Relinquishment of Minor Children., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Relinquishment of Minor Children and to Amend the Law Relating Thereto., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Relocation of Certain Existing Criminal Sentencing Statutes to a New Article in Title 18, Colorado Revised Statutes., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Relocation of Definitions Affecting Children., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Relocation of Existing Provisions of the Colorado Revised Statutes Governing the Moffat Tunnel., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Relocation of Provisions Relating to Behavioral Health., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Relocation of the Colorado Geological Survey from the Department of Natural Resources to the Colorado School of Mines., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Relocation of the Crime of Stalking in the Colorado Revised Statutes., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Relocation of the Definition of “Alternative Fuel” from a Part of the Statutes in Which the Definition Is No Longer Referenced to a Part of the Statutes in Which the Definition Is Referenced., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Remediation Performed on Property Contaminated by an Illegal Drug Laboratory, and, in Connection Therewith, Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Remedies Available to the Holder of a Dishonored Negotiable Instrument, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Remittance of Property to the State Under the "Unclaimed Property Act"., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Remittance of the Marketing and Promotion Tax Collected by Lodging Establishments in a Local Marketing District, and, in Connection Therewith, Making and Reducing Appropriations., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Removal of an Obsolete Date in the Law that Designates State Legal Holidays., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Removal of Certain Identifying Information from a Motor Vehicle Registration Card., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Removal of Certain Measures Related to the Reduction of the Adult Dental Benefit Enacted in House Bill 20–1361, and, in Connection Therewith, Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Removal of Certain Restrictions that Apply to Alcoholic Beverages Produced in Colorado., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Removal of Certain Statutory Printing Requirements for information Provided by the Division of Water Resources., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Removal of Commercial Purpose from the Crime of Sexual Exploitation of a Child, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Removal of County Officers and Vacancies in Office., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Removal of Criminal Liability for Official Misconduct When a Public Servant Refrains from Performing Duties Inherent in the Nature of His Office., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Removal of Eligibility Requirements for Group Life Insurance, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Removal of Limitations Upon the Responsibility of the Division of Wildlife for Wildlife Damage to Orchards, Nurseries, Crops, Fences, and Livestock Forage and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Removal of Material Obstructing a Highway Right-of-Way., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Removal of Obsolete Language in Statutory Provisions Implementing the Statewide Voter Registration and Election System for Purposes of Compliance with the Federal "Help America Vote Act"., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Removal of Outdated References in Statute to "Early Childhood Care and Education Councils"., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Removal of Outdated Statutory References to Repealed Reporting Requirements that Were Previously Imposed on the Parks and Wildlife Commission with Regard to Its Rule-Making Authority to Set Fees., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Removal of Pituitary Glands by Licensed Physicians During Postmortem Examinations., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Removal of Requirements that Certian State Forms Be Notarized, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Removal of Resealed Bottles of Vinous Liquors by Customers from the Premises of Certain Alcohol Beverage Licensees., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Removal of Residency Requirements for Student Members to Serve on the Board of Trustees for Western Colorado University., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Removal of Residency Requirements for Student Members to Serve on the Board of Trustees for Western Colorado University., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Removal of Restitution Payments to Japanese Americans From Financial Determinations in Connection With State-Funded Social Services Programs, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Removal of Restrictions on the Authority of a Board of a Metropolitan District to Provide Activities in Support of Business Development Within the District., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Removal of Restrictions on the Use of Energy Efficiency Measures in Connection with Real Property., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Removal of Statutory Provisions Describing Pervasively Sectarian Educational Institutions, and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Removal of Statutory References to the Marital Status of Parents of a Child., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Removal of Term Limits for Members of the Water and Wastewater Facility Operators Certification Board., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Removal of the Duty of the State Auditor to Audit Expenses Under Certain Circumstances When Any of the Military Forces Are Called Into Active Service by the Governor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Removal of the Limitation on the Length of Time for Which the Director of the State Lottery Division May Contract., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Removal of the Office of the State Auditor from the Group of Legislative Service Agencies Required to Conduct Post-Enactment Reviews of the Implementation of Bills Under Section 2-2-1201, Colorado Revised Statutes., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Removal of the Requirement That a Notary Public Show His Address on a Notary Acknowledgement, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Removal of the Requirement Under Colorado Law for Submission of a Social Security Number on an Application for a License Issued by the Division of Wildlife., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Removal of the Thirty-Day Waiting Period Related to the Sale of Imported Alcohol Beverages., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Removal of Unreasonable Restrictions on the Ability of the Owner of an Electric Vehicle to Access Charging Facilities., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Removal of Unreasonably Impracticable Financial Requirements Applicable to Marijuana Businesses that Are Required to Be Licensed., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Removal of Vehicles Illegally Left Unattended, and, in Connection Therewith, Exempting Towing Carriers from Used Motor Vehicle Dealer Licensing Requirements., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Removal of Vehicles Obstructing Highways During or Immediately After a Snowfall, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning The Remuneration of Insurance Company Officials., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Rendering of Emergency Care or Assistance., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency for Schools Loan Program., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Renewal of a Small Group Health Benefit Plan Issued to an Employer That No Longer Meets the Definition of Small Employer After the Small Group Plan Was First Issued., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Renewal of a Teaching Certificate., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Renewal of Concealed Handgun Permits by Colorado County Sheriffs., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Renewal of Distinguished Foreign Teaching Physician Licenses by a Person Ranked Lower than an Associate Professor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Renewal of Driver's Licenses by Mail., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Renewal of Licenses for Real Estate Appraisers., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Renewal of Licenses or Registrations for Electricians, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Rental Allowance for State-Employed Chaplains., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Rental Application Process for Prospective Tenants., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reorganization of Funds Expended by the State Historical Society., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reorganization of Higher Education., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reorganization of School Districts., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reorganization of the Governor's Energy Office, and in Connection Therewith, Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reorganization of the Juvenile Justice Code in Article 2 of Title 19, Colorado Revised Statutes, by the Colorado Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Council as Authorized by House Joint Resolution 18–1013., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reorganization of the State Planning Functions Under the Office of the Governor; and Providing for the Creation of a Division of Planning, and for the Powers and Duties Thereof, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reorganization of University Hospital as a Private Nonprofit Corporation, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repayment of Cash Funds from Which Money Was Transferred in 2020 for the Purpose of Augmenting the General Fund., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repayment of Certain Moneys Transferred by the Governor to the Disaster Emergency Fund., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal and Reenactment of the "Colorado Children's Code", and, in Connection Therewith, Recodyfying the Provisions of Such Code and Making Substantive Changes to Delinquency Provisions., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal Date for the Transfer of Money from Community Corrections to the Housing Assistance for Persons Transitioning from the Criminal or Juvenile Justice System Cash Fund, and, in Connection Therewith, Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal Date of a Provision that Authorizes the Use of Moneys in the Petroleum Storage Tank Fund to Verify that Petroleum Storage Systems Comply with Applicable Standards., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal Date of the Discounted Youth Hunting Licenses Program., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal Date of the Office of the Child's Representative., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal Date on the Colorado Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice, and, in Connection Therewith, Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of 11-30-114, Colorado Revised Statutes, as Amended, Relating to the Maximum Rate of Interest on Credit Union Loans., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of 12-9-103 (4) (c), Colorado Revised Statutes, Relating to the Presence of Shorthand Reporters at Licensure Hearings Under the "Bingo and Raffles Law"., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of 14-10-123.5(6), Colorado Revised Statutes, as Amended, Relating to the Applicability of Orders of Joint Custody., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of 5-3-410, Colorado Revised Statutes, as Amended, Relating to Unsolicited Mail Sent by Certain Lenders., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of 8-13-104 to 8-13-106, Colorado Revised Statutes, as Amended, Relating to an Eight-Hour Workday for Public Employees., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of a Deadline to Replace Motor Vehicle License Plates Within Colorado., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of a Duplicate Definitions Section in Article 60 of Title 27, Colorado Revised Statutes., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of a Duplicative Statute Relating to the Unlawful Moving of Livestock, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of a Limiting Trigger Associated with the Child Care Contribution Income Tax Credit., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of an Obsolete Legislative Oversight Provision in the Colorado Works Program., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of a Periodic Reporting Requirement on a Subject Assigned to the Finance Committees Under Title 39, Colorado Revised Statutes., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of a Point Assessment for Parking Violations, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of a Portion of the Definition of a Pharmacy Intern., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of a Prohibition on the State Attorney General Bringing an Action Under State Antitrust Law when Certain Corporate Actions Have Been Reviewed by a Federal Entity., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of a Requirement that the Division of Local Government Annually Report about Information Related to Incorporated Municipalities to the Clerk of Each Incorporated Municipality., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of a Requirement That the State Auditor Annually Report Uses of State Education Fund Money for School Capital Construction to Certain Committees of the General Assembly., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of a Requirement That the State Auditor Conduct Audits of the Portion of the Limited Gaming Fund That Is Transferred to the State Historical Fund for the Preservation of Certain Gaming Cities., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of a Requirement That the State Auditor Conduct Audits of the Portion of the Limited Gaming Fund That Is Transferred to the State Historical Fund for the Preservation of Certain Gaming Cities., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of Article 93 of Title 37, Colorado Revised Statutes, as Amended, Relating to River Basin Authorities, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of Authority to Provide Pre-Birth Notice to the Parent of a Child Whose Other Parent is Relinquishing the Parent-Child Legal Relationship by Means of the Expedited Relinquishment Process., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of Certain Cash Funds That Include Reversions of General Fund Appropriations., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of Certain Crimes that Include Marital Status as an Element of the Crime., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of Certain Future Repeal Dates with Respect to the Regulation of Petroleum Storage Tanks., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of Certain Language Used to Determine Cash Fund Revenue That Is Derived from Non-Fee Sources When Calculating the Amount of Uncommitted Reserves in a Cash Fund at the End of a Fiscal Year., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of Certain Provisions Concerning the Purchasing of Firearms in State that are Contiguous to Colorado., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of Certain Provisions of the "Bank Electronic Funds Act"., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of Certain Provisions Related to Persons with a Disability, and, in Connection Therewith, Reducing an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of Certain Provisions Requiring Financial Institutions to Have Written Aythorizations in Their Possession to Effect Electronic Fund Transfers., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of Certain Requirements for Where a License Plate Is Mounted on a Motor Vehicle., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of Certain Requirements in Connection with Any Bill Enacted by the General Assembly that Relies on Gifts, Grants, or Donations as Its Funding Source., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of Consolidated Tobacco Settlement Program Monitoring and Reporting Requirements, and, in Connection Therewith, Reducing an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of Duplicate Reporting Requirements., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of Eligibility Under the "Colorado Medical Assistance Act" for Specified Legal Immigrants, and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of Family Law Magistrates., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of Fees Imposed on the Authorization to Use Parking Privileges of Persons with Disabilities., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of House Bill 10-1192 Regarding the State Sales and Use Tax of Standardized Software on July 1, 2012., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of House Bill 10-1195 Regarding a Suspension of the Exemption from the State Sales and Use Taxes for Certain Items Used in Agricultural Production, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of Laws Regulating Ballot Issue Petition Circulators that Have Been Permanently Enjoined from Enforcement., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of Laws Under Which the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Regulates Certain Activities Associated with Yellow GGrease., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of Mechanisms to Refund Excess State Revenues., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of Obsolete Entities., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of Obsolete Laws Relating to Reapportionment of State Legislative Districts., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of Obsolete Laws relating to Redistricting of Congressional Districts., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of Obsolete Provisions in the Colorado Medical Assistance Program Relating to the Inactive Home- and Community-Based Services Waiver for Persons Living with AIDS., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of Obsolete Provisions Regarding Temporary Help Contracting Firms., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of Outdated Provisions of Law Resulting from the Law's Obsolescence, Infrequency of Use, or Inapplicability to Current Society., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of Outdated Provisions of Law Resulting from the Law's Obsolescence, Infrequency of Use, or Inapplicability to Current Society., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of Procedures to Fill Vacancies in Candidate Nominations for Elections Conducted Under the "Colorado Municipal Code of 1965"., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of Provisions Allocating Certain Moneys Appropriated to the Department of Local Affairs from the Waste Tire Recycling Development Cash Fund for the Colorado Commission on Higher Education., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of Provisions Concerning Specification of Policy Areas in Higher Education for Additional Funding., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of Provisions Controlling Local Emergency Medical Services., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of Provisions Regarding Courts in Title 13, Colorado Revised Statutes, that have been Declared Unconstitutional., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of Provisions Regulating Transient Dealers., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of Provisions Relating to Mined Land Reclamation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of Provisions Relating to the Grand Junction Indian School., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of Provisions Requiring a Cumulative Economic Analysis of State Air Quality Control Measures Every Five Years., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of Provisions Requiring Financial Institutions to Report by August 31 of Each Year the Amounts of Certain Loans Made During the Twelve Months Ending on the Previous June 30., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of Provisions Which Prohibit the Direct Access of the Public to Physical Therapists, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of References to the Administration of the Provision of Certain Mental Health Services., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of Reporting Requirements for Certain Unfunded Programs in the Department of Human Services until Such Time as Funding Is Received., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of Requirements for the Collection of Certain Statistics Related to the Workers' Compensation System, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of Specified Nursing Facility Provider Payments, and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of Statutes Related to the Obsolete Capitol Dome Restoration Fund., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of Statutory Provisions Creating a Coordinator of Environmental Problems Within the Office of the Governor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of Statutory Provisions Governing the Medical Liability Extraordinary Loss Fund, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of Statutory Provisions Requiring the Department of Public Health and Environment to Test Substances that are Purported to Have Value in the Treatment of Cancer., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of Statutory Provisions Requiring the Department of Public Health and Environment to Test Substances that Are Purported to Have Value in the Treatment of Cancer., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of Statutory Sections Inconsistent with the Property Tax Provisions of Section 3 of Article X of the Constitution of the State of Colorado, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Advisory Committee on Covering All Children in Colorado., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Advisory Committee to Establish an All-Payer Health Claims Database., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Alternative Fuels Rebate Program., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Authority for the Division of Criminal Justice to Expend an Unused Appropriation for the Law Enforcement Grant Program in the Next Fiscal Year Without Further Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Authority of an Employee of an Institution of Higher Education to Participate in Specified Public Retirement Plans., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Authority of Coroners to Permit the Removal of Corneal Tissue from Decedents., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Authority of the Board of Directors of the Fire and Police Pension Association to Affiliate with a Local Money Purchase Pension Plan., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Authority of the Department of Public Health and Environment to Contract with an Outside Entity for Services Related to Voluntary Vaccinations., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Benefit Design Advisory Committee., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Bounty Provisions Pertaining to Mountain Lions., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Casino Exemption from the "Colorado Clean Indoor Air Act"., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Civil Penalty for Document Fraud., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the "Colorado Cancer Drug Repository Act"., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the "Colorado Cancer Repository Act"., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Colorado Comprehensive Health Fund., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Colorado Early Childhood Council Advisory Team, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Colorado Institute of Technology., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Community Accountability Program Advisory Board., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Condition Required to be Satisfied for a Provision of Law Governing the Disclosure of Communications with Mental Health Professionals to Take Effect., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Craig Hospital License Plate Donation Requirement., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Crime of Criminal Libel., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Death Penalty by the General Assembly in All Circumstances Charged on or After July 1, 2020., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Delay of Certain Payments Made Under Public Medical Assistance Programs., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Dental Advisory Committee., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Department of Revenue's Requirement to Publish an Historical Explanation of Income Tax Rate Modifications Enacted in the State on Every Income Tax Return Form., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Department of Revenue's Revenue Impact Accounting Requirements Related to a Group of Bills Enacted in 2010., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Enterprise Zone Child Care Contributions Income Tax Credit for Income Tax Years Commencing Prior to January 1, 1999., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Fee for the Branch-of-Service Identification Cards Issued by the Department of Revenue, and, in Connection Therewith, Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Fuel Tax Exemption for Nonprofit Transit Agencies., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Governor's Office of Marijuana Coordination., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Highway Maintenance of Local Effort Requirement., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Home Health Services Pilot Program Advisory Committee., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the "Identity Theft and Financial Fraud Deterrence Act"., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Inmate Assistance Demonstration Grant Program, and Repealing an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Interstate Pest Control Compact., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Laws Requiring the Termination of the Foreign Trade Office and in Connection Therewith Terminating the Office on a Specified Date., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Limitation on the Transfer of Limited Gaming Revenues when General Fund Revenues Are Insufficient to Allow the Maximum Amount of General Fund Appropriations Permitted by Law., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Local Government Retail Marijuana Impact Grant Program., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Loss of Driving Privileges as a Penalty for Certain Crimes, and, in Connection Therewith, Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the "Medical Clean Claims Transparency and Uniformity Act"., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Motion Picture and Television Advisory Commission., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Motor Vehicle Air Conditioning Fee, and, in Connection Therewith, Repealing the Ozone Protection Fund., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the On-Line Learning Advisory Board., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Pilot Programs on the Use of Telemedicine, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Pre-1987 Net Operating Loss Deduction for Individuals, Estates, and Trusts., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Prohibition of an Action Against an Employee for Sharing Wage Information., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Prohibition of the Use of State General Fund Moneys Associated with the Notification of Victims of a Crime., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Prohibitions on a Local Government Establishing Minimum Wage Laws Within its Jurisdiction., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Provision Requiring the State Auditor to Certify to Each Assessor the Rate of Tax That Has Been Fixed and Levied for the Current Year by the General Assembly for State Purposes., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Provision Which Authorizes Utility Grants to Old Age Pension Recipients, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Real Estate Recovery Fund, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Requirement for a Hotel and Resturant Alcohol License that Twenty-Five Percent of Sales Must Be from Meals., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Requirement that an Insurance Carrier that Provides Long-Term Care Insurance Coverage Offer a Choice Between Two Specified Long-Term Care Plans in Addition to Any Other Plan Offered by the Carrier., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Requirement that a Person File a Report with the Department of Revenue After a Motor Vehicle Accident if Such Person Failed to Demonstrate Financial Responsibility for the Motor Vehicle., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Requirement that a Soldier be Killed While Deployed to a Combat Zone to Issue a Fallen Soldier License Plate., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Requirement that Clerks of District Courts Execute Bonds., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Requirement that Each State Agency Annually Report the Amount of Federal Money It Received in the Prior Fiscal Year., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Requirement That Rules Pertaining to Special Permits for the Movement of Oversize Loads Be Reviewed by the Appropriate Standing Committee of the General Aseembly Prior to Adoption by the State Highway Commission, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Requirement That Service Providers Report on the Use of Money to Increase the Reimbursement Rate to Direct Support Professionals., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Requirement that the Executive Director of the Department of Personnel Promulgate Rules to Establish State Archives' Fees., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Requirement that the General Assembly Annually Pass a Joint Resolution to Certify a General Fund Revenue Estimate., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Requirement that the Governor Consider Appointing to the Transportation Commission One or More Individuals with Knowledge or Experience in Aviation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Requirement that the State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors Publish an Annual Roster., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Sales Tax Exemption for Sales to Residents of Bordering States Without Retail Sales Taxes., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Science and Technology Education Center Grants Advisory Board., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Six-Year Limitation on Applying a Salvage Brand to a Motor Vehicle Whose Cost of Being Repaired Exceeds the Value of the Vehicle Without the Recent Damage., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the State Facility Security Fund., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the State Recovery Audit Program, and, in Connection Therewith, Reducing an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Statewide Strategic Use Fund., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Statutory Provision that Limits a Governmental Entity from Imposing a Surcharge upon Any Person Using an Alternative Form of Payment for the Payment of Moneys to the State., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Statutory Provision Which Provides That the Department of Health Has No Revenue or License Collecting Functions, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Sunset Provision on the Assistance to Victims of and Witnesses to Crimes and Aid to Law Enforcement Act, and, in Connection Therewith, Continuing the Victim Assistance and Law Enforcement Advisory Board, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Time Line that Moneys Appropriated from the Federal Unemployment Trust Fund May Be Obligated for Administrative Purposes., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Transfer of Unexpended Money for Reimbursing Counties for Exemptions from Property Taxes., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Volunteer Firefighter Advisory Committee., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Waiting List Navigator Pilot Program, and Repealing an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Waste Grease Program, and, in Connection Therewith, Reducing an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of the Water Administration Fee Adopted in Senate Bill 03-278, and, in Connection Therewith, Providing for a Refund of Amounts Already Collected and Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of Transfers to the Controlled Maintenance Trust Fund., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal of Unnecessary Provisions of Law Resulting from the Law's Obsolescence or Redundancy., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repeal on July 1, 1992, of Section 40-6-111 (4) (c), Colorado Revised Statutes, as Amended, Relating to the Authority of the Public Utilities Commission Over Rate Design for Cooperative Electric Associations, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repercussions to an Individual of Conduct that Initially Resulted in the Restriction of Such Individual's Driving Privilege., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repetitioning of Elections for Special Districts, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Replacement of Information on Student Drop Out Rates with Information on School Attendance Rates in Reports for Elementary Schools., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Replication of a Comprehensive Long-Term Care Capitation Model Program of All-Inclusive Care the Elderly, and Making an Appropriation Therefor, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reporting by County Commissioners of Filings of Special District Service Plans, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reporting by Physicians of Injuries Caused by Weapons, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reporting of Child Abuse or Neglect., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reporting of Financial Information by State Agencies., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reporting of Hate Crimes by Law Enforcement Agencies., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reporting of Sales and Use Taxes Imposed by Local Governments, Including Counties, Home Rule Counties, Statutory Cities and Towns, Home Rules Cities and Towns, Cities and Counties, and Territorial Charter Towns or Cities, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reporting Requirements of the Colorado Clean Claims Task Force., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Report of a Vendor for Sales and Use Tax, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Repossession of Motor Vehicles., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Representation of Consumers of Public Utility Services, and Making an Appropriation Therefor, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Representation of Corporation in Workers' Compensation Cases by Certain Employees of Such Corporations., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Representation of the First District on the State Agricultural Commission., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Republican River Water Conservation District, and, in Connection Therewith, Expanding the Boundaries of the District and Adjusting the Meeting Schedule of the District's Board of Directors., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Required Availability of Insurance for Property Damage Caused by Uninsured Motorists, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Required Duties for Credit Unions Relating to Audits, Mergers, and Conversions., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Required Expenditure of a Portion of a School District's Per Pupil Operating Revenue for the School District's Preschool Program., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Required Number of Physicians that Must be Provided to an Injured Employee for Selection of a Treating Physician in Workers' Compensation Cases., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Required Proximity of Detached Banking Facilities., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Required Repayment of Public Moneys Expended for Birth-Related Medical Costs by Noncustodial Parents, and Making an Appropriation therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement as to When the Determination of the Indigency of a Defendant Shall be Made by the State Public Defender., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement for a Certain Life Expectancy Prognosis for Persons Receiving Hospice Care Through Medicaid, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement for Additional Disclosures by Persons Making Charitable Solicitations, and, in Connection Therewith, Prohibiting Certain Practices and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement for a Licensed Child Care Center to Obtain Records for a Child Enrolled in the Center on a Short-Term Basis., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement for an Odometer Reading when a Motor Vehicle's Identification Number Is Physically Verified., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement for a Visual Inspection of Emissions Control-Related Equipment as a Part of the Automobile Inspection and Readjustment Program, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement for Special Excess Size and Weight Permits, and Exempting County Road Maintenance Vehicles and Equipment Therefrom, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement for the Augmentation of Water in Connection With the Extraction of Sand and Gravel by Open Mining, and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement of a Criminal History Record Check upon Renewal of Certain Licenses Issues by the Real Estate Commission, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement of a Daily Recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance in Each Public School in the State., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement of a Full Investigation Prior to the Amendment of Licenses Issued by State Agencies., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement of a Statewide Audit to Study the Implementation of the "Secure and Verifiable Identity Document Act"., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement of Completion of a Course on Civil Government for High School Graduation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement of Construction Bidding for Public Projects, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement of Demonstrating Proof of Motor Vehicle Insurance at the Time a Motor Vehicle Is Registered., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement of Legislative Approval of Transactions in Real Property by the Department of Military Affairs, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement of Pedigree Papers for the Distribution of Prescription Drugs., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement of the Completion of Level II Alcohol Treatment for Persistent Drunk Drivers, and Making and Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirements Applicable to the Formation of an Issue Committee Under Colorado Law Governing Campaign Finance., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirements for a Local Government Investment Pool Trust Fund., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirements for an Insurance Company to Be Deemed to Maintain a Home Office or Regional Home Office in This State for Purposes of the Tax on Insurance Premiums Collected by the Insurance Company., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirements for Certificates of Public Necessity, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirements for Claiming Refunds for Taxes Paid on Motor Fuel., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirements for Dissolution of Marriage Upon Affidavit, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirements for Inculsion of a Professional Nurse on the Advanced Practice Nurse Registry., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirements for Initial Licensure of Persons Engaging in Activities for Which a Real Estate License is Required, and, in Connection Therewith, Replacing Real Estate Salesperson's Licenses with Real Estate Broker's Licenses., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirements for Lawful Telephone Solicitations., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirements for Permissible Investments by Insurers in Loans Secured by Interests in Real Estate., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirements for Policies of Long-Term Care Insurance, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirements for Summoning Persons for Jury Service, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirements for the Publication of Municipal Ordinances., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirements for Transporting Implements of Husbandry on Public Highways, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirements Governing Bonds Issued by the University of Colorado., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirements in the "State Administrative Procedure Act" for Incorporation by Reference on Rule-Making Materials by Executive Branch Agencies., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirements of an Insurer's Notice of Intent to Take Certain Action Regarding Policies of Insurance., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirements of Articles of Incorporation of Industrial Banks, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirements of Condemning Authorities with Respect to Eminent Domain, and Providing for Proceedings in Connection Therewith, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirements of Due Process for the Owner of a Motor Vehicle Impounded by the Colorado State Patrol., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirements of Employers with Regard to the Sharing of Gratuities., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirements of Issuing a License to Marry., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirements of Subdivision Regulations Relating to Storm Water Detention Facilities., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirements Pertaining to the Issuance of Instruction Permits to Minors., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirements that Certain Students Show Evidence of Immunization Prior to Attending School., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement that a Coach of an Organized Youth Athletic Activity Follow Concussion Guidelines, and, in Connection Therewith, Creating the "Jake Snakenberg Youth Concussion Act"., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement that a Current Background Investigation Be Conducted on Persons Who Apply for Placement on Certain Treatment Services Provider Lists, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement that a Government Entity Only Display a Flag of the United States that Is Made in the United States., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement that a Health Care Facility Report Information Identifying Any Individual Responsible for the Diversion of Injectable Drugs that Were Intended for Use by Patients of the Facility., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement that an Employer Verify that it Does Not Employ Illegal Immigrants in Order to Qualify for an Economic Development Incentive Awarded by the Colorado Economic Development Commission., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement that an Insurer Make Certain Disclosures to Consumers Regarding the Content of Automobile Insurance Policies., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement that Any Agency Statement of General Applicability and Future Effect Related to the Enforcement of Certain Environmental Laws be Published and Made Available to the Public., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement that Any Extension of an Expiring Tax be Deemed in Effect from the Date of the First Imposition of the Tax when Calculating the Total Sales and Use Tax Imposed by All Levels of Government., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement that Applicants for a License to Practice Podiatry Complete an Approved Residency., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement That Applicants for Fermented Malt Beverage or Liquor Licenses File Plans and Specifications for the Interior of Unconstructed Buildings., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement that Applicants for Relicensure to Practice Medicine Complete a Specified Number of Hours of Continuing Medical Education Programs Annually., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement that a Protective Helmet Be Worn by a Person Under Eighteen Years of Age During the Operation of Certain Vehicles., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement that a State Agency Prepare a Long-Range Financial Plan., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement that a Unit Owners' Association Obtain Approval Through a Vote of Unit Owners Before Filing a Construction Effect Action., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement that a Warrant Drawn on a Fund that Contains Moneys that Do Not Revert to the State General Fund be Treated as Unclaimed Property if the Warrant is Not Presented to the State Treasurer for Payment., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement That Certain Information Regarding Secondary School Students Be Released to Recruiting Officers of Any Branch of the United States Armed Forces., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement that Certain Local Governments Adopt an Energy Efficiency Code in Connection with the Construction of Certain Buildings., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement that Certain Persons Provide Proof of Lawful Presence in the United States in Order to Obtain Documents from the Division of Motor Vehicles., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement that Certain Persons Report Child Abuse or Neglect., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement That Class a Fuel Products Comply With Specifications of the American Society for Testing and Materials., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement that Each Health Insurer Provide Information to Consumers Regarding Covered Benefits for Cancer Screening on the Colorado Health Benefit Plan Description Form., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement That Employers Offer Sick Leave to Their Employees, and, in Connection Therewith, Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement that Entities Operating Pursuant to Certain Federal Waivers that Provide Certain Services to Persons with Developmental Disabilities Obtain Licensure as Home Care Acencies., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement that Explainations be Given Prior to the Issuance of an Auto Insurance Policy., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement that Explosives be Marked with Identifying Codes., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement that Fees for Services Rendered by a Third Party for Collection of Delinquent Taxes Be Added to the Total Amount Collected by the Third Party., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement that Health Care Services Provided at an In-Network Facility Be Provided to the Covered Person at No Greater Cost than Services Provided by an In-Network Provider., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement that Legislative Council Staff Use a Dynamic Model to Analyze the Economic Impact of a Bill that Makes a Tax Policy Change, and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement that Military Vehicles Valued for Historical Purposes Bear a License Plate., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement that Persons Convicted of Operating a Motor Vehicle Without Required Insurance Shall Provide Proof of Financial Responsibility for the Future, and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement that Poison Control Centers Meet Criteria Established by the American Association of Poison Control Centers., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement That Rates Charged by Nonprofit Hospital and Health Service Corporations Be Approved by the Commissioner of Insurance, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement that Registered Dietitians Report Child Abuse or Neglect., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement that School Employees Report Allegations of Sex Crimes to Law Enforcement Agencies., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement that Signatures on Petitions Seeking to Reimpose Public Utility Commission Regulation Over Cooperative Electric Associations Be Collected from Member-Consumers Within a Specified Period., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement that State-Owned Motor Vehicles Operate on Compressed Natural Gas., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement That Teachers Be Provided Information on the Aspects of Child Abuse or Neglect, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement that the Amount of Public Funds Invested in Any One Certificate of Deposit May Not Exceed the Amount Insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement that the Department of Human Services Use a Request-for-Proposal Process to Contract with an Entity to Implement Recommendations of the Respite Care Task Force, and, in Connection Therewith, Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement that the Department of Public Health and Environment Provide Infant Eye Prophylaxis., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement that the Department of Revenue Prepare a Tax Profile and Expenditure Report Every Two Years., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement That the Fire and Police Members' Statewide Pension Plan Comply With Provisions of the Federal "Internal Revenue Code of 1986" Related to Governmental Pension Plans, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement that the State Treasurer Distribute Any Federal Funds Related to the Naval Oil Share Reserve Land to Specified Counties or Their Federal Mineral Lease Districts., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement to Construct a Well Pursuant to a Conditional Water Right., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement to File a Colorado Amended Return to Report a Change in Federal Taxable Income., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement to Include Notification to a Patient Regarding the Patient's Breast Tissue Classification with the Required Mammography Report., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Requirement to Verify That a State Employee Driving a State Motor Fleet Vehicle Have a Valid Colorado Driver's License., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Research Building Revolving Fund of the University of Colorado., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Residence of a Child of the Parties to a Domestic Relations Proceeding., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Residency of a Health Care Provider Who Verifies a Person's Disability for Purposes of Obtaining Credentials Entitling the Person to Park a Vehicle in Spaces Reserved for Use by Persons with Disabilities., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Residency of Pupils in School Districts of the State., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Residency Requirements for Registration of a Motor Vehicle, and in Connection Therewith, Defining Residency and Increasing the Penalties for Use of an Incorrect Address., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Resolution of Ambiguities in Old Water Right Decrees Regarding the Place of Use of Irrigation Water., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Resolution of Disciplinary Actions by Agencies within the Department of Regulatory Agencies, and, in Connection Therewith, Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Resolution of Disputes Arising Under the "Workmen's Compensation Act of Colorado", Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Resource of the State Relating to Archeology, History, and Prehistory., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Resources that May be Used for the Renovation of the Colorado State Capitol Building., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Respondent Parents' Counsel, and, in Connection Therewith, Making and Reducing Appropriations., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Response to Hazardous Substance Incidents Under Designated Emergency Response Authority Responsibility., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Responsibilities of a Designated Representative of the Proponents of an Initiative Petition., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Responsibilities of a Fiduciary with Regard to the Estate of a Person Who May Have Executed a Designated Beneficiary Agreement., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Responsibilities of Certain Entities in Managing Volunteer Firefighter Pension Plans that Are Affiliated with the Fire and Police Pension Association., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Responsibilities of Mobile Home Park Landlords, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Responsibilities of the Division of Mines, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Responsibility for Responding to Wild Land Fires., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Responsibility for Setting Rates Under the Alcohol and Drug Driving Safety Program, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Responsibility for the Disposition of Complaints Under the Jurisdiction of the Department of Regulatory Agencies, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Responsibility for the Prosecution of a Person Who is Charged with Failure to Register as a Sex Offender., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Responsibility of an Individual Firearm Owner to Report a Missing Firearm., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Responsibility of Health Care Coverage Entities for the Activities of Private Utilization Review Organizations Acting on Behalf of Such Health Care Coverage Entities., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Responsibility of the State Personnel Director to Remove Ineligible Dependents from Group Benefit Plans, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning The Restitution to Victims of Crime by Offenders., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Restoration of Funding for Boards of Cooperative Services, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Restoration of Moneys Transferred From Special Funds for Fiscal Emergency Purposes, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Restoration of Provisions Inadvertently Omitted in the 1993 Recodification of the Insurance Producer Licensing Statutes., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Restoration of Rights to Persons Adjudicated Mentally Ill., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Restoration of the Mandatory Offer of Hospice Care Coverage in Small Group Health Benefit Plans., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Restraint of Trade and Commerce in Colorado, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Restriction of Facilities Within Reservoirs, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Restriction of General Fund Revenues Related to the Pay Date Shift of Employees Transferring to the Office of Information Technology., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Restriction of Privileges of Offenders in State Correctional Facilities., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Restriction of the Authority of the Public Utilities Commission Related to Rate Design for Cooperative Electric Associations, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Restriction of the State Sales Tax Exemption for Long-Term Lodging., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Restructuring and Reenactment of Statutes Governing Medicaid for the Purpose of Improving the Administration Thereof, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Restructuring of Statutes Relating to Community Corrections Programs., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Restructuring of the Criminal Justice System in the State of Colorado, and Making Appropriations in Connection Therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Restructuring of the Gasoline and Special Fuel Tax., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Restructuring of the Health and Human Services Delivery System in Colorado., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Restructuring of the Health and Human Services Delivery Systems in Colorado, and, in Connection therewith, Making Conforming Amendments., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Retail Food Establishment Inspection Process, and, in Connection Therewith, Detailing the Process for the Suspension of a Retail Food Establishment's License or Certification of License., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Retail Food Establishment Inspection Process, and, in Connection Therewith, Detailing the Process for the Suspension of a Retail Food Establishment's License or Certification of License., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Retail Food Store Sanitation Act, and Amendments Thereto, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Retail Sale of Alcohol Beverages, and, in Connection Therewith, Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Retail Sale of Alcoholic Beverages on Sundays., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Retail Sale of Methamphetamine Precursor Drugs., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Retention by the Colorado School of Mines of Moneys Derived from the Sale or Lease of Lands Belonging to the School., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Retention of Certain Employment Rights by Private Employees Who are Members of the Colorado National Guard Engaged in Active Service for State Purposes., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Retention of the Avalanche Information Center Within the Department of Natural Resources., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Retention of Tourist-Related Outdoor Advertising Devices Also Providing Directional Information., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Retirement Fund of the Public Employees' Retirement Association., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Retirement of County Officers and Employees, and Relating to Contributions Made Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Retirement of Employees of School Districts., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Retirement of Members of the Fire and Police Pension Association Due to Disability., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Retirement of Persons in the State Personnel System, and Relating to the Postponement Thereof., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Retirement Plan Eligibility of Specified Employees of the University of Colorado., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Return of a Release of a Deed of Trust After Recording, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Return of Certain Costs Associated with Natural Resource Damage that Are Recovered by the State Fund from Which Such Costs Were Originally Paid., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Return of Surplus Juvenile Detention Facilities of the Department of Institutions to the Counties., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reversion of Excess Funds in the Colorado Social Security Contribution Fund to the General Fund, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Reversion of Moneys from the Oil and Gas Conservation Fund to the General Fund., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Review and Evaluation of Energy Forecasting of Electric and Gas Public Utilities by the Public Utilities Commission, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Review of Decisions Made by County Departments of Social Services Regarding the Removal of Children From Foster Homes, and, in Connection Therewith, Establishing Foster Care Review Boards., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Review of Degree Programs Offered by State Institutions of Higher Education, and, in Connection Therewith, Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Review of Draft Ballot Information Booklets by the Legislative Council., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Review of Grievances of State Employees Involving Overtime Work., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Review of Legal Sufficiency of Medicaid Appeals., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Review of Teacher Preparation Programs Not More Frequently than Once Every Five Years., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Review of the Funding Formula for Institutions of Higher Education., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the review Procedure of the Industrial Commission in Workmen's Compensation Cases., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the "Revised Uniform Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act"., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Revision of Administrative Rules by Legislative Action, and Relating to the Publication Thereof, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Revision of Antiquated Statutes Concerning the Death of a Human Being., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Revision of Certain Administrative Provisions Relating to the Conduct of Elections, and, in Connection Therewith, Amending or Repealing Obsolete, Inconsistent, and Conflicting Provisions of Law., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Revision of Statutes Governing the Payment by County Departments of Social Services of Funeral and Burial Expenses on Behalf of Public Assistance Recipients, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Revision of Statutes in Colorado Revised Statutes 1973, as Amended, Amending or Repealing Obsolete, Inconsistent, and Conflicting Provisions of Law and Clarifying the Language to Reflect the Legislative Intent of the Laws, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Revision of Statutes in Colorado Revised Statutes 1973, as Amended, by Amending or Repealing Obsolete, Inconsistent, and Conflict provisions of the Law and by Clarifying the Language to reflect the Legislative Intent of the Law., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Revision of Statutes in Colorado Revised Statutes, as Amended, by Amending or Repealing Obsolete, Inconsistent, and Conflicting Provisions of Law and by Clarifying the Language to Reflect the Legislative Intent of the Laws., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Revision of Statutes in Colorado Revised Statutes, as Amended, by Amending or Repealing Obsolete, Inconsistent, and Conflicting Provisions of Law and by Clarifying the Language to Reflect the Legislative Intent of the Laws., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Revision of Statutes in Colorado Revised Statutes, as Amended, by Amending or Repealing Obsolete, Inconsitent, and Conflicting Provisions of Law and by Clarifying the Language to Reflect the Legislative Intent of the Laws., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Revision of Statutes in Colorado Revises Statutes, as Amended, by Amending or Repealing Obsolete, Inconsistent, and Conflicting Provisions of Law and by Clarifying the Language to Reflect the Legislative Intent of the Laws, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Revision of Statutes in Colorado Revises Statutes, as Amended, to Conform to the Craetion of a Department of Public Safety, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Revision of Statutes in the Colorado Revised Statues 1973, as Amended, Amending or Repealing Obsolete, Inconsistent, and Conflicting Provisions of Law and Clarifying the Language to Reflect the Legislative Intent of the Laws, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Revision of Statutes in the Colorado Revised Statutes 1963, as Amended, as Recommended by the Revisor of Statutes and Approved by the Subcommittee on Statute Revision of the Committee on Legal Services., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Revision of Statutes in the Colorado Revised Statutes 1963, as Amended, Pursuant to the Report of the Subcommittee on Statute Revision of the Committee on Legal Services., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Revision of Statutes in the Colorado Revised Statutes 1973, as Amended, Amending or Repealing Obsolete, Inconsistent, and Conflicting Provisions of Law and Clarifying the Language to Reflect the Legislative Intent of the Laws, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Revision of Statutes in the Colorado Revised Statutes 1973, as Amended, Amending or Repealing Obsolete, Inconsistent, and Conflicting Provisions of Law and Clarifying the Language to Reflect the Legislative Intent of the Laws, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Revision of Statutes in the Colorado Revised Statutes 1973, as Amended, Amending or Repealing Obsolete, Inconsistent, and Conflicting Provisions of Law and Clarifying the Language to Reflect the Legislative Intent of the Laws, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Revision of Statutes in the Colorado Revised Statutes 1973, as Amended, to Amend or Repeal Obsolete, Inconsistent, and Conflicting Provisions of Law and to Clarify the Language and Reflect the Legislative Intent of the Laws., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Revision of Statutes in the Colorado Revised Statutes, as Amended, Amending or Repealing Obsolete, Inconsistent, a Conflicting Provisions of Law and Clarifying the Language to Reflect the Legislative Intent of the Laws., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Revision of Statutes in the Colorado Revised Statutes, as Amended, Amending or Repealing Obsolete, Inconsistent, and Conflicting Provisions of Law and Clarifying the Language to Reflect the Legislative Intent of the Laws, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Revision of Statutes in the Colorado Revised Statutes, as Amended, Amending or Repealing Obsolete, Inconsistent, and Conflicting Provisions of Law and Clarifying the Language to Reflect the Legislative Intent of the Laws, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Revision of Statutes in the Colorado Revised Statutes, as Amended, Amending or Repealing Obsolete, Inconsistent, and Conflicting Provisions of Law and Clarifying the Language to Reflect the Legislative Intent of the Laws, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Revision of Statutes in the Colorado Revised Statutes, as Amended, Amending or Repealing Obsolete, Inconsistent, and Conflicting Provisions of Law and Clarifying the Language to Reflect the Legislative Intent of the Laws., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Revision of Statutes in the Colorado Revised Statutes, as Amended, Amending or Repealing Obsolete, Inconsistent, and Conflicting Provisions of Law and Clarifying the Language to Reflect the Legislative Intent of the Laws., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Revision of Statutes in the Colorado Revised Statutes, as Amended, Amending or Repealing Obsolete, Inconsistent, and Conflicting Provisions of Law and Clarifying the Language to Reflect the Legislative Intent of the Laws., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Revision of Statutes in the Colorado Revised Statutes, as Amended, Amending or Repealing Obsolete, Inconsistent, and Conflicting Provisions of Law and Clarifying the Language to Reflect the Legislative Intent of the Laws., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Revision of Statutes in the Colorado Revised Statutes, as Amended, Amending or Repealing Obsolete, Inconsistent, and Conflicting Provisions of Law and Clarifying the Language to Reflect the Legislative Intent of the Laws., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Revision of Statutes in the Colorado Revised Statutes, as Amended, Amending or Repealing Obsolete, Inconsistent, and Conflicting Provisions of Law and Clarifying the Language to Reflect the Legislative Intent of the Laws., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Revision of Statutes in the Colorado Revised Statutes, as Amended, Amending or Repealing Obsolete, Inconsistent, and Conflicting Provisions of Law and Clarifying the Language to Reflect the Legislative Intent of the Laws., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Revision of Statutes in the Colorado Revised Statutes, as Amended, Amending or Repealing Obsolete, Inconsistent, and Conflicting Provisions of Law and Clarifying the Language to Reflect the Legislative Intent of the Laws., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Revision of Statutes in the Colorado Revised Statutes, as Amended, Amending or Repealing Obsolete, Inconsistent, and Conflicting Provisions of Law and Clarifying the Language to Reflect the Legislative Intent of the Laws., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Revision of Statutes in the Colorado Revised Statutes, as Amended, Amending or Repealing Obsolete, Inconsistent, and Conflicting Provisions of Law and Clarifying the Language to Reflect the Legislative Intent of the Laws., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Revision of Statutes in the Colorado Revised Statutes, as Amended, Amending or Replacing Obsolete, Inconsistent, and Conflicting Provisions of Law and Clarifying the Language to Reflect the Legislative Intent of the Laws., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Revision of Statutes in the Colorado Revises Statutes, as Amended, Amending or Repealing Obsolete, Inconsistent, and Conflicting Provisions of Law and Clarifying the Language to Reflect the Legislative Intent of the Laws, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Revision of Statutes Providing for Telecommunications Relay Service for Persons Who Are Disabled Telephone Users, and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Revision of the Traffic Laws, and, in Connection Therewith, Directing the Highway Legislation Review Committee to Perform a Study of the Traffic Laws, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Revocation of Certificates of Authority of Foreign Corporations, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Revocation of Colorado Driving Privileges After the Revocation of Tribal Driving Privileges Under Tribal Law., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Revocation of Drivers' Licenses., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Right of Abutting Owners to Purchase Excess Rights-Of-Way., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Right of a Person to Provide for the Disposition of All or Any Portion of His Body Upon His Death, and Causes of Action in Relation to Such Disposition After Death., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Right of a Victim to Make a Statement at a Community Corrections Hearing., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Right of Cemeteries to Reclaim Abandoned Interment Sites., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Right of Consumers of Electricity to Interconnect Energy Storage Systems for Use on Their Property., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Right of Final Disposition of the Remains of a Decedent., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Right of Handicapped Persons to Accompanied by Service Dogs., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Right of Owners of Stolen Property to Recover Damages., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Right of Persons Between the Ages of Eighteen Years and Twenty-One Years to Contract for Insurance and Annuities, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Right of Persons to Accept or Reject Medical or Surgical Treatment., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Right of Prisoners to Consult Counsel., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Right of Rescission After Sale of a Time Share, and Relating to Deceptive Trade Practices and Penalties Therefor, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Right of the Life and Health Insurance Protection Association to Elect to Succeed to the Reinsurance Contracts of an Insolvent Member Insurer., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Rights, Duties, Authorities, and Responsibilities of Persons Eighteen, Nineteen, and Twenty Years of Age., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Rights, Duties, Authorities, and Responsibilities of Persons Eighteen, Nineteen, or Twenty Years of Age to Contract., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Rights of a Local Government with Regard to the Construction of a Private Toll Road or Toll Highway., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Rights of a Recipient of Mental Health Services Under the Medical Assistance Program., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Rights of a Water Rights Easement Holder., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Rights of a Water Rights Easement Holder., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Rights of Certain Residents in Nursing Homes, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Rights of College Athletes, and, in Connection Therewith, Establishing Their Right to Receive Compensation for the Use of Their Names, Images, and Likenesses and Their Right to Obtain Professional and Legal Representation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Rights of Creditors and Beneficiaries Under Life Insurance Policies., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Rights of Crime Victims., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Rights of Members of Nonprofit Corporations in Which Residency is a Qualification for Membership., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Rights of Persons Represented by an Attorney Through the Office of the Respondent Parents' Counsel., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Rights of Persons Represented by an Attorney Through the Office of the Respondent Parents' Counsel., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Rights of Persons with Assistance Dogs., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Rights of Private Sector Employees to Inspect Their Personnel Files., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Rights of Veterans, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Right to Claim Reimbursement for Costs Resulting from Action Taken with Respect to Hazardous Waste., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Right to Cure Citizen Initiative Petitions Which Have Been Declared Insufficient Due to Form or Number of Signatures, and Making an Appropriation Connection Therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Right to Display the United States Flag., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Right to Free Speech on Campuses of Public Institutions of Higher Education., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Right to Jury Trial for Municipal Ordinance Violations, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Right to Request an Independent Medical Examination Upon a Finding that an Injured Worker has Not Reached Maximum Medical Improvement in a Workers' Compensation Case., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Risk of Damage to Underground Facilities Caused by Excavation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Role and Mission of Community Colleges., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Role and Mission of Western State Colorado University., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Role of Certain Southern Colorado University Campuses., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Role of County Departments of Social Services in Delinquency Proceedings., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Role of the Comprehensive Primary and Preventive Care Grant Program's Advisory Council., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Routing of Hazardous Materials Being Transported on the Roadways of the State., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Rules and Regulations of the Colorado State Personnel System Relating to Affirmative Action Corrective Remedies., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Rules and Regulations of the Department of Labor and Employment, and Providing for the Extensions Thereof, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Rules and Regulations of the Department of Natural Resources, and Providng for the Extension Thereof, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Rules and Regulations of the Department of Personnel, and Providing for the Extension Therefor, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Rules and Regulations of the Department of Social Services, and providing for the Extension Thereof., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Rules of State Agencies Applicable to Applications for Permits., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Safe-2-Tell Program for Persons in Schools., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Safe Routes to School Program, and, in Connection Therewith, Making and Reducing Appropriations., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Safe Treatment of Pregnant Persons in Custody., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Safety Consequences of a Driver Passing an Official Vehicle That Displays a Warning Light., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Safety of Emergency Personnel., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Safety of Persons in or on Premises Comprising an Educational Institution, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Safety of Persons Who Act in Proximity to High Voltage Lines., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Salaries of Certain Appointed State Officials, and Providing Increased Salaries for Members of the State Board of land Commissioners, the Civil Service Commission, and Industrial Commission., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Salaries of Correctional Employees of the State., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Salaries of County Commissioners and to Amend Section 7934 of the Compiled Laws of Colorado of 1921, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Salaries of County Judges of Class C and D Counties, as Defined in Section 37-14-1, C.R.S. 1963, as Amended, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Salaries of County Officers, and, in Connection Therewith, Implementing the Recommendations of the County Elected Officials' Salary Commission., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Salaries of Deputy District Attorneys., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Salaries of Deputy District Attorneys and to Amend Section 2584 of the Revised Statutes of the State of Colorado, 1908., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Salaries of Members of the State Board of Land Commissioners., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Salaries of Public Trustees, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Salary Categorization of Locally Elected Officers in Specified Counties., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Salary Categorization of Locally Elected Officers in Specified Counties., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Salary Categorization of Locally Elected Officials in Lake County., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Salary of the County Judge of the City and County of Denver., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Salary of the Superintendent of the Colorado State Hospital, and to Amend Section 580 of Chapter 18 of the Compiled Laws of Colorado for 1921., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Salary or Compensation of City Attorneys in Cities of the First Class., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Salary Paid to Appointed Deputy State Officials, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Salary Paid to Members of the Public Utilities Commission., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Salary Structure for Compensating Teachers Employed by the Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sale and Regulation of Fireworks., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sale by a Railroad Company of Its Right-of-Way for the Operation of a Public Passenger Rail Service., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sale by Banking Organizations of Insurance for Public Securities., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sale of Alcoholic Beverages from Locked Minibars in Individual Hotel Rooms for Consumption in Such Rooms, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sale of Animals for Consumption to Informed End Consumers in a Manner That Exempts the Sale from Certain Laws., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sale of a Parcel of Land Described as Lots One Through Eight in Block 18 of Whitsitt's Addition to the City and County of Denver, Colorado., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sale of a Portion of Land at the Colorado Mental Health Institute at Fort Logan to the United States Department of Veterans Affairs for the Expansion of Fort Logan National Cemetery., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sale of Certain Lands in Hinsdale County Held by the Division of Wildlife, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning The Sale of Colorado State Flags by The Division of Correctional Industries., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sale of Driver's License Photographs for the Purpose of Prevention of Fraud., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sale of Food by Nonprofit Organizations at Food Booths., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sale of Goods and Services Produced by Correctional Industries Programs, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sale of Goods by the Division of Correctional Industries to Lessors Who Have Entered into Lease-Purchase Agreements with Public Entities., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sale of Insolvent Colorado Insurance Companies, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sale of Liquor by the Drink on Optional Premises Involving Sports and Recreational Facilties., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sale of More than Fifteen Acres of Land at the Colorado Mental Health Institute at Fort Logan to the United States Department of Veterans Affairs for the Expansion of Fort Logan National Cemetery., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sale of Motor Vehicles, and Relating to the Right to Rescind Such Sale, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sale of Poisons, and Exempting those Medicines Containing Vegetable Alkaloids or Their Salts Which Do Not Require A Prescription Thereto., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sale of Powersports Vehicles, and, in Connection Therewith, Requiring Powersports Vehicles to Be Sold Only by Persons Licensed by the Motor Vehicle Dealer Board, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sale of Products and Services of the Rehabilitation Center for the Visually Impaired., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sale of Products Regulated Pursuant to Article 20 of Title 8, Colorado Revised Statutes, as Amended, Including Fuel Products, Lubricants, and Similar Products., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sale of Property of a School District., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sale of Public Lands, and Requiring the Reservation of Certain Rights to the State by the State Board of Land Commissioners., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sale of Real Estate, and Relating to the Regulation of Real Estate Brokers and Salesmen., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sale of Revenue Bonds Issued by Municipalities to Finance Water and Sewerage Facilities, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sale of Securities in the Custody of the State Treasurer as the Administrator of Unclaimed Property to Provide a Source of Revenue from the Investment of the Sale Proceeds for the Promotion of Tourism in the State., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sale of Special Malt Liquors Under the "Colorado Liquor Code"., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sale of State Lands and Timber Thereon, Under the Jurisdiction of the State Board of Land Commissioners., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sale of State Lands Under the Jurisdiction of the State Board of Land Commissioners, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sale of State School Lands, Defining Terms and Conditions for the Sale Thereof and Repealing All Acts or Parts of Acts in Conflict Herewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sale of Surplus Personal Property of the State to Elected State Officials., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sale of Surplus State Property., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sale of Tax Liens by a County Treasurer., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sale of the Colorado State Flag by the Division of Correctional Industries., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sale of Tobacco to Minors, and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sale of Uniquely Valuable Registration Numbers for Vehicles, and, in Connection Therewith, Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sale of Used Motor Vehicles., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sale of Wildlife and Parks Licenses and Permits to License Agents of the Division of Wildlife and the Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sale or Mortgage of Personal Property Owned by the Estates of Decedents, Minors, and Persons Mentally Incompetent; And to Amend Section 147, Chapter 176, 1935 Colorado Statutes Annotated., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sales and Use Tax., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sales and Use Tax Exemption Provided for Persons Engaged in Manufacturing in Enterprise Zones., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sales and Use Tax Exempt Status of Meals Provided to Employees of a Business Where Prepared Food Is Regularly Sold., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sales and Use Tax, Providing for Definitions, Licensing Requirements, Reports of Vendors, Interest Rates Applicable to Delinquent Taxes, Refund Provisions, and the Basis for the Levy of Tax in Certain Combination Contracts., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sales and Use Tax Treatment o Certain Wholesale Sales Related to the Production of Agricultural Products., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sales and Use Tax Treatment of Equipment Used to Manufacture New Metal Stock from Scrap or End-of-Life-Cycle Metals, and, in Connection Therewith, Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sales Tax, and Relating to the Definition of "Sale" or "Sale and Purchase", Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sales Tax, and Relating to the Definition of "Sale" or "Sale and Purchase"., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sales Tax Exemption for Purchases of Medical Equipment., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sales Tax on Leased Property, and Preventing Double Taxation Thereof., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sanctions Imposed by Part 1 of Article 6 of Title 12, Colorado Revised Statutes, as Amended, on Licensees in the Motor Vehicle Occupations, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the "Savings and Loan Association Public Deposit Protection Act.", Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Schedule by Which the Department of Education Releases School Accountability Reports., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Scheduled Repeal of a Report by the Board of Veterans Affairs to the General Assembly., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Scheduled Repeal of Reports by Educational Agencies to the General Assembly., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Scheduled Repeal of Reports by Higher Education Agencies to the General Assembly., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Scheduled Repeal of Reports by the Department of Corrections to the General Assembly., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Scheduled Repeal of Reports by the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing to the General Assembly., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Scheduled Repeal of Reports by the Department of Human Services to the General Assembly., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Scheduled Repeal of Reports by the Department of Labor and Employment to the General Assembly., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Scheduled Repeal of Reports by the Department of Law to the General Assembly., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Scheduled Repeal of Reports by the Department of Local Affairs to the General Assembly., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Scheduled Repeal of Reports by the Department of Natural Resources to the General Assembly., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Scheduled Repeal of Reports by the Department of Personnel to the General Assembly., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Scheduled repeal of Reports by the Department of Public Health and Environment to the General Assembly., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Scheduled Repeal of Reports by the Department of Public Safety to the General Assembly., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Scheduled Repeal of Reports by the Department of Regulatory Agencies to the General Assembly., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Scheduled Repeal of Reports by the Department of Revenue to the General Assembly., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Scheduled Repeal of Reports by the Department of Transportation to the General Assembly., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Scheduled Repeal of Reports by the Judicial Department to the General Assembly., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Scheduled Repeal of Reports to the General Assembly, and, in Connection Therewith, Continuing the Requirements for Reports by the Department of Transportation and the Department of Public Safety., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Scheduling of a Driver's License Revocation Hearing Under the Express Consent Law., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Scheduling of County Office Hours., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the School and Other Public Lands Belonging to the State or Claimed by the State and Making an Appropriation to Defend the Rights of the State Thereto., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the School Attendance Law., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the "School Attendance Law of 1963"., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the School Awards Program Fund., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the School District Budgetary Process., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the School District Organization Act of 1957, and Relating to the Powers of Boards of Education., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the School for the Deaf and Blind, and Repealing 16-2-13, 16-2-14, 16-2-15, 16-2-17, 16-2-18 and 16-2-19, Colorado Revised Statutes 1953., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the School for the Deaf and the Blind and to Amend the Law Relating Thereto., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the School Security Infrastructure Grant Program., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Scientific Development Commission., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Scope of Insurance Provisions Regarding the Treatment of Pain., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Scope of Jurisdiction of the Transportation Legislation Review Committee., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Scope of State Regulation of Factory-Built Structures, and, in Connection Therewith, Clarifying the Application of Programs and Rules Relating to Certification of Factory-Built Structures and Installation of Manufactured Homes., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Scope of the Authority of the Department of Transportation to Award a Design Bid Build Highway Project Contract in an Amount that Exceeds the Estimate of the Department on the Project., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sealing of Arrest Records in Cases that Are Not Adjudicated Due to Plea Agreements., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sealing of Criminal Justice Records, and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Second-Parent Adoption of a Child of a Sole Legal Parent., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Second Pool of Premium Tax Credits Available Under the "Certified Capital Company Act", and, in Connection Therewith, Creating an Insurance Premium Tax Credit for Contributions to CoverColorado by an Insurance Company., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Secretary of State, and Relating to the Duties Thereof., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Secretary of State, and Relating to the Duties Thereof with Respect to Corporations., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Security Level Designation for the Centennial Correctional Facility., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Security of Communication and Information Resources in Public Agencies, and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Security of Election Ballots., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Seizure of Automobiles and Certain Component Parts Thereof, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Selection of Grand Juries, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Selection of Jurors Pursuant to the "Uniform Jury Selection and Service Act"., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Selection of Persons to Fill Vacancies in the General Assembly by Vacancy Committees., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Selection Process for an Independent Medical Examiner in Workers' Compensation Cases., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Selection Process for Employment in the State Personnel System., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sentencing of Mandatory Sentence Offenders, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sentencing of Offenders, and Providing Credit for Good Time Pending Appeal, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sentencing of Persons Convicted of Certain Crimes, and to Amend the Law Relating Thereto., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sentencing of Persons Convicted of Class 1 Felonies Committed While the Persons Were Juveniles., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sentencing of Persons to the Colorado State Penitentiary and Colorado State Reformatory., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Service of Process in Judicial Proceedings., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Service of Process on Unauthorized Insurance Companies, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Service of Summons., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Services of Psychologists Under the "Colorado Medical Assistance Act"., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Session Laws of Colorado and the Form of Printing Thereof., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Settlement or Release of Liability for Personal Injury., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Severance Tax, and Providing a Credit Against Such Tax, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Severance Tax and Providing a Credit for New Operations Against the Severance Tax, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Severance Tax on Molybdenum Ore., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Severance Tax on Molybdenum Ore., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Severance Tax Rate on Molybdenum Ore and Coal., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Severance Tax Trust Fund, and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sex Offender Management Board, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sex of Proposed Custodians in Determining the Best Interests of the Child in Child Custody Proceedings, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sexual Exploitation of Children, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning The Sexual Exploitation of Children., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Shared Costs of a District Public Health Agency by the Counties in the District., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sharing of Annual Leave by Employees in the State Personnel System., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sharing of Professional Dental Fees., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Simplification of Port of Entry Clearances, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Simplification of Regulatory Treatment by the Public Utilities Commission for Small Privately Owned Water Companies., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Simplification of Water Well Permit Requirements., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Six Month Encumbrance Deadline for Capital Construction Appropriations., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Size of the State Seal., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Slaughtering of Livestock, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Small Claims Court, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning The "Social Work Practice Act"., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Soldiers' and Sailors' Home, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Soldiers' and Sailors' Home and to Amend the Law Relating Thereto, and to Repeal Section 3, Chapter 150, 1935 Colorado Statutes Annotated., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Soldiers' and Sailors' Home; Changing the Name of the Home; and Providing for Its Administration and Operation; and Making an Appropriation to the Home., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Solemnization of Marriages by Court Referees, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sourcing of Sales of Companies Providing Mutual Fund Services for Colorado Income Tax Apportionment., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Southern Ute Indian Tribe/State of Colorado Environmental Commission, and, in Connection Therewith, Repealing Term Limits Applicable to the Commission and Repealing a Moot Condition Related to the Repeal of the Commission., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Special Contingency Reserve Fund for School Districts, and Providing for an Extension Thereof., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Special Fuel Tax, And Providing for the Collection of Increased Registration Fees If Said Fuel is to be Used in Diesel-powered Private Passenger Vehicles or Motor Homes., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Special Fuel Tax in Relation to Vehicles Having a Gross Vehicle Weight of Not More than Ten Thousand Pounds., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Special Fuel Tax Rate for Persons Operating Pursuant to a Single Trip Permit, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Special Powers of Industrial Banks, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Special Powers of Industrial Banks, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Species Conservation Trust Fund., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Species Conservation Trust Fund, and, in Connection Therewith, Approving the Species Conservation Eligibility List., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Species Conservation Trust Fund, and, in Connection Therewith, Approving the Species Conservation Eligibility List., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Species Conservation Trust Fund, and, in Connection Therewith, Approving the Species Conservation Eligibility List., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Species Conservation Trust Fund, and, in Connection Therewith, Approving the Species Conservation Eligibility List, Adjusting Previously-Approved Transfers and Approvals, and Making Appropriations., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Species Conservation Trust Fund, and, in Connection Therewith, Approving the Species Conservation Eligibility List, Recapitalizing the Species Conservation Trust Fund, and Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Species Conservation Trust Fund, and, in Connection Therewith, Approving the Species Conservation Eligibility List, Recapitalizing the Species Conservation Trust Fund, and Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Specification of a Period of Active Service Required for the Payment of an Early Retirement Pension to a Volunteer Firefighter by the Board of the Trustees of a Volunteer Firefighter Pension Fund, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Specification of Circumstances Which Authorize Annexation of Land by Municipalities, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Specification of Procedures for the Ratification of Defective Corporate Actions., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Specification of Purposes for Which Ten Percent of the Net Proceeds of the Lottery Is Appropriated to the Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Specification of Reasons in a Complaint to Terminate a Tenancy in a Mobile Home Park., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Specification of What Materials May be Provided in a Language other Than English by an Insurer to a Customer., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Specifications for Vehicles to Operate on Highways., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Specification that a Motor Vehicle Lessee Is Entitled to Claim the Innovative Motor Vehicle Tax Credit., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Specification that the Office of State Planning and Budgeting Shall Ensure Submission to the Joint Budget Committee of the General Assembly All Agency Requests for Fiscal Year 2006-07 by November 15, 2005., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Specific Wording Related to a Statewide Ballot Title., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Speed Limit for Single Rear Axle Vehicles that are in the Business of Transporting Trash., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Spending Authority Related to the Funding of Recycling Resources Economic Opportunity Activities, and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Stabilization of Revenue in the Severance Tax Operational Fund by Returning Money That Was Transferred to Natural Resources and Energy Grant Programs., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Staggering of the Terms of Members of the Commission on Higher Education., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Standard a Government Agnecy Must Meet in Order to Use Driver's License Image Technology., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Standardization of Financial Transaction Requirements Applicable to Insurers., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Standardization of the Procedural Requirements for the Issuance of Special License Plates., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning The "Standard Nonforfeiture and Valuation Act", and Revising The Provisions Thereof to Promote Uniformity With Other States., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Standard of Evidence Necessary for Certain Applicants to Establish Their Social Security Numbers with the Department of Revenue., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Standards for Approval of Simulcast Facilities by the Colorado Racing Commission., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Standards Required for Documents Received by County Clerk and Recorders., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Standing of a Municipality to Challenge the Acts of the Governing Body of an Annexing Municipality, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Standing of Counties to Contest the Constitutionality of Statutes., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Start Smart Nutrition Program, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Agricultural Commission., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Athletic Commission of Colorado, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Audit Cycle of the Emissions Program for Motor Vehicles., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Auditor, and Relating to a Vacancy in the Office Thereof and Providing for Deputies Therefor, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Auditor, and Relating to the Powers, Duties, and Functions Thereof., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Auditor's Duty to Conduct Records Management Audits of State Government Agencies., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Board for Community Colleges and Occupational Education, and Relating to Eligibility for Appointment and Compensation of the Members Thereof., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Board of Agriculture, Amending Section 124-11-2, Colorado Revised Statutes 1963, to Provide for Acquisition and Use of Property, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Board of Agriculture, Relating to a Quorum of the Board and the Expiration of the Terms of Members, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Board of Control for State Homes for the Aged, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Board of Cosmetology, and Relating to the Composition Thereof, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Board of Education, and Authorizing Modifications in the School Calendar Thereby, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Board of Equalization, and Relating to the Membership Thereof and to the Duties Thereof Including But Not Limited to Property Tax Equalization Duties., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Board of Equalization, and Relating to the Powers and Duties Thereof., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Board of Examiners and to Amend the Law Relating Thereto., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Board of Land Commissioners., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Board of Land Commissioners, Providing for the Administrative Expenses of the Office of Said Board, and Amending the Law Relating to the Funds of the Office for Administrative Expenses., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Board of Parole., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Board of Parole, and Relating to Parole Interviews Conducted Thereby., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Board of Pharmacy, and Relating to the Composition Thereof., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Board of Physical Therapy, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Board of Shorthand Reporters, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Board of Social Services., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Board of Stock Inspection Commissioners, and Providing for Cancellation and Reissuance of Brands and Retention of Sale Proceeds Thereby., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Board of Stock Inspection Commissioners, and Relating to Reports and Revenues Filed Therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Board of Veterans Affairs., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Board of Veterinary Medicine, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Bureau of Child and Animal Protection., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Census., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Central Storeroom, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Certification of Organic Producers Pursuant to the Federal "Organic Foods Production Act of 1990", and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Charter School Institute, and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Children's Home and to Repeal 22-4-24 to 22-4-26, Colorado Revised Statutes 1953, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Clearinghouse., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Commision on Judicial Performance., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Contribution for Employees Enrolled in Group Benefit Plans that Include Enrollment in Medical Benefits, and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Contribution Limit to Fire and Police Pension Funds., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Contributions to the State Employees and Officials Group Insurance Plan, and Making and Appropriation in Connection Therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Contribution to the Fire and Police Members' Benefit Fund for Allocation to the Death and Disability Account in Such Fund., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Contribution to the State Employees and Officials Group Health and Life Insurance Plan, and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Contribution to the State Employees' and Officials' Group Insurance, and Making an Appropriation Therefor, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Contribution to the State Employees' and Officials' Group Insurance, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Controller's Procedures for Collection of Debt Owed the State., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Correctional System, and Providing for a Study Thereof, and Making an Appropriation Therefor, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Correctional System Study, and Extending the Moratorium on the Construction of Jails., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Council on Criminal Justice., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Defined Contribution Plan., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the "State Department Financial Responsibility and Accountability Act"., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Department of Agriculture, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Department of Agriculture and to Amend Article 10, Chapter 6, Colorado Revised Statutes 1953., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning The State Department of Agriculture, and to Amend the Law Relating Thereto., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Department of Public Welfare, and Providing for a Hearing Officer for Said Department., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Electrical Board in the Department of Regulatory Agencies, and Making a Supplemental Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Electrical Board, Providing for the Powers and Duties Thereof, and Continuing the State Electrical Board, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Employees Emeritus Retirement Fund, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Engineer's Authority to Approve the Temporary Operation of Interruptible Water Supply Agreements, and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Engineer's Rule-Making Authority in the Case of Dewatering of Geologic Formations by Withdrawing Nontributary Ground Water to Facilitate the Mining of Minerals., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Equalization Program, and Increasing the Equalization Support Level and the Authorized Revenue Base for the 1976 Budget Year, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Fair and Industrial Exposition, and Authorizing the State Fair and Industrial Exposition Commission to Issue General Revenue Bonds Therefor, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Fair and to Repeal 54-1-6 (1) and (2), Colorado Revised Statutes 1963., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Fair Authority, and Making Appropriations in Connection Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State General Fund Reserve Required for Fiscal Year 1992-93., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Highway Access Code, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Highway Commission., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Highway Commission, and in Connection Therewith, Reapportioning State Highway Commission Districts and Reestablishing the Commission, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Highway Commission, and to Amend the Law Relating Thereto, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Highway Department and Long-Range Highway Planning, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Highway Department and the State Highway Engineer, and to Amend Chapter 143, 1935 Colorado Statutes Annotated, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Highway Supplementary Fund., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Historical Fund, and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Historical Society., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Home and Training School at Grand Junction, Making an Appropriation Therefor, and Repealing 71-4-20 and 71-4-21, Colorado Revised Statutes, 1953., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Home and Training School at Ridge, Making an Appropriation Therefor, and Repealing 71-4-15 and 71-4-16, Colorado Revised Statutes, 1953., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Home for Dependent and Neglected Children, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Homes and Training Schools for Mental Defectives, and to Amend Section 52, Chapter 105, 1935 Colorado Statutes Annotated, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Housing Board's Authority to Promulgate Rules Governing the Construction of Factory-built Housing., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Income Tax, and Providing for a Deduction for Taxpayers Who Cause Alternative Energy Devices to be Installed in Any Building Owned by Said Taxpayers., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Income Tax, and Providing for a Tax Credit., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Income Tax Checkoff Designation for the Support of Nongame Wildlife Programs., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Income Tax Credit for the Environmental Remediation of Contaminated Land in the State, and, in Connection Therewith, Making and Reducing Appropriations., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Income Tax Filing Status of Two Taxpayers Who May Legally File a Joint Federal Income Tax Return., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Income Tax Voluntary Contribution Desgination in Support of the United States Olympic Committee, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Income Tax Voluntary Contribution Designation in Support of United States Olympic Committee., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Industrial School at Golden, providing for the maintenance and carrying on of the same, and repealing certain laws relating thereto., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Industrial School for Boys, Making an Appropriation Therefor, and Repealing 105-1-19 and 105-1-20, Colorado Revised Statutes, 1953., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the state insane asylum and making appropriations therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the state insane asylum, and making appropriations therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Insane Asylum, and Making Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Insane Asylum, Providing for Expense of Lunacy Inquests and Transportation of the Indigent Insane, and Making Appropriations Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Inspector of Oils; and Providing for the Powers and Duties Thereof with Respect to Hazardous or Dangerous Conditions Involving Fuel Products, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Library, and Relating to Gifts and Bequests Thereto, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Lottery Division, and, in Connection There-with, Providing for the Kinds of Lotteries to be Conducted and Directing that Certain Lottery Proceeds be Used for the Construction of Certain Correctional Facilities., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Major Medical Insurance Fund, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Normal Schools and Amending Section 8174, Compiled Laws of Colorado, 1921., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Personnel System, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Personnel System, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Personnel System., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Personnel System., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Personnel System., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Personnel System, and Changing the Reporting Dates for Adjustments to Salaries and Fringe Benefits., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Personnel System, and, in Connection Therewith, Enacting the "Modernization of the State Personnel System Act"., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Personnel System, and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Personnel System; and Providing for the Composition Thereof and Providing for the Creation of the Department of Personnel, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Personnel System, and Providing for the Coordination of that System with Other Systems of State Employees., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Personnel System, and Providing for the Determination of Compensation for State Employees and for Responses to Fiscal Emergencies Affecting State Government., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Planning Commission and to Amend Chapter 106, Colorado Revised Statutes 1953., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Procurement of Consultants' Services., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Program to Promote Colorado Tourism., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Public Defender, and Providing for the Appointment Thereof, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Purchasing Agent, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Purchasing Agent, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Reformatory and Making Appropriations Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Reformatory and Making Appropriations Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Reformatory and Making Appropriations Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Reformatory, and Making Appropriations Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Reformatory; and Making Appropriations Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Reformatory; and Making Appropriations Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Response to Changes in the National Maximum Speed Limit, and, in Relation Thereto, Authorizing the State Department of Highways to Adjust the Speed Limit as Allowed by Federal Law, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State's Acceptance of Legislative Jurisdiction From the United States of America Over the Real Property Comprising the United States Army Garrison, Fitzsimons, Located in the City of Aurora, Colorado., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Sales and Use Tax of Standardized Software, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Sales Tax Refund Payable to Qualified Individuals when State Revenues Are in Excess of the Constitutional Limitation on State Fiscal Year Spending., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Share of District Total Program for School Districts that Have Obtained Voter Approval to Be Exempt from the Constitutional Revenue Limit but then Obtain Voter Approval to Again Be Subject to Such Limit., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State's Master Leasing Program., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State's Share of Pari-Mutuel Wagering Receipts of Nonprofit Horse Racing Organizations, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Student Advisory Council for Community and Technical Colleges, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Teachers' Emeritus Retirement Fund, and Increasing the Amount of the Monthly Payments Therefrom, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Teachers' Emeritus Retirement Fund, and Making an Appropriation Therefor, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Telecommunications Network., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Toxicology Laboratory, and, in Connection Therewith, Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Treasurer, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Treasurer, and, in Connection Therewith, Establishing the State Treasurer as the State's Cash Management Officer and Allowing the State Treasurer to Make a Loan to the Colorado Financial Reporting System Project, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Treasurer's Authority to Manage State Public Financing, and, in Connection Therewith, Reducing an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Treasurer's Investment Management of Various Funds Related to Workmen's Compensation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Treasurer's Management of State Moneys., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the State Veterans Nursing Home at Homelake, Colorado, and in Connection Therewith, Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Statewide Adoption Resource Registry, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Statewide Communication System for Referral to Behavioral Health Services, and, in Connection Therewith, Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Statewide Communication System for Referral to Essential Services, and, in Connection Therewith, Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Statewide Information Infrastructure., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Statewide Internet Portal., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Statewide Internet Portal., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Statewide Internet Portal Authority., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Statewide Managed Care System Under the "Colorado Medical Assistance Act", and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Statewide Standard Health History Form that Members of the Fire and Police Pension Association Complete when Commencing Employment., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Statewide Tolling Enterprise., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Statewide Tolling Enterprise, and, in Connection Therewith, Clarifying the Division of Responsibilities Between the Board of the Enterprise and the Transportation Commission with Respect to the Operation of the Enterprise., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Statewide Travel Management Program., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Stationary Source Program of the Department of Public Health and Environment, and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Statistical Model for Determining Longitudinal Analysis of Colorado Student Assessment Program Assessments., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Status of a Retired Architect., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Status of Independent Contractor Drivers Under Colorado Labor Law., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Statute of Limitations for Commencing a Civil Action in Tort to Recover Damages for an Act of Domestic Violence., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Statute of Limitations for Commencing Criminal Proceedings Involving Sex Crimes Committed Against Children, and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Statute of Limitations for Sexual Assault., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Statute of Limitations in Civil Actions Involving Sexual Offenses., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Statute of Limitations Relating to Claims for Refund or Credit of Income Tax., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Statutes of Limitations for Certain Crimes Involving Public Employees., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Statutes of Limitations for the Commencement of Civil Actions in Colorado., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Statutory Changes Necessary to Bring the "Colorado Contraband Forfeiture Act" Into Compliance With Statutory Changes Made in 1992 to Colorado Statutes Pertaining to the Abatement of Public Nuisance., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Statutory Creation of the Existing Office of Health Disparities in the Department of Public Health and Environment., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Statutory Definition of a Deadly Weapon., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Statutory Definition of the Governor's Authority to Address Revenue Shortfalls, and Clarifying Such Authority with Respect to Capital Construction Expenditures., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Statutory Designation of the Boundaries of the City and County of Broomfield, and, in Connection Therewith, Excluding Areas of the City and County of Broomfield from the Counties of Adams, Jefferson, Boulder, and Weld., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Statutory Implementation of an Amendment to the State Constitution Relating to the Rights of Crime Victims in Cases of Crimes Against Persons, and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Statutory Limitation on Bonded Indebtedness that may be Issued by County Governments., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Statutory Revision Committee., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Stewardship of Local Government Investments., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Storage of Water, and Relating to Facilities Constructed Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Storage of Water by Means of Erosion Control Dams., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Strengthening of Criminal Laws Pertaining to Aircraft Operation, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Strengthening of Laws for the Protection of Consumers, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Strengthening of Laws Governing the Enforcement of Restraining Orders, and, in Connection Therewith, Creating a Central Registry of Restraining Orders., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Strengthening of Laws Pertaining to Juvenile Deliquency., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Strengthening of Laws Pertaining to Juvenile Deliquency., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Strengthening of Laws Pertaining to the Crime of Child Abuse., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Strengthening of Procedures Relating to Criminal Law., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Strengthening of Procedures Relating to Criminal Law., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Strengthening of Programs for the Benefit of Crime Victims, and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Strengthening of Provisions for the Protection of Students Affected by Private Occupational Schools Ceasing Operation, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Strengthening of Substantive Criminal Law., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Strengthening of Substantive Criminal Law., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Strengthening of the "Colorado Crime Victim Compensation Act", Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Structure of the State System of Community Colleges., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Structure of Trust Funds and Investment Funds in the Administration of Assets for the Benefit of Firefighters and Police Officers., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Student Loan Advisory Committee., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning The Student Loan Guarantee Program., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Student Loan Program Administered by the Student Loan Division in the Department of Higher Education., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Studies Requested in the Department of Personnel's Response to the Request for Information in the Fiscal Year 2013-14 Annual General Appropriation Act, and, in Connection Therewith, Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Study of Medical Care Cost Containment Relating to the "Workmen's Compensation Act of Colorado", and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Study of the Criminal Justice System, and, in Connection Therewith, Changing the Colorado Criminal and Juvenile Justice Commission and Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Study of the Portability of Health Insurance After a Policyholder Is Separated from Employment., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Submission by a State Agency to a Local Government of Information Related to an Application to the Local Government to Approve a Major Utility Facility., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Submission of Fingerprints by Persons Applying for a Real Estate Broker License to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation Instead of the Real Estate Commission, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Submission of Incurring Indebtedness to the Electors of a Water Conservancy District, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Submission of Information to a Local Liquor Licensing Authority by an Applicant Seeking the Transfer of a Liquor License., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Submission of Information to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation for the Purpose of Compiling a List of Missing Children, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Submission of Initiative Petitions, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Submission of Plans to Local Soil Conservation District Boards Relating to the Subdividing of Land., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Submission to Bid of the Printing, Binding, and Packaging of Replacement Volumes and Cumulative Supplements for and Publications Ancillary to the Official, Hardbound, Fully Annotated, Current Version of Colorado Revised Statutes, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Submittal of Specific Ownership Taxes Collected from the Users of Rental Vehicles to the County Clerk in the County in which the Rental Vehicles are Rented., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Subpoena Powers of State Agencies., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning The Subsequent Injury Fund, and Relating to the Costs of Administration Thereof., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Subsidization of Adoption., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Subsidization of Adoption for Eligible Children in Colorado, and, in Connection Therewith, Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Substantive Relocation of the Laws Related to the Department of Public Health and Environment from Title 12, Colorado Revised Statutes, as Part of the Organizational Recodification of Title 12., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Substitution of Foreign Work Experience for the Required Contact Hours by an Applicant for Examination Pursuant to the "Barber and Cosmetologist Act"., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sufficiency of the Assertion of a Claim for Title to Real Property by Adverse Possession Under Colorado Law., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Suitability of Types of Soils in Proposed Subdivisions, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sunrise and Sunset Review Committee, and Providing for the Creation Thereof and the Powers and Duties Thereof, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sunset Date for the Department of Agriculture's Authority to Set Certain Amounts of Money a Person Must Pay for Certain Activities, and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sunset Date for the Regulation of Fireworks, and, in Connection Therewith, Repealing the Statutory Provisions that Terminate Fireworks Regulation on July 1, 1996., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sunset of Advisory Committees., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sunset of Advisory Committees., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sunset Review of Advisory Committees, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sunset Review of the Advisory Committee on Hearing in Newborn Infants, and, in Connection Therewith, Implementing the Recommendations of the Department of Regulatory Agenices to Continue the Advisory Committee Indefinitely., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sunset Review of the Dental Advisory Committee, and, in Connection Therewith, Implementing the Recommendations of the Department of Regulatory Agencies to Continue the Advisory Committee., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sunset Review of the Licensing of Pet Animal Facilities, and, in Connection Therewith, Continuing the Licensing Functions of the Commissioner of Agriculture and Making Substantive Changes to the Regulatory Statutes., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sunset Review of the Natural Areas Council., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sunset Review of the Nurse-Physician Advisory Task Force for Colorado Health Care, and, in Connection Therewith, Continuing the Task Force Through September 1, 2020., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sunset Review Process., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Superconducting Supercollider Accelerator, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Superintendent of the Colorado State Hospital., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Supervision of Credit Unions., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Supervision of Insurers, and, in Connection Therewith, Establishing Certain Disclosure Requirements for Insurers., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Supervision of Juveniles., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Supervision of Offenders., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Supervision of Offenders in Community-Based Programs and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Supervisory Powers of the State Commissioner of Savings and Loan Associations, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Supervisory Powers of the State Commissioner of Savings and Loan Associations., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Supplemental Appropriation of the Department of the Treasury, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Supplier Database Cash Fund., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Support by Parents or Other of Children Committed to the Care or Custody of State Institutions., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Support Fee for Out-of-State Students in the Colorado State University Veterinary Medicine Program, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Supportive Residential Community Program Operated at the Fort Lyon Property, and, in Connection Therewith, Requiring a Longitudinal Evaluation of the Program; and Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Support of Abandoned Children., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Supreme Court., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Supreme Court and Making a Supplemental Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Supreme Court Library and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Surcharge Collected on Documents Received by a County Clerk and Recorder that Is Used for the Purpose of Defraying the Costs of Providing Electronic Filing Capabilities., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Surcharge on Fines for Violation of Certain County Ordinances that Is Paid to the Colorado Traumatic Brain Injury Trust Fund, and, in Connection Therewith, Limiting the Imposition of the Surcharge to Violations of Speed Limits., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Surcharges for Violating Motor Vehicle Weight Limits, and, in Connection Therewith, Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Suspension and Revocation of Fermented Malt Beverage Licenses, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Suspension of Annual Salary and Benefit Increases for the Fiscal Year 1992-93 for All State Employees in the State Personnel System., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Suspension of Certain Transfers of State Limited Gaming Revenues to Funds Other than the State General Fund, and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Suspension of Expense Allowances for Members of the General Assembly by Joint Resolution., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Suspension of Recovery Audits of State Agencies Until the Data Needed to Conduct the Audits Is Included in a Modernized Colorado Financial Reporting System, and, in Connection Therewith, Reducing an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Suspension of the Exemption from the State Sales and Use Taxes for Certain Items Used in Agricultural Production, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Suspension of the Exemption from the State Sales and Use Taxes for Fuels Used for Industrial Purposes, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Suspension of the Property Tax Exemption for Qualifying Seniors for Specified Property Tax Years, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Suspension Period on New Rates Imposed by the Public Utilities Commission., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Sustainability of Rural Colorado., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Swearing of a Public Official Oath of Office., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the System for Central Filing of Effective Financing Statements Covering Farm Products, and, in Connection Therewith, Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the System for the Periodic Review of Agencies Performing Licensing Functions, and Extending the Coverage of Such System, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the System of Higher Education in the State of Colorado, and "Metropolitan State College" as a Component Part of Such System, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the System of Management of the Public Funds in the Custody of the Stae Treasurer., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Tabulation of Water Rights as Provided for in the "Water Right Determination and Administration Act of 1969"., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Tagging Requirements for Bedding, and Providing an Exemption Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Taking of Indecent Liberties With Children, and to Provide Punishment Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Taking of Newspapers., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Taking of Water and Water Rights by Eminent Domain, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Talent Pipeline Working Group with the State Workforce Development Council in the Department of Labor and Employment., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Taxability of Survivor Benefits Payable to the Survivors of a Member of the Statewide Death and Disability Plan, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Taxation of Agricultural Products, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Taxation of Certain Fuels, and Providing for the Exemption from such Taxation of Certain Motor Fuel and Special Fuel Used off the Streets and Highways or Within the Confines of Highway Construction Projects, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Taxation of Certain Fuels, and Providing for the Exemption from Such Taxation of Certain Motor Fuels Purchased by Certain Political Subdivisions of the State, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Taxation of Freeport Merchandise, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Taxation of Newly Constructed Buildings., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Taxation of Non-Residents of the State of Colorado, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Taxation of Personal Property Which Is Rented for Thirty Days or Less, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Taxation of Possessory Interest in Property Otherwise Exempt from Taxation, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Taxation of Possessory Interests in Exempt Real Property., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Taxation of Property Omitted From the Assessment Rolls., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Taxation of Property Used to Produce Alternating Current Electricity from a Renewable Energy Source., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Taxation of Retail Marijuana by Local Governments, and, in Connection Therewith, Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Taxation of Retirement Income Received by Persons Less Than Fifty-Fives Years of Age for Deposit in a Reserve Fund to Pay Claims Based on Potential Invalidity of Treatment of Military Retirement Income, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Taxation of Severed Mineral Interests, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Taxation of Tangible Personal Property Sold, Lent to, Stored, Used, or Consumed by Charitable Organization or Governmental Entities, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Taxation of Users of Tax-Exempt Property, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Taxation of Works of Art, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Tax Credit for Costs Incurred in Preservation of Historic Properties., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Tax Deferral of Certain Contributions Made by Members of a Benefit Retirement System Established by a School District., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the "Tax Equity Act of 1987", Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Taxing Authority of Fire Protection Districts., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Taxing Authority of the Regional Transporation District, and Providing for Legislative Review, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Taxing Authority of the Regional Transportation District., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Taxing of Shares of Stockholders in Banking Associations, and for other Purposes., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Tax Levy for County Fund Purposes., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Tax Levy of Cemetery Districts, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Tax on Inheritances and Successions, and Providing for an Exemption Pertaining Thereto., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Tax on Insurance Premiums with Respect to Considerations Received on Annuity Contracts, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Tax on Personal Property Purchased for Resale Through Coin-Operated Vending Machines., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Tax on the Severance of Oil Shale as Related to Design or Production Capacity of a Commercial Oil Shale Facility, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Tax Reduction for Gasoline Which is Blended with at Least Ten Percent by Volume of Alcohol Derived from Agricultural Commodities and Forest Products., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Tax Status of Certain Shipping Aids Used in the Movement of Certain Products., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Teacher Loan Forgiveness Pilot Program, and, in Connection Therewith, Expanding the Operation of the Program Within Rural School Districts., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Teacher Loan Forgiveness Pilot Program, and, in Connection Therewith, Promoting Recruitment of Teachers to Teach in High-Poverty Public Schools in Rural School Districts., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Teachers Emeritus Retirement Fund, and Relating to the Eligibility Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Technical Modification of Specified Requirements Affecting the Process by Which a Proposed Home Rule Charter for a Municipality is to be Submitted for the Approval of the Voters of the Municipality., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Teen Pregnancy and Dropout Prevention Program, and, in Connection Therewith, Continuing the Program, and Making an Appropriation, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Televising of Proceedings of State Government, and, in Connection Therewith, Creating the Colorado Channel Authority., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Temporary Assignment of Police Officers, Deputy Sheriffs, Firemen, and Equipment to Jurisdictions Requesting Such Assignment, and Determining Certain Legal Liabilities of the Requesting and Assigning Jurisdictions., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Temporary Assignment of Police or Sheriffs' Officers to Any Area Where There Is a Labor Dispute, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Temporary Authority of the Colorado Economic Development Commission to Allow Certain Businesses to Treat Specific Existing Income Tax Credits Differently., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Temporary Closing of Banks in Certain Circumstances., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Temporary Continuation of the State Sales and Use Tax on Cigarettes., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Temporary Custody of Children in the Department of Social Services., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Temporary Funding of Certain Agriculture Programs Entirely with Cash Funds, and Making Appropriations Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Temporary Licensure of Physicians Providing Medical Services to Olympic Athletes or Team Personnel Training or Competing in this State., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Temporary Reallocation of Limited Gaming Tax Revenues to Address Recovery Following the 2020 Budget Crisis., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Temporary Removal of a Person From a Mental Institution for Treatment and Rehabilitation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Temporary Repeal of Annual Gathering of Statistical Information by the Division of Insurance Regarding the Workers' Compensation System of Colorado, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Temporary Suspension of Statutory Allocations of Limited Gaming Tax Revenues, and, in Connection Therewith, Making and Reducing Appropriations., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Term "Contribution" in the "Colorado Employment Security Act"., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Term "Cooperative Electric Association", Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Term "Group Living Facility or Home" in Statutes Relating to Education of Exceptional Children, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Term if Intergovernmental Contracts Containing Provisions Relating to Public Finance., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Termination Date for the State Electrical Board., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Termination Date of the State Board of Veterinary Medicine Under the Sunset Law., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Termination of Affiliation with the Public Employees' Retirement Association of Employers Assigned to the Municipal Division of the Association., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Termination of Certain Policies of Insurance, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Termination of Inheritance and Gift Tax Provisions, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Termination of Medical Malpractice Insurance Policies, and Limiting the Reasons for Cancellation of Said Policies Before the End of the Policy Period., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Termination of Requirements for Periodic Reports to the General Assembly, and, in Connection Therewith, Establishing a Termination Schedule for Such Reporting Requirements., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Termination of the Authority of Faculties of State Colleges in Regard to Setting of Degree Programs at such State Colleges., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Termination of the Transit Construction Authority, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Terminology Used to Designate Persons who are Eligible for Services Under the "Home and Community-Based Services for Persons with Health Complexes Related to Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Act"., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Term of Jury Service, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Term of Office for Certain Gubernatorial Appointees, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Terms of Court of the Twelfth Judicial District of Colorado., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Terms of Future Advances Secured by Mortgages., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Terms of Mandatory Health Care Coverage Provisions for Newborn Children and Maternity, and, In Connection Therewith, Requiring that Such Coverages Include a Minimum Length of a Hospital Stay After Childbirth, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Terms of Office of Directors of Professional Service Corporations for the Practice of Medicine, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Terms of Service for Members of the Parole Board., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Terms of the District Court in the Fourth Judicial District, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Terms of the Lease Agreement for the Towner Railroad Line., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Territorial Charter of the City of Black Hawk., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Territory of Regional Service Authorities, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Testimonial Privilege Relating to Confidential Communications Made to Persons in Their Official Capacity Who Are Affiliated with a Religious Body, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Therapeutic Use of Cannabis, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Therapeutic Use of Dangerous Drugs, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Threshold Amount for Representation of Closely Held Entities by Nonattorneys., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Threshold Amount of Campaign Activity by a Candidate Committee in Connection with a Special District Election that Triggers Disclosure Requirements Under the "Fair Campaign Practices Act"., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Time Allowed for a Tenant to Cure a Lease Violation that is Not a Substantial Violation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Time During Which a Notarized Bill of Sale Will Exempt a Vehicle that Is at Least Twenty-Five Years Old from Being Required to Have a Bonded Title., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Time for Electronic Filing of Income Tax Returns., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Time for Organization of Judicial District Central Committees, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Time for the Declaration and Payment of Estimated State Income Taxes on Earnings from Farming., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Time Limitation for Renewal of a Driver's License Prior to its Expiration., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Time Limitations for the Circulation of Nomination Petitions Under the Municipal Election Code., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Time Limits for Development of Proposed Charters for County Home Rule, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Time Limits Relating to Tax Collections, and Dealing with Assessments, Liens, Distraint Warrants, and Lawsuits in Con-nection Therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Time Limits Within Which Financing Statements Shall Be Filed to Perfect a Purchase Money Security Interest Under the "Uniform Commercial Code - Secured Transactions"., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Timely Issuance of a Final Determination by the Executive Director of the Department of Revenue Following a Hearing on a Dispute Between a Taxpayer and the State Involving a State Tax Deficiency., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Timely Payment of Debts in Relation to a Waiver of the Right to Attach a Property Lien., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Timely Payment of Principal of and Interest on School District Obligations., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Timely Payment of Property Tax, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Timely Payment of Subcontractors by Contractors for Work Related to Construction Projects for Public Entities., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Time Period During which the Fire and Police Pension Association is Authorized to Investigate Members who have been Awarded Disability Benefits by said Association., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Time Period for Applying for Motor Vehicle Registration and Certificates of Title, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Time Periods for the Continuation of Automobile Insurance Policies., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Time Required to Be Served by Persons Sentenced to Life Imprisonment Under the Criminal Code, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Time Within Which Detention Hearings are to be Held Under the Children's Code, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Timing of an Inquiry into a Job Applicant's Criminal History, and, in Connection Therewith, Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Timing of Contribution Deposits for Plans Administered by the Fire and Police Pension Association., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Timing of Education Standards Review., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Timing of Joint Committee of Reference Hearings under the "State Measurement for Accountable, Responsive, and, Transparent (SMART) Government Act", and, in Connection Therewith, Reducing an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Timing of Joint Committee of Reference Hearings under the "State Measurements for Accountable, Responsive, and Transparent (SMART) Government Act", and, in Connection Therewith, Reducing an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Timing of Meetings of the Ballot Title Board., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Timing of Payments Made Under Public Medical Assistance Programs, and Making Appropriations Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Timing of Property Tax Revenue Distributions by a County Treasurer to a Local Governmental Entity., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Timing of Reports to the Capital Development Committee., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Timing of the Commencement and Expiration of the Term of Office Held by Legislative Appointees to Certain Statutorily Created Governmental Bodies., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Title of Court Magistrate, and in Connection Therewith Providing for a Change in the Title of Court Referees and Court Commissioners., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Titles, Submission Clauses and Ballot Titles of All Initiative Petitions of Proposed Laws to Be Enacted by the People and Providing Limitations of Time In Connection Therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Ton-Mile Tax on Motor Vehicles, and Exempting Certain Vehicles from Said Tax., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Torrens Title Registration System., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Town of South Park City, and to change the name thereof to "Fairplay.", Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Tracking of Offenders Through the Criminal Justice System., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Trade Readjustment Allowance Program., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Trafficking of Human Beings., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Training of Persons Working with the Aging to Assist in Insurance Matters., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Transfer in State Fiscal Year 2010-11 of All Moneys Not Otherwise Allocated from State Public School Lands to the State Public School Fund Instead of the Permanent School Fund., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Transfer of Administrative Functions for Disbursements from the Search and Rescue Fund, and Making Appropriations therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Transfer of a Judgeship from the First Judicial District to the Sixth Judicial District., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Transfer of a Mineral Exhibit From the Bureau of Mines to the State Historical Society, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Transfer of a Motor Vehicle to a Business that Intends to Recycle Such Vehicle, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Transfer of a Motor Vehicle to a Person Not Licensed as a Motor Vehicle Dealer for the Purpose of Scrapping the Motor Vehicle., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Transfer of an Individual's Retirement Funds to the Statewide Defined Benefit Plan Administered by the Fire and Police Pension Association., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Transfer of Appropriations., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Transfer of Appropriations Within a Department or Within an Office of State Government., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Transfer of a Vehicle Title Upon the Death of the Vehicle's Owner., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Transfer of Certain Authorities of the State Board of Health to Other Governmental Entities, and Making an Appropriation Therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Transfer of Certain Existing Employees from the Colorado Office of Economic Development to the Colorado Tourism Office., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Transfer of Certain Functions of the Department of Natural Resources to the Department of Agriculture, and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Transfer of Certain Moneys to the Policemen's Pension Fund., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Transfer of Electronic Records by Voter Registration Agencies in Order to Register Voter, and, in Connection Therewith, Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Transfer of Federal Land for Public Purposes., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Transfer of Foreign Nationals Held in Colorado Correctional Facilities., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Transfer of Forty-Two Million Eight Hundred Thousand Dollars on June 30, 2016, from the Unclaimed Property Trust Fund for State Programs., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Transfer of Funds Held by the State Banking Commissioner as the Result of Bank Liquidations Prior to 1948, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Transfer of General Fund Surplus Moneys to the State Education Fund at the End of Certain Fiscal Years., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Transfer of Governance of Private Occupational Schools From the State Board for Community Colleges and Occupational Education to the Private Occupational School Division, and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Transfer of Interest Earned by Certain Settlement Moneys in the Natural Resource Damage Recovery Fund., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Transfer of Interests in Telecommunication Utility Assets That Are Not Used in the Provision of Regulated Services Without Authorization by the Public Utilities Commission., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Transfer of Lands Held for the Benefit of the State of Colorado by the Department of Institutions, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Transfer of Lands Held for the Benefit of the State of Colorado by the Department of Institutions, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Transfer of Money Between States Self-Insurance Funds at the Request of the Executive Director of the Department of Personnel., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Transfer of Money from the General Fund to Cash Funds that Are Used for the State's Infrastructure., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Transfer of Money from the General Fund to Cash Funds that are Used for the State's Infrastructure., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Transfer of Money from the General Fund to the Colorado Water Conservation Board Construction Fund for Watershed Protection Programs, and, in Connection Therewith, Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Transfer of Money from the Unclaimed Property Trust Fund to the General Fund., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Transfer of Moneys from Certain Cash Funds to the State Education Fund., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Transfer of Moneys from the Children's Basic Health Plan Trust to the State General Fund., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Transfer of Moneys from the General Fund to the Building Regulation Fund., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Transfer of Moneys from the Motorist Insurance Identification Account in the Highway Users Tax Fund to the Colorado State Titling and Registration Account in the Highway Users Tax Fund., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Transfer of Moneys from the State General Fund to the Department of State Cash Fund for the Purpose of Repaying a Prior Transfer., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Transfer of Moneys from the State Rail Bank Fund to the General Fund., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Transfer of Moneys in Certain Cash Funds to the General Fund., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Transfer of Moneys in the Colorado Heritage Communities Fund to the General Fund., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Transfer of Moneys in Various Cash Funds to the General Fund., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Transfer of Moneys to Offset the Federal Government's Recoupment of Mineral Lease Payments to the State., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Transfer of One Hundred Million Dollars from the General Fund to the State Education Fund., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Transfer of One Hundred Million Dollars from the Marijuana Tax Cash Fund to the Public School Capital Construction Assistance Fund, and, in Connection Therewith, Making an Appropriation., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Transfer of Persons Who Cannot Be Safely Confined in Their Current Facility Between a Department of Corrections Facility and a Facility Operated by the Department of Human Services., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Transfer of Property Rights upon the Death of a Person, and, in Connection Therewith, Clarifying Determination-of-Heirship Proceedings in Probate., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Transfer of Real Property from the Department of Institutions to the El Paso County Board of County Commissioners, Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Transfer of Real Property in Fremont County From the Department of Corrections to the State Board for Community Colleges and Occupational Education., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Transfer of Real Property in Mesa County from the Department of Institutions to the Trustees of the Consortium of State Colleges in Colorado for Use by Mesa College., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Transfer of Responsibility for the Regulation of Games of Chance from the Secretary of State to the Department of Revenue in Accordance with House Concurrent Resolution 09-1003, and Making an Appropriation Therefor., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Transfer of the Administration of Long-Term Services for Persons with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities to the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing., Colorado General Assembly
Concerning the Transfer of the Assests of a Public Utility, Colorado General Assembly