Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Event Date
Summer Conference (17th: 1996: Boulder, Colo.)
11 pages.
Contains 2 pages of references.
Citation Information
Jamieson, Dale, "The Ethical Aspects of Biodiversity Protection: Duties to Human Beings and Duties to Other Species" (1996). Biodiversity Protection: Implementation and Reform of the Endangered Species Act (Summer Conference, June 9-12).
Included in
Biodiversity Commons, Environmental Policy Commons, Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility Commons, Natural Resources and Conservation Commons, Natural Resources Management and Policy Commons, Public Policy Commons, Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecology Commons
All across the country - in Congress, in state legislatures and in urban and rural communities - people are discussing why we should or should not protect biodiversity and how best to do so. Since the Endangered Species Act is up for reauthorization, a variety of reform proposals are being debated. Speakers - including natural resource scholars, experts from the private and nonprofit sectors, and government officials - examine the rationale for biodiversity protection, the legal framework of the Endangered Species Act, and examples of implementation of the Act from across the West. Special attention is given to major issues raised by the Act that cut across all regions, including: consultations and recovery planning; habitat conservation plans; the ESA and water rights; the ESA and state programs; the ESA and tribal rights; economic impacts of the ESA; and ESA reform proposals.
The Biodiversity Protection: Implementation and Reform of the Endangered Species Act conference has been expanded to include a keynote address Sunday evening by Jane Lubchenco, Valley Professor of Marine Biology, Department of Zoology, Oregon State University. We have also added to our traditional mountain cookout a talk by Don Snow, Executive Director, Northern Lights Institute, and Editor, Northern Lights Magazine, Laramie.