

Taussig, David C.
Hillhouse, William A., II

Full Case Name

In the Matter of the Proposed Amended Rules and Regulations Governing the Diversion and Use of Tributary Ground Water in the South Platte Basin, Colorado: Appellants: Hal D. Simpson, State Engineer, V. Appellees: Bijou Irrigation Co.; Bijou Irrigation District; Ducommun Business Trust; Farmers Highline Canal & Reservoir Company; City of Lafayette; Mountain Mutual Reservoir Co; City of Westminster; Varra Companies, Inc.; Sand Land Inc.; Pasquale Varra; Centennial Water and Sanitation District; City of Boulder; Center of Colorado Water Conservancy District; Peterson Ditch Co.; City of Brighton; City of Aurora; City of Englewood; Magness Land Holdings, LLC.; Magness Platteville, LLC; Kplattevill LLC; South Reservation Ditch Co.; Central Colorado Water Conservancy District and the Ground Water Management Subdistrict of the Central Water Conservancy District; Lower South Platte Water Conservancy District; City of Greeley; Fort Morgan Reservoir & Irrigation Co.; North Sterling Irrigation District; the Harmony Ditch Co.; Jackson Lake Reservoir and Irrigation Co.; Anderson Ditch Co.; Fort Morgan Water Co., Ltd; Liddle Ditch Co; City and County of Denver; Farmers Reservoir & Irrigation Co; Henrylyn Irrigation District; Groundwater Appropriators of the South Platte River Basin, Inc.; Riverside Irrigation District; Riverside Reservoir and Land Company; Lower Platte & Beaver Canal Company; Highland Ditch Company; Water Users Association of District No. 6; City of Sterling; Bruce Gerk and Donald Sellman Shareholders in Petersen Ditch Company and Julesburg Irrigation District; City of Thornton; City of Blackhawk

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Colorado Supreme Court

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