VIDEO: Opening Remarks and Session 1, Part 1: The Rise of State Water Planning

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Event Date



Martz Summer Conference (7th: 2015: Boulder, Colo.)



8:30 a.m.- 8:45 a.m. Welcoming Remarks: Doug Kenney, Getches-Wilkinson Center

SESSION ONE: The Rise of Statewide Water Planning

8:45 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Experiences and Lessons from Some of the Most Extensive Efforts

Moderator: Britt Banks, Getches-Wilkinson Center


California: Ellen Hanak, Public Policy Institute of California

Texas: Ron Kaiser, Texas A&M University

Arizona: Kathy Jacobs, University of Arizona


Doug Kenney, Britt Banks

Streaming Media


Many aspects of western water allocation and management are the product of independent and uncoordinated actions, several occurring a century or more ago. However, in this modern era of water scarcity, it is increasingly acknowledged that more coordinated and deliberate decision-making is necessary for effectively balancing environmental, social, and economic objectives. In recent years, a variety of forums, processes, and tools have emerged to better manage the connections between regions, sectors, and publics linked by shared water systems. In this event, we explore the cutting edge efforts, the latest points of contention, and the opportunities for further progress.

Session 1: The Rise of State Water Planning. Water planning at scales larger than individual water systems is obviously not a new idea; in fact, 2015 marks the 50th anniversary of the Water Resources Planning Act. But in the West, the word “plan” remains a 4-letter word to many supporters of the laissez-faire traditions in water management, so while some states have a long history of planning, others—notably Colorado—are taking their first steps.

Alternate Title

The Rise of State Water Planning
