Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Event Date



Hot Topics series (University of Colorado, Boulder. Natural Resources Law Center)


19 pages.

Includes footnotes.

Collection of 3 papers presented at the Hot Topics in Natural Resources Law program held on April 23, 1996.

Contents: National Park Service regulation of private mineral estates / David B. Shaver -- Recent litigation regarding federal split estates : who has control? what are the limits? / Andrew C. Mergen -- The problem of federal-private split mineral estates / Scott W. Hardt

Many federally owned lands overlie privately owned oil and gas and mineral rights. Increasingly, the competition between agency multiple use directives and private interests in resource development has resulted in legal battles between the federal government, which seeks to regulate use of the federally owned surface estate for resource extraction, and the private owner of mineral estates. Andrew Mergen, the Center's 1996 El Paso Natural Gas Law Fellow, will look at problems and potential solutions associated with these split mineral estates.
