Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Event Date
Western Lands Conference (2nd: 1994: Boulder, Colo.)
12 pages.
Citation Information
Getches, David H., "Public Land Management Decisions Affecting Water Rights: The Issue of Requiring By- Pass Flows as a Condition of National Forest Special Use Permits for Water Facilities" (1994). Who Governs the Public Lands: Washington? The West? The Community? (September 28-30).
Alternate Title
Local and national interests in using water on public lands
Included in
Administrative Law Commons, Environmental Law Commons, Environmental Policy Commons, Forest Management Commons, Land Use Law Commons, Natural Resources and Conservation Commons, Natural Resources Law Commons, Natural Resources Management and Policy Commons, Property Law and Real Estate Commons, State and Local Government Law Commons, Water Law Commons, Water Resource Management Commons
Shifting policy objectives and management approaches for the public lands of the West are provoking heated debate about how these decisions should be made and implemented. Are these policy directions a reflection of the "New West" or are they, in fact, a declaration of "war on the West"? Somewhere between these polarities of view, efforts are underway to open dialogue and reach consensus.
This second annual western lands conference, Who Governs the Public Lands: Washington? The West? The Community?, explores federal initiatives including the Colorado Grazing Roundtable and Rangeland '94, Option 9 and the Pacific Northwest forests, bypass flows and Colorado national forests, and wilderness protection in Utah.
Speakers from federal agencies, from states, from groups concerned with the use and protection of the public lands, and from academia, discuss these initiatives and issues that they raise regarding control of the western public lands.