The Boulder Conference is a gathering of law librarians who meet to critique scholarly works-in-progress and to develop a pedagogy of legal research instruction. The conference has met annually since 2009. The first conference was held at the University of Colorado Law School's William A. Wise Law Library in Boulder, Colorado.
Duquesne Law Library began coordinating the Boulder Conference after the July 2022 conference in Boulder, CO. Details can be found in the Duquesne Scholarship Collection.
Boulder Statements
- 2009 Boulder Statement on Legal Research Education (First Conference in Boulder, Colorado, June 2009)
- 2010 Boulder Statement on Legal Research Education: Signature Pedagogy Statement (Second Conference in Boulder, Colorado, June 2010)
- Boulder Statement on Best Practices for Teaching: Coach Template and Illustrations: I, II, III, IV (Third Conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, July 2011 & Fourth Conference in Boston, Massachusetts, July 2012)
- Boulder Statement on Legal Research (Eighth Conference in Chicago, Illinois 2016): Legal research is the analysis, search process, information evaluation, and reasoning necessary to ethically solve problems and provide legal advice. Legal research is integral to lawyers’ professional competence.
Browse the Boulder Conference on Legal Research and Education Collections:
2015 Conference (Philadelphia)