VIDEO: The Overarching Issues: Energy/Water Nexus
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Event Date
Martz Summer Conference (4th: 2012: Boulder, Colo.)
8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Energy/Water Nexus: The Role of Water in a Low Carbon Energy Future: Water for Energy/Energy for Water
Introduction: Mark Squillace, Director, Natural Resources Law Center, University of Colorado Law School
Moderator: Doug Kenney, Director, Western Water Policy Program, Natural Resources Law Center
Water for Energy: Kristen Averyt, Associate Director of Research, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES), University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
Energy for Water: Stacy Tellinghuisen, Senior Energy/Water Policy Analyst, Western Resource Advocates, Boulder, CO
Water's Effect on Transmission Planning: Alex Schroeder, Colorado Energy Office, Senior Manager of Transportation Fuels Office
Commentator: Dr. Robert Wilkinson, Bren School of Environmental Science & Management, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA
Mark Squillace, Doug Kenney
Citation Information
Averyt, Kristen; Tellinghuisen, Stacy; Schroeder, Alex; and Wilkinson, Robert, "VIDEO: The Overarching Issues: Energy/Water Nexus" (2012). A Low-Carbon Energy Blueprint for the American West (Martz Summer Conference, June 6-8).
Alternate Title
Water/Energy Nexus
The future of the planet may depend upon our ability to increase energy supplies even as we reduce carbon emissions. This conference will address how a low-carbon energy program might evolve with a particular focus on the American West. It will focus on the future of energy in the West--on a “managed transition” to a different energy mix, on the need to nest this effort in a framework that acknowledges interconnections, and on identifying the most salient opportunities to consider the legal, political, financial, and technical challenges.