Conference Proceedings
AGENDA: A Low-Carbon Energy Blueprint for the American West, University of Colorado Boulder. Natural Resources Law Center; University of Colorado Boulder. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Institute; Western Resource Advocates; and Rocky Mountain Research Station (Fort Collins, Colo.)
VIDEO: Bill Ritter Keynote: Energy Outlook, Bill Ritter, Tom Kenworthy, and Karin Sheldon
VIDEO: Conservation: Less Demand, Less Carbon, John Volkman and Howard Geller
VIDEO: Opening Session: What Does a Low-Carbon Future Look Like?, Robin Newmark, Tom Kenworthy, and Karin Sheldon
VIDEO: Opportunities--Next Steps, Tom Jensen, Victoria Mandell, and Guy Martin
VIDEO: Policy: Energy Justice, Marilyn Averill, Jennifer Turner, Jim Martin, and Kim Craven
VIDEO: Policy: Investing in Energy, Julien Dumoulin-Smith, Jonathan Silver, Gwen Farnsworth, and Ron Lehr
VIDEO: The Overarching Issues: Energy/Water Nexus, Kristen Averyt, Stacy Tellinghuisen, Alex Schroeder, and Robert Wilkinson
VIDEO: The Overarching Issues: The Future of Conventional Fuels, Dag Nummedal, Kevin Doran, Rebecca Watson, and Matthew Most
VIDEO: The Overarching Issues: Transmission and Siting, and Renewables: Renewable Energy Options, Steve Black, Gary Graham, Keith Sparks, Maureen Hand, Tom Jensen, and Paul Komor