VIDEO: The Overarching Issues: Transmission and Siting, and Renewables: Renewable Energy Options

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Event Date



Martz Summer Conference (4th: 2012: Boulder, Colo.)



1:00 p.m. - 2:15 p.m. Transmission and Siting

Moderator and Commentator: Rich Halvey, Program Director--Energy, Western Governor's Association


Public Land Siting: Steve Black, Counselor to the Secretary, U.S. Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C.

The Role of Transmission in Renewable Energy: Gary Graham, Director of the Lands Program, Western Resource Advocates, Boulder, CO; Keith Sparks, Director of Development, Clean Line Energy Partners LLC, Houston, TX

2:15 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Renewable Energy Options

Moderator: Marilyn Averill, Attorney and Doctoral Student in Environmental Studies, Center for Science and Technology Policy Research, University of Colorado, Boulder

Speakers/Panelists: Maureen Hand, Senior Engineer, Technology Systems and Sustainability Analysis Group, Strategic Energy Analysis Center, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Lakewood, CO; Tom Jensen, Partner, Holland & Hart LLP, Washington, D.C.

Commentator: Paul Komor, Associate Director CU Programs, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Institute (RASEI), University of Colorado, Boulder


Rich Halvey, Marilyn Averill

Streaming Media


The future of the planet may depend upon our ability to increase energy supplies even as we reduce carbon emissions. This conference will address how a low-carbon energy program might evolve with a particular focus on the American West. It will focus on the future of energy in the West--on a “managed transition” to a different energy mix, on the need to nest this effort in a framework that acknowledges interconnections, and on identifying the most salient opportunities to consider the legal, political, financial, and technical challenges.
