A collection of articles and book chapters published by the faculty of the University of Colorado Law School.
From Gods to Google, Rebecca Aviel, Margot Kaminski, Toni M. Massaro, and Andrew Keane Woods
A Transformational Agenda for National Security, Maryam Jamshidi
Unseating the Israeli Government from the UN General Assembly in Case of Non-Compliance with the Advisory Opinion of 19 July 2024, Maryam Jamshidi
Anchoring Digital Sovereignty, Vivek Krishnamurthy
How the Antidiscrimination Law of Commercial Transactions Really Works, Helen Norton
Undercover Investigations, Deception, and Democracy, Helen Norton
Taxing Novelty, Amanda Parsons
Tribal Health Self-Determination: The Role of Tribal Health Systems in Actualizing the Highest Attainable Standard of Health for American Indians and Alaska Natives, Vanessa Ann Racehorse
The Significance of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, S. James Anaya
Introduction to the Symposium on Rabiat Akande, "An Imperial History of Race-Religion in International Law", S. James Anaya and Adrien K. Wing
Contract Customization, Sex, and Islamic Law, Rabea N. Benhalim
The Cycle of Delegitimization: Lessons From Dred Scott on the Relationship Between the Supreme Court and the Nation, Jonathon J. Booth
Defining "Healthy" on Food Labels: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back, Alexia Brunet Marks
Transitioning to Regenerative Agriculture One French Fry at a Time, Alexia Brunet Marks
Dissenting Opinion?, Richard B. Collins
Barring Judicial Review, Laura E. Dolbow
Second Amendment Immigration Exceptionalism, Pratheepan Gulasekaram
Domestic Supply (A Feminist Proposal), Jennifer S. Hendricks
Voices In, Voices Out: Impacted Stakeholders and the Governance of AI, Margot Kaminski
Risky Speech Systems: Tort Liability for AI-Generated Illegal Speech, Margot E. Kaminski
Constructing AI Speech, Margot E. Kaminski and Meg Leta Jones
Pandemic-Fighting Technologies? Lessons from COVID-19 for the Pandemics of the Future, Vivek Krishnamurthy and Myka Kollmann
Reflections on the Implied Covenant of Good Faith and Fair Dealing Under Delaware Law: The Case of Sandbagging, Mark J. Loewenstein
Protecting Water, Sustaining Communities: Transforming Groundwater Management Entities into Sources of Power During and After Environmental Crises, Sarah Matsumoto
Climate Risk, Insurance Retreat, and State Response, Mark Nevitt and Michael Pappas
The Structure of U.S. Climate Policy, Michael Pappas
Valuing Social Data, Amanda Parsons and Salome Viljoen
Corporate Climate Targets: Between Science and Climate Washing, Nadav Orian Peer
Race, Disability, and Section 230, Blake Reid
Section 230's Debts, Blake Reid
The Curb-Cut Effect and the Perils of Accessibility without Disability, Blake Reid
Uncommon Carriage, Blake Reid
Consider Buffalo, Pierre Schlag
Un Ésprit Sérieux, Pierre Schlag
Investment Crowdfunding: Anarchy in the U.K.?, Andrew A. Schwartz
Getting Real About Protecting Privacy, Scott Skinner-Thompson
Privacy Without the State?, Scott Skinner-Thompson
Solidifying Students' Right to Gender Expression, Scott Skinner-Thompson
Trans Animus, Scott Skinner-Thompson
Zoom as an In-Person Learning Platform, Sloan G. Speck
The Minerals Challenge for Renewable Energy, Mark Squillace
ChatGPT, AI Large Language Models, and Law, Harry Surden
Glow Up Your YouTube Playlist Video Bangers, Branding & More Educational Technologies, Aamir S. Abdullah, Havilah Joy-Steinmen Bakken, Rachel Evans, Valerie Horton, and Jason Tobinis
How Academic Law Librarian Fellowship Programs Benefit Participants & Sponsoring Institutions, Aamir S. Abdullah and Cody B. James
Oppression in American, Islamic, and Jewish Private Law, Rabea Benhalim
Abortion Law as Protection Narrative, Lolita Buckner Inniss
Foreword: Expanding the Boundaries of Knowledge About Slavery and Its Legacy, Lolita Buckner Inniss
“Aspirations”: The United States and Indigenous Peoples’ Human Rights, Kristen A. Carpenter
Visions for the International Decade of Indigenous Languages 2022-2032, Kristen A. Carpenter, Andrew Cowell, and Alexis Palmer
Humans in the Loop, Rebecca Crootof, Margot E. Kaminski, and W. Nicholson Price II
Sex Exceptionalism in Criminal Law, Aya Gruber
Immigration Enforcement Preemption, Pratheepan Gulasekaram
The Second Amendment's "People" Problem, Pratheepan Gulasekaram
How Private Actors Are Impacting U.S. Economic Sanctions, Maryam Jamshidi
The Private Enforcement of National Security, Maryam Jamshidi
The War on Terror & Vigilante Federalism, Maryam Jamshidi
Regulating the Risks of AI, Margot E. Kaminski
Toward Stronger Data Protection Laws, Margot E. Kaminski
Privacy Peg, Trade Hole: Why We (Still) Shouldn’t Put Data Privacy in Trade Law, Margot E. Kaminski, Kristina Irion, and Svetlana Yakovleva
Communications Law and Policy: Cases and Materials, Jerry Kang, Alan Butler, and Blake E. Reid
Foreword: Looking Back to Move Forward: Exploring the Legacy of U.S. Slavery, Suzette Malveaux
The Future of Intersectionality in Employment Law, Suzette Malveaux
What Twenty-First-Century Free Speech Law Means for Securities Regulation, Helen Norton
Getting to Trustworthiness (But Not Necessarily to Trust), Helen L. Norton
Reconsidering the Public Square, Helen L. Norton
The Shifting Economic Allegiance of Capital Gains, Amanda Parsons
Money Creation and Bank Clearing, Nadav Orian Peer
Book Review, Staci J. Pratt
Racism Pays: How Racial Exploitation Gets Innovation Off the Ground, Daria Roithmayr
The Politicization of Criminal Prosecutions, Wadie E. Said
Twilight of the American State, Pierre J. Schlag
Tribal Air, Jonathan Skinner-Thompson
Sexuality’s Promise for Sexual Privacy, Scott Skinner-Thompson
Electoral Maintenance, Douglas M. Spencer
Redistricting’s Ultimate Antidote, Douglas M. Spencer
A Bold Plan for Saving the Colorado River, Mark Squillace
Accounting for Climate Impacts in Decisionmaking, Mark S. Squillace
Naïve Realism, Cognitive Bias, and the Benefits and Risks of AI, Harry Surden
7 Everyday Useful Westlaw Tips. Plus, Bonus Trick List!, Aamir S. Abdullah
Westlaw’s Key Number System, Aamir S. Abdullah
Pay-to-Playlist: The Commerce of Music Streaming, Christopher Buccafusco and Kristelia A. García
The Truman Show: The Fraudulent Origins of the Former Presidents Act, Paul F. Campos
Roundtable Two: Environmental Law Education: New Techniques in the Classroom And Beyond, Lincoln Davies, Karrigan Bork, and Sarah Krakoff
Blind Justice: Algorithms and Neutrality in the Case of Redistricting, Moon Duchin and Douglas M. Spencer
The (Un)just Use of Transition Minerals: How Efforts to Achieve a Low-Carbon Economy Continue to Violate Indigenous Rights, Kathleen Finn and Christina A.W. Stanton
Authoring Prior Art, Joseph P. Fishman and Kristelia A. García
Disaster Vulnerability, Lisa Grow, Brigham Daniels, Douglas M. Spencer, Chantel Sloan, Natalie Blades, and Teresa Gomez
Affirmative Consent, Aya Gruber
Criminal “Justice” as Racial Justice?, Aya Gruber
Humanizing Animals, Dehumanizing Humans, Aya Gruber
United States, Aya Gruber
Anti-Asian American Racism, COVID-19, Racism Contested, Humor, and Empathy, Peter H. Huang
Realizing Diversity, Sustainability, and Stakeholder Capitalism, Peter H. Huang
Resistance Is Not Futile: Challenging AAPI Hate, Peter H. Huang
The Case for Data Privacy Rights (Or 'Please, a Little Optimism'), Margot E. Kaminski
Carceral Progressivism and Animal Victims, Benjamin Levin
Criminal Law Exceptionalism, Benjamin Levin
Victims’ Rights Revisited, Benjamin Levin
A Taxonomy of Silencing: The Law’s 100 Year Suppression of the Tulsa Race Massacre, Suzette M. Malveaux
Endangered Claims: How the U.S. Civil Procedure System Mimics the Wild, Suzette M. Malveaux
Is It Time for a New Civil Rights Act? Pursuing Procedural Justice in the Federal Civil Court System, Suzette M. Malveaux
Hunting and Gathering on the Legal Information Savannah, Susan Nevelow Mart, Adam Litzler, and David Gunderman
A Framework for Thinking About the Government’s Speech and the Constitution, Helen Norton
Distrust, Negative First Amendment Theory, and the Regulation of Lies, Helen Norton
Manipulation and the First Amendment, Helen Norton
The Press’s Responsibilities as a First Amendment Institution, Helen Norton
Cryptocurrency, Legibility, and Taxation, Amanda Parsons
May I Pay More? Lessons from Jarrett for Blockchain Tax Policy, Amanda Parsons
Tax's Digital Labor Dilemma, Amanda Parsons
Against Domestic Violence: Public and Private Prosecution of Batterers, Carolyn B. Ramsey
Voter Data, Democratic Inequality, and the Risk of Political Violence, Bertrall L. Ross II and Douglas M. Spencer
Frustration, the MAC Clause, and COVID-19, Andrew A. Schwartz
Procedural Environmental Justice, Jonathan Skinner-Thompson
Anti-Subordination Torts, Scott Skinner-Thompson
Debunking the Myth that Police Body Cams Are Civil Rights Tool, Scott Skinner-Thompson
Identity by Committee, Scott Skinner-Thompson
Introduction: Privacy Studies, Surveillance Law, Scott Skinner-Thompson
Survival Voting and Minority Political Rights, Douglas M. Spencer, Lisa Grow Sun, Brigham Daniels, Chantel Sloan, and Natalie Blades
Against the Wind: James Boyd White and the Struggle to Keep Law Alive, Todd M. Stafford
Book Review, Jill Sturgeon
Fastcase Features: A Quick Guide for Former Casemaker Users, Baylee Suskin
Rennard Strickland: Legal Historian and Leader, Charles Wilkinson
A Novel Response: How Law Libraries Adapted to the Pandemic, Aamir S. Abdullah
Book Review, Aamir S. Abdullah
Introduction to the Symposium on the Impact of Indigenous Peoples on International Law, S. James Anaya and Antony Anghie
Introduction To The Symposium: The Stakes For Critical Legal Theory, Elizabeth S. Anker and Justin Desautels-Stein
Introduction to the Symposium: The Stakes for Critical Legal Theory, Elizabeth S. Anker and Justin Desautels-Stein
Environmental Law, Disrupted by COVID-19, Rebecca Bratspies, Vanessa Casado Peréz, Robin Kundis Craig, Lissa Griffin, Sarah Krakoff, Keith Hirokawa, Katrina Kuh, Jessica Owley, Melissa Powers, Shannon Roesler, Jonathan Rosenbloom, J. B. Ruhl, Erin Ryan, and David Takacs
Transformative Silence and Protest, Deborah J. Cantrell
Living the Sacred: Indigenous Peoples and Religious Freedom, Kristen A. Carpenter
Indigenous Peoples and Diplomacy on the World Stage, Kristen Carpenter and Alexey Tsykarev
Catalyzing Privacy Law, Anupam Chander, Margot E. Kaminski, and William McGeveran
The Political (Mis)Representation of Immigrants in Voting, Ming H. Chen and Hunter Knapp
The Political (Mis)Representation of Immigrants in the Census, Ming Hsu Chen
American Common Market Redux, Richard Collins
A Prolegomenon to the Study of Racial Ideology in the Era of International Human Rights, Justin Desautels-Stein
Historiography, Ideology, and Law: An Introduction, Justin Desautels-Stein and Samuel Moyn
Introduction: History, Ideology, and the Crisis of Legal Critique, Justin Desautels-Stein and Samuel Moyn
On the Domestication of Critical Legal History, Justin Desautels-Stein and Samuel Moyn
Deep Cuts: Four Critiques of Legal Ideology, Justin Desautels-Stein and Akbar Rasulov
Models, Race, and the Law, Moon Duchin and Douglas M. Spencer
Structural Deregulation, Jody Freeman and Sharon Jacobs
Policing and "Bluelining", Aya Gruber
The Fourth Amendment’s Forgotten Free-Speech Dimensions, Aya Gruber
When We Breathe: Re-Envisioning Safety and Justice in a Post-Floyd Era, Aya Gruber
Abortion Rights in the Supreme Court: A Tale of Three Wedges, Jennifer S. Hendricks
Pandemic Emotions: The Good, The Bad, and The Unconscious —Implications for Public Health, Financial Economics, Law, and Leadership, Peter H. Huang
Put More Women in Charge and Other Leadership Lessons from COVID-19, Peter H. Huang
It's About Bloody Time and Space, Lolita Buckner Inniss
Slavery and the Postbellum University: The Case of SMU, Lolita Buckner Inniss and Skyler Arbuckle
Agency Genesis and the Energy Transition, Sharon B. Jacobs
Technological 'Disruption' of the Law's Imagined Scene: Some Lessons from Lex Informatica, Margot Kaminski
The Law of AI, Margot Kaminski
Algorithmic Impact Assessments Under the GDPR: Producing Multi-Layered Explanations, Margot E. Kaminski and Gianclaudio Malgieri
The Right to Contest AI, Margot E. Kaminski and Jennifer M. Urban
A Grammar of Legal Thought, Derek H. Kiernan-Johnson
Decarceration and Default Mental States, Benjamin Levin
Imagining the Progressive Prosecutor, Benjamin Levin
Wage Theft Criminalization, Benjamin Levin
Shareholder Primacy and the Moral Obligation of Directors, Mark J. Loewenstein and Jay Geyer
Getting Real About Procedure: Changing How We Think, Write and Teach About American Civil Procedure, Suzette M. Malveaux
Free Speech and Democracy: A Primer for Twenty-First Century Reformers, Toni M. Massaro and Helen Norton
Government Falsehoods, Democratic Harm, and the Constitution, Helen Norton
How The Supreme Court Talks About the Press (and Why We Should Care), Helen Norton
Women's Votes, Women's Voices, and the Limits of Criminal Justice Reform, 1911-1950, Carolyn B. Ramsey
Women’s Votes, Women’s Voices, and the Limits of Criminal Justice Reform, 1911–1950, Carolyn B. Ramsey
Copyright and Disability, Blake E. Reid
Decolonizing Indigenous Migration, Angela R. Riley and Kristen A. Carpenter
Agonistic Privacy & Equitable Democracy, Scott Skinner-Thompson
Sanctuary Cities and the Power of the Purse: An Executive Dole Test, Douglas M. Spencer
Best Regulatory Practices for Deep Seabed Mining: Lessons Learned from the U.S. Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act, Mark S. Squillace
Researching Colorado Employment Law, Jill Sturgeon
AI Loyalty: A New Paradigm for Aligning Stakeholder Interests, Anthony Aguirre, Gaia Dempsey, Harry Surden, and Peter B. Reiner
(Carbon) Farming Our Way Out of Climate Change, Alexia Brunet Marks
Taming America's Sugar Rush: A Traffic-Light Label Approach, Alexia Brunet Marks
Project Protect Food Systems' Colorado Coronavirus Crisis Essential Food System Worker Policy Response Agenda, Alexia Brunet Marks, Hunter Knapp, and Nicole Civita
Implementing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in the United States: A Call to Action for Inspired Advocacy in Indian Country., Kristen Carpenter, Edyael Casaperalta, and Danielle Lazore-Thompson
(Indigenous) Language as a Human Right, Kristen Carpenter and Alexey Tsykarev
Citizenship Denied: Implications of the Naturalization Backlog for Noncitizens in the Military, Ming H. Chen
Making Litigating Citizenship More Fair, Ming H. Chen
How Much Procedure Is Needed for Agencies to Change “Novel” Regulatory Policies?, Ming Hsu Chen
Monetizing Infringement, Kristelia García
Super-Statutory Contracting, Kristelia García
Copyright and Economic Viability: Evidence from the Music Industry, Kristelia García, James Hicks, and Justin McCrary
Against Regulatory Stimulus, Erik F. Gerding
Remutualization, Erik F. Gerding
Do Abolitionism and Constitutionalism Mix?, Aya Gruber
#MeToo and Mass Incarceration, Aya Gruber
Race-of-Victim Disparities and the "Level Up" Problem, Aya Gruber
The Troubling Alliance Between Feminism and Policing, Aya Gruber
Global Energy Poverty: The Relevance of Faith and Reason, Lakshman Guruswamy
Unsafe at Any Campus: Don't Let Colleges Become the Next Cruise Ships, Nursing Homes, and Food Processing Plants, Peter H. Huang and Debra S. Austin
Can You Hear Me Later and Believe Me Now? Behavioral Law and Economics of Chronic Repeated Ambient Acoustic Pollution Causing Noise-Induced (Hidden) Hearing Loss, Peter H. Huang and Kelly J. Poore
Race, Space, and Surveillance: A Response to #LivingWhileBlack: Blackness as Nuisance, Lolita Buckner Inniss
(Un)Common Law and the Female Body, Lolita Buckner Inniss
While the Water is Stirring: Sojourner Truth as Proto-agonist in the Fight for (Black) Women’s Rights, Lolita Buckner Inniss
A Recent Renaissance in Privacy Law, Margot Kaminski
Are Data Privacy Laws Trade Barriers?, Margot Kaminski
Symposium: The California Consumer Privacy Act, Margot Kaminski, Jacob Snow, Felix Wu, and Justin Hughes
Facilitating Collaborative Metadata Creation for Faculty-initiated Digital Projects, R. Cecilia Knight, Elizabeth Rodrigues, and Rebecca Ciota
Intersectionality in the Opioid Crisis: Anti-Black Racism and White, Pregnant, Opioid Users, Craig Konnoth
Medical Civil Rights as a Site of Activism: A Reply to Critics, Craig Konnoth
Medicalization and the New Civil Rights, Craig Konnoth
Medicalization and the New Civil Rights, Craig Konnoth
Narrowly Tailoring the COVID-19 Response, Craig Konnoth
Regulatory De-Arbitrage in Twenty-First Century Cures Act's Health Information Regulation, Craig Konnoth
Not Yet America's Best Idea: Law, Inequality, and Grand Canyon National Park, Sarah Krakoff
Not Yet America's Best Idea: Law, Inequality, and Grand Canyon National Park, Sarah Krakoff
Criminal Law in Crisis, Benjamin Levin
Criminal Law in Crisis, Benjamin Levin
De-Democratizing Criminal Law, Benjamin Levin
What's Wrong With Police Unions?, Benjamin Levin
Pushing the Envelope: Salzberg v. Sciabacucchi and Delaware's Evolving View of the Internal Affairs Doctrine, Mark J. Loewenstein
Foreword, National Injunctions: What Does the Future Hold?, Suzette Malveaux
National Injunctions: What Does The Future Hold?, Suzette Malveaux
Procedural Law, the Supreme Court, and the Erosion of Private Rights Enforcement, Suzette M. Malveaux
Beyond the Marrakesh VIP Treaty: Typology of copyright access-enabling provisions for persons with disabilities, Caroline B. Ncube, Blake E. Reid, and Desmond O. Oriakhogba
Discrimination, the Speech That Enables It, and the First Amendment, Helen Norton
Reproductive Health Care Exceptionalism and the Pandemic, Helen Norton
Public Purpose Finance: The Government's Role as Lender, Nadav Orian Peer
The Failure of the Criminal Procedure Revolution, William T. Pizzi
Internet Architecture and Disability, Blake E. Reid
Telehealth and Telework Accessibility in a Pandemic-Induced Virtual World, Blake Reid, Christian Vogler, and Zainab Alkebsi
Contracts and COVID-19, Andrew A. Schwartz
Crowdfunding Issuers in the United States, Andrew A. Schwartz
Administrative Law's Extraordinary Cases, Jonathan Skinner-Thompson
HIV Law and Policy in the United States: A Tipping Point, Scott Skinner-Thompson
‘‘Appearance of Corruption’’: Linking Public Opinion and Campaign Finance Reform, Douglas M. Spencer and Alexander G. Theodoridis
Restoring the Public Interest in Western Water Law, Mark Squillace
Honoring Sally Jewell, Charles Wilkinson
The Belloni Decision: A Foundation for the Northwest Fisheries Cases, the National Tribal Sovereignty Movement, and an Understanding of the Rule of Law, Charles Wilkinson
From the Courtroom to the Classroom: How a Litigator Became a Transactional Drafting Professor, Amy Bauer
Religious Courts in Secular Jurisdictions: How Jewish and Islamic Courts Adapt to Societal and Legal Norms, Rabea Benhalim
The Case for American Muslim Arbitration, Rabea Benhalim
The Architecture of Drama: How Lawyers Can Use Screenwriting Techniques to Tell More Compelling Stories, Teresa M. Bruce
A Constitution for the Age of Demagogues: Using the Twenty-Fifth Amendment to Remove an Unfit President, Paul F. Campos
Love, Anger, and Social Change, Deborah J. Cantrell
Privatizing the Reservation?, Kristen A. Carpenter and Angela R. Riley
Silence and the Second Wall, Ming H. Chen and Zachary New
Savior of Rural Landscapes or Solomon's Choice? Colorado's Experiment with Alternative Water Transfer Methods for Water (ATMs), Lisa Dilling, John Berggren, Jennifer Henderson, and Douglas Kenney
Copyright Arbitrage, Kristelia A. García
A Reconsideration of Copyright's Term, Kristelia A. García and Justin McCrary
Talking about Black Lives Matter and #MeToo, Linda S. Greene, Lolita Buckner Inniss, Bridget J. Crawford, Mehrsa Baradaran, Noa Ben-Asher, I. Bennett Capers, Osamudia R. James, and Keisha Lindsay
Sex Wars as Proxy Wars, Aya Gruber
The Left's Law-and-Order Agenda, Aya Gruber
Sustainable Development: Energy, Justice, and Women, Lakshman Guruswamy
The Use of Courts to Protect the Environmental Commons, Lakshman Guruswamy
Mindfulness in Legal Ethics and Professionalism, Peter H. Huang
Mindfulness in Legal Ethics and Professionalism, Peter H. Huang
The Statutory Separation of Powers, Sharon B. Jacobs
Lessons from Literal Crashes for Code, Margot Kaminski
Binary Governance: Lessons from the GDPR’s Approach to Algorithmic Accountability, Margot E. Kaminski
The Right to Explanation, Explained, Margot E. Kaminski
Keynote: The Protection of LGBT Youth, Craig Konnoth
Drugs' Other Side Effects, Craig J. Konnoth
Environmental Justice and the Possibilities for Environmental Law, Sarah Krakoff
Mens Rea Reform and Its Discontents, Benjamin Levin
Inside the Black Box of Search Algorithms, Susan Nevelow Mart, Joe Breda, Ed Walters, Tito Sierra, and Khalid Al-Kofahi
No Longer a Second-Class Class Action? Finding Common Ground in the Debate over Wage Collective Actions with Best Practices for Litigation and Adjudication, Scott A. Moss and Nantiya Ruan
Powerful Speakers and Their Listeners, Helen Norton
Pregnancy and the First Amendment, Helen Norton
The Uses and Abuses of the Government's Tools of Information Control, Helen Norton
Negotiating the Lender of Last Resort: The 1913 Federal Reserve Act as a Debate over Credit Distribution, Nadav Orian Peer
Shadow Health Records Meet New Data Privacy Laws, W. Nicholson Price II, Margot E. Kaminski, Timo Minssen, and Kayte Spector-Bagdady
Passive Voter Suppression: Campaign Mobilization and the Effective Disfranchisement of the Poor, Bertrall L. Ross II and Douglas M. Spencer
Mandatory Disclosure in Primary Markets, Andrew A. Schwartz
Recording as Heckling, Scott Skinner-Thompson
Human Rights Racism, Anna Spain Bradley
Rethinking Public Land Use Planning, Mark Squillace
Artificial Intelligence and Law: An Overview, Harry Surden
That Was Close! Reward Reporting of Cybersecurity “Near Misses”, Jonathan Bair, Steven M. Bellovin, Andrew Manley, Blake Reid, and Adam Shostak
Book Review, Rabea N. Benhalim
The Evolution of Entrepreneurial Finance: A New Typology, J. Brad Bernthal
Character Flaws, Frederic Bloom
What a Technical Services Librarian Wants Their Library Director to Know, Georgia Briscoe
Feeding the Eco-Consumer, Alexia Brunet Marks
The Economics of American Higher Education in the New Gilded Age, Paul Campos
Celebrating Mundane Conflict, Deborah J. Cantrell
Leveraging Social Science Expertise in Immigration Policymaking, Ming H. Chen
Sanctuary Networks and Integrative Enforcement, Ming Hsu Chen
To Sue and Be Sued: Capacity and Immunity of American Indian Nations, Richard B. Collins
Navigating Law Librarianship While Black: A Week in the Life of a Black Female Law Librarian, Shamika Dalton, Gail Mathapo, and Endia Sowers-Paige
Responsible Resource Development: A Strategic Plan to Consider Social and Cultural Impacts of Tribal Extractive Industry Development, Carla F. Fredericks, Kate Finn, Erica Gajda, and Jesse Heibel
Standing Rock, the Sioux Treaties, and the Limits of the Supremacy Clause, Carla F. Fredericks and Jesse D. Heibel
Commentary, Improving the Quality and Consistency of Copyright Infringement Analysis in Music, Kristelia A. García
Technological Rights Accretion, Kristelia A. García
Dethroning the Hierarchy of Authority, Amy J. Griffin
Equal Protection Under the Carceral State, Aya Gruber
Beyond Brooke Group: Bringing Reality to the Law of Predatory Pricing, C. Scott Hemphill and Philip J. Weiser
Arguing with the Building Inspector About Gender-Neutral Bathrooms, Jennifer S. Hendricks
Adventures in Higher Education, Happiness, and Mindfulness, Peter H. Huang
Boost: Improving Mindfulness, Thinking, and Diversity, Peter H. Huang
'A Southern College Slipped from Its Geographical Moorings': Slavery at Princeton, Lolita Buckner Inniss
Panel 1: Robotic Speech and the First Amendment, Bruce E. H. Johnson, Helen Norton, and David Skover
The GDPR’s Version of Algorithmic Accountability, Margot Kaminski
The Potemkin Temptation or, The Intoxicating Effect of Rhetoric and Narrativity on American Craft Whiskey, Derek H. Kiernan-Johnson
Data Collection, EHRs, and Poverty Determinations, Craig Konnoth
Public Lands, Conservation, and the Possibility of Justice, Sarah Krakoff
Criminal Employment Law, Benjamin Levin
Rethinking the Boundaries of "Criminal Justice", Benjamin Levin
The Consensus Myth in Criminal Justice Reform, Benjamin Levin
Tracking Colorado Legislation, Robert Linz
Thinking Fast and Slow About the Concept of Materiality, Mark J. Loewenstein
Preclusion Law as a Model for National Injunctions, Suzette M. Malveaux
Results May Vary, Susan Nevelow Mart
Understanding the Human Element in Search Algorithms and Discovering How It Affects Search Results, Susan Nevelow Mart
Antiquities Act: Legal Implications for Executive and Congressional Action, James McElfish, Brenda Mallory, Mark Squillace, and Jonathan Wood
(At Least) Thirteen Ways of Looking at Election Lies, Helen Norton
Excavating the Forgotten Suspension Clause, Helen Norton
Government Lies and the Press Clause, Helen Norton
Remedies and the Government's Constitutionally Harmful Speech, Helen Norton
Robotic Speakers and Human Listeners, Helen Norton
The Government's Manufacture of Doubt, Helen Norton
Researching Colorado Health Law, Kerri Rowe
Limitless Discretion in the Wars on Drugs and Terror, Wadie E. Said
Surgical Residents and Medical Malpractice, Adam C. Schaffer, Susan Nevelow Mart, and McKinley Glover
Two Pedagogies in Search of Synergy, Lisa Schultz and Susan Nevelow Mart
The Gatekeepers of Crowdfunding, Andrew A. Schwartz
Equity Crowdfunding in New Zealand, Andrew A. Schwartz
Privacy's Double Standards, Scott Skinner-Thompson
The First Queer Right, Scott Skinner-Thompson
Book Review, Anna Spain Bradley
The Disruptive Neuroscience of Judicial Choice, Anna Spain Bradley
Corporations as Conduits: A Cautionary Note About Regulating Hypotheticals, Douglas M. Spencer
Bloomberg’s Points of Law: Can They Compete with Headnotes?, Jill Sturgeon
Bridges II: The Law--STEM Alliance & Next Generation Innovation, Harry Surden
Its Own Dubious Battle: The Impossible Defense of an Effective Right to Strike, Ahmed White
"At Bears Ears We Can Hear the Voices of Our Ancestors in Every Canyon and on Every Mesa Top": The Creation of the First Native National Monument, Charles Wilkinson
Mitigating State Sovereignty: The Duty to Consult with Indigenous Peoples, S. James Anaya and Sergio Puig
Beyond Zero-Sum Environmentalism, Shalanda H. Baker, Robin Kundis Craig, John C. Dernbach, Keith Hirokawa, Sarah Krakoff, Jessica Owley, Melissa Powers, Shannon Roesler, Jonathan Rosenbloom, J. B. Ruhl, Jim Salzman, Inara Scott, and David Takacs
Introducing Govinfo: A New Source for Federal Government Documents Online, Erik Beck
Who Needs Contracts? Generalized Exchange Within Investment Accelerators, Brad Bernthal
Agency Innovation in Vermont Yankee's White Space, Emily S. Bremer and Sharon B. Jacobs
Is Legal Scholarship Worth Its Cost?, Paul Campos
The Extraordinary Rise and Sudden Decline of Law School Tuition: A Case Study of Veblen Effects in Higher Education, Paul F. Campos
Administrator-in-Chief: The President and Executive Action in Immigration Law, Ming H. Chen
Responsible Resource Development and Prevention of Sex Trafficking: Safeguarding Native Women and Children on the Fort Berthold Reservation, Kathleen Finn, Erica Gajda, Thomas Perin, and Carla Fredericks
Operationalizing Free, Prior, and Informed Consent, Carla F. Fredericks
Indigenous Rights of Standing Rock: Federal Courts and Beyond, Carla F. Fredericks, Rebecca Adamson, Nick Pelosi, and Jesse Heibel
Royalty Securitization, Kristelia García
Fathers and Feminism: The Case Against Genetic Entitlement, Jennifer S. Hendricks
The Wages of Genetic Entitlement: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly in the Rape Survivor Child Custody Act, Jennifer S. Hendricks
Achieving American Retirement Prosperity by Changing Americans' Thinking About Retirement, Peter H. Huang
Can Practicing Mindfulness Improve Lawyer Decision-Making, Ethics, and Leadership?, Peter H. Huang
Administrative Dissents, Sharon B. Jacobs
Disruptive Platforms, Margot Kaminski
Authorship, Disrupted: AI Authors in Copyright and First Amendment Law, Margot E. Kaminski
Privacy and the Right to Record, Margot E. Kaminski
Standing After Snowden: Lessons on Privacy Harm from National Security Surveillance Litigation, Margot E. Kaminski
Copyright's Framing Problem, Margot E. Kaminski and Guy A. Rub
Averting Robot Eyes, Margot E. Kaminski, Matthew Rueben, William D. Smart, and Cindy M. Grimm
An Expressive Theory of Privacy Intrusions, Craig Konnoth
Health Information Equity, Craig Konnoth
They Were Here First: American Indian Tribes, Race, and the Constitutional Minimum, Sarah Krakoff
Agency Law and the New Economy, Mark J. Loewenstein
Benefit Corporation Law, Mark J. Loewenstein
A Prescription for Overcoming Gender Inequity in Complex Litigation: An Idea Whose Time Has Come, Suzette M. Malveaux
Class Actions, Civil Rights, and the National Injunction, Suzette M. Malveaux
The Impact of Wal-Mart v. Dukes on Employment Discrimination Class Actions Five Years Out: A Forecast that Suggests More of a Wave than a Tsunami, Suzette M. Malveaux
The Modern Class Action Rule: Its Civil Rights Roots and Relevance Today, Suzette M. Malveaux
Every Algorithm Has a POV, Susan Nevelow Mart
Research Algorithms Have a Point of View: The Effect of Human Decision Making on Your Search Results, Susan Nevelow Mart
The Algorithm as a Human Artifact: Implications for Legal [Re]Search, Susan Nevelow Mart
SIRI-OUSLY 2.0: What Artificial Intelligence Reveals About the First Amendment, Toni M. Massaro, Helen Norton, and Margot E. Kaminski
The Future of Natural Resources Law, Andy Mergen, Holly Doremus, Charles Wilkinson, and Dave Owen
"Make Him an Offer He Can't Refuse"-- Mezzanatto Waivers as Lynchpin of Prosecutorial Overreach, Christopher B. Mueller
Taking a Second Look at MDL Product Liability Settlements: Somebody Needs to Do It, Christopher B. Mueller
Conservatives and the Court, Robert F. Nagel
Checking the Government’s Deception Through Public Employee Speech, Helen Norton
Employers' Duties of Honesty and Accuracy, Helen Norton
Government Speech and the War on Terror, Helen Norton
Firearms in the Family, Carolyn B. Ramsey
Environmental Impacts of the Border Wall, David Roche, Dan Mills, Andy Gordon, Sarah Krakoff, and Sarah Burt
The Law Review Article, Pierre Schlag
Performative Privacy, Scott Skinner-Thompson
Rules for Digital Radicals, Scott Skinner-Thompson
Book Review, Anna Spain Bradley
Cognitive Competence in Executive-Branch Decision Making, Anna Spain Bradley
Presidents Lack the Authority to Abolish or Diminish National Monuments, Mark Squillace, Eric Biber, Nicholas S. Bryner, and Sean B. Hecht
Envisioning 100% Access to Justice in Colorado, Daniel M. Taubman and Melissa Hart
Entrepreneurial Administration, Philip J. Weiser
The Chow: Depictions of the Criminal Justice System as a Character in Crime Fiction, Marianne Wesson
Book Review, Ahmed White
The Labor Movement and the Dilemma of Direct Confrontation, Ahmed White
Closing Fireside Chat with the Assistant Attorney General for the U.S. Department of Justice Antitrust Division, William Baer and Philip J. Weiser
Investment Accelerators, Brad Bernthal
Environmental Law, Big Data, and the Torrent of Singularities, William Boyd
Accidents of Federalism: Ratemaking and Policy Innovation in Public Utility Law, William Boyd and Ann E. Carlson
How Presidents Interpret the Constitution, Harold H. Bruff
The President's Faithful Execution Duty, Harold H. Bruff
A New Governance Recipe for Food Safety Regulation, Alexia Brunet Marks
The Right to Regulate (Cooperatively), Alexia Brunet Marks
What Predicts Law Student Success? A Longitudinal Study Correlating Law Student Applicant Data and Law School Outcomes, Alexia Brunet Marks and Scott A. Moss
Love, Anger, and Lawyering, Deborah J. Cantrell
Practicing Practical Wisdom, Deborah J. Cantrell and Kenneth Sharpe
Beyond Legality: The Legitimacy of Executive Action in Immigration Law, Ming H. Chen
Trust in Immigration Enforcement: State Noncooperation and Sanctuary Cities After Secure Communities, Ming H. Chen
A Context for Legal History, or, This is Not Your Father’s Contextualism, Justin Desautels-Stein
From Apology to Utopia’s Point of Attack, Justin Desautels-Stein
International Legal Structuralism: A Primer, Justin Desautels-Stein
Facilitating Competition by Remedial Regulation, Kristelia A. García
Inside Safe Assets, Anna Gelpern and Erik F. Gerding
Disclosure 2.0: Can Technology Solve Overload, Complexity, and Other Information Failures?, Erik F. Gerding
The Dialectics of Bank Capital: Regulation and Regulatory Capital Arbitrage, Erik F. Gerding
Anti-Rape Culture, Aya Gruber
Consent Confusion, Aya Gruber
Not Affirmative Consent, Aya Gruber
Rape Law Revisited, Aya Gruber
The LGBT Piece of the Underenforcement-Overenforcement Puzzle, Aya Gruber
Zero-Tolerance Comes to International Law, Aya Gruber
Penal Welfare and the New Human Trafficking Intervention Courts, Aya Gruber, Amy J. Cohen, and Kate Mogulescu
Introduction to Model Laws on Lighting, Lakshman Guruswamy
Model Law on Lighting for Developed Countries, Lakshman Guruswamy, Jason Aamodt, Anne Aguirre, Yazan Fattaleh, Gianna Fitzsimmons, Teresa Milligan, and Giedre Stasiunaite
Model Law on Lighting for Developing Countries, Lakshman Guruswamy, Audrey M. Huang, Mahir Haque, and Ugyen Tshering
An Introduction to Foreign and International Legal Research Tools, Nick Harrell
Re-Ordering the First Amendment, Melissa Hart
Genetic Essentialism in Family Law, Jennifer S. Hendricks
Schrödinger's Child: Non-Identity and Probabilities in Reproductive Decision-Making, Jennifer S. Hendricks
Meta-Mindfulness: A New Hope, Peter H. Huang
Energy Deference, Sharon B. Jacobs
The Energy Prosumer, Sharon B. Jacobs
When the Default Is No Penalty: Negotiating Privacy at the NTIA, Margot E. Kaminski
Prior Consistent Statements: The Dangers of Misinterpreting Recently Amended Federal Rule of Evidence 801(d)(1)(B), Laird C. Kirkpatrick and Christopher B. Mueller
Classification Standards for Health Information: Ethical and Practical Approaches, Craig Konnoth
Spelling Out Spokeo, Craig Konnoth and Seth Kreimer
Criminal Labor Law, Benjamin Levin
Guns and Drugs, Benjamin Levin
Values and Assumptions in Criminal Adjudication, Benjamin Levin
Saving the Public Interest Class Action by Unpacking Theory and Doctrinal Functionality, Suzette M. Malveaux
From the Editor, Susan Nevelow Mart
Siri-ously? Free Speech Rights and Artificial Intelligence, Toni M. Massaro and Helen Norton
Colorado Rule of Evidence 502: Preserving Privilege and Work Product Protection in Discovery, Christopher B. Mueller, Ronald J. Hedges, and Lino S. Lipinsky
Recovering Forgotten Struggles over the Constitutional Meaning of Equality, Helen Norton
Truth and Lies in the Workplace: Employer Speech and the First Amendment, Helen Norton
Regulating Software When Everything Has Software, Paul Ohm and Blake Reid
Comparative Reflections on Duncan v. Louisiana and Baldwin v. New York, William Pizzi
The Effects of the “Vanishing Trial” on Our Incarceration Rate, William T. Pizzi
Owning Red: A Theory of Indian (Cultural) Appropriation, Angela R. Riley and Kristen A. Carpenter
Financing Corporate Elections, Andrew A. Schwartz
Inclusive Crowdfunding, Andrew A. Schwartz
Marriage, Abortion, and Coming Out, Scott Skinner-Thompson, Sylvia A. Law, and Hugh Baran
Tax Planning and Policy Drift, Sloan G. Speck
The Social Boundaries of Corporate Taxation, Sloan G. Speck
Managing Unconventional Oil and Gas Development as if Communities Mattered, Mark Squillace
Marketing Conserved Water, Mark Squillace and Anthony McLeod
Technological Opacity, Predictability, and Self-Driving Cars, Harry Surden and Mary-Anne Williams
The Forgotten Core of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, Philip J. Weiser
In the Shadows of Sunlight: The Effects of Transparency on State Political Campaigns, Abby K. Wood and Douglas M. Spencer
Introduction, S. James Anaya
Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples on Extractive Industries and Indigenous Peoples, S. James Anaya
Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples on the Situation of Indigenous Peoples in Canada, S. James Anaya
Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples on the Situation of Indigenous Peoples in the Republic of the Congo, S. James Anaya
Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples on the Situation of Indigenous Peoples in the United States of America, S. James Anaya
Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples on the Situation of Maori People in New Zealand, S. James Anaya
The Law's Clock, Frederic Bloom
Countersupermajoritarianism, Frederic Bloom and Nelson Tebbe
The Risks We Are Willing to Eat: Food Imports and Safety, Alexia Brunet Marks
Lawyers and Spoiled Identity, Paul Campos
Food Policy and Cognitive Bias, Paul F. Campos
Did Multicultural America Result from a Mistake? The 1965 Immigration Act and Evidence from Roll Call Votes, Gabriel J. Chin and Douglas M. Spencer
Book Review, Justin Desautels-Stein
Structuralist Legal Histories, Justin Desautels-Stein
Foreword: Theorizing Contemporary Legal Thought, Justin Desautels-Stein and Duncan Kennedy
Administering Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act After Shelby County, Christopher S. Elmendorf and Douglas M. Spencer
Plenary Energy, Carla F. Fredericks
From Access to Success: Affirmative Action Outcomes in a Class-Based System, Matthew N. Gaertner and Melissa Hart
Private and Public Ordering in Safe Asset Markets, Anna Gelpern and Erik F. Gerding
Bank Regulation and Securitization: How the Law Improved Transmission Lines Between Real Estate and Banking Crises, Erik F. Gerding
Anti-Rape Culture, Aya Gruber
A Provocative Defense, Aya Gruber
When Theory Met Practice: Distributional Analysis in Critical Criminal Law Theorizing, Aya Gruber
Mental Illness in the Library: Ten Tips to Better Serve Patrons, Nick Harrell and Cindy Guyer
The More Things Change . . . : Exploring Solutions to Persisting Discrimination in Legal Academia, Melissa Hart
How Improving Decision-Making and Mindfulness Can Improve Legal Ethics and Professionalism, Peter H. Huang
The Zombie Lawyer Apocalypse, Peter H. Huang and Corie Rosen Felder
Seeing Red: Anger Increases How Much Republican Identification Predicts Partisan Attitudes and Perceived Polarization, Michaela Huber, Leaf Van Boven, Bernadette Park, and William T. Pizzi
Cherokee Freedmen and the Color of Belonging, Lolita Buckner Inniss
Bypassing Federalism and the Administrative Law of Negawatts, Sharon B. Jacobs
Who Regulates the Robots, Margot Kaminski
Regulating Real-World Surveillance, Margot E. Kaminski
Robots in the Home: What Will We Have Agreed To?, Margot E. Kaminski
The Conforming Effect: First Amendment Implications of Surveillance, Beyond Chilling Speech, Margot E. Kaminski and Shane Witnov
Revoking Rights, Craig J. Konnoth
CU Law Library Launches New Resource for Historical Colorado Statutory Research, Robert M. Linz
Research Analysis and Planning: The Undervalued Skill in Legal Research Instruction, Robert M. Linz
Equity and Corporate Law, Mark J. Loewenstein
Reflections on Teaching Business Associations: The Case for Teaching More Agency and Unincorporated Business Entity Law, Mark J. Loewenstein
A Pragmatic Approach to Interpreting the Federal Rules, Suzette M. Malveaux
Research Strategies Using Headnotes: Citators and Relevance, Susan Nevelow Mart
Toward a Structural Theory of Implicit Racial and Ethnic Bias in Health Care, Dayna Bowen Matthew
A Few Thoughts on Free Speech Constitutionalism, Helen Norton
Cyberharassment and Workplace Law, Helen Norton
Government Speech and Political Courage, Helen Norton
How Do We Know When Speech Is of Low Value?, Helen Norton
The Government's Lies and the Constitution, Helen Norton